[ISN] Russia thwarts hacker attacks of Yeltsin Web chat

From: mea culpa (jerichoat_private)
Date: Thu May 14 1998 - 13:32:16 PDT

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    Forwarded From: Nelson Murilo <nelsonat_private>
       Tuesday May 12 3:14 PM EDT 
    Russia thwarts hacker attacks of Yeltsin Web chat
       MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian state communications security service said
       it had prevented more than 20 hacking attempts into a computer which
       President Boris Yeltsin used during his first Internet chat, Interfax
       news agency said.
       It quoted a senior official with the Federal Agency for Government
       Communication and Information (FAPSI) as saying hackers had tried to
       destroy the computer server, apparently referring to the government
       computer that provided a Russian transcript of the exchanges between
       Yeltsin and a worldwide audience.
       Chris Donohue, who ran the half-hour chat session from the United
       States on the MSNBC Web site, said there had been no apparent assaults
       on the U.S. company's server, which organised the live
       English-language question and answer session.
       "Our server held up beautifully, no attacks were noticeable to our
       team," he said by telephone.
       Donohue said over 4,000 people joined the chat itself, but it could be
       viewed by more people. The FAPSI official said as many as 22,000
       Internet users worldwide visited the chat servers.
       The session yielded little in the way of new insights into Moscow
       But a handful of Web surfers who managed to personally ask Yeltsin
       their questions learned that the president felt in good shape, had
       never puffed a cigarette, owed his bouffant hairstyle to the women in
       his life not to Irish ancestry and that Russia was not ready for a
       woman president.
       FAPSI has said in the past that its lines are virtually impregnable to
       hacking due to high-tech anti-bugging devices and top-secret data
       Teenage hackers from a number of countries including Russia are held
       responsible for a recent assault on the U.S. Pentagon computer systems
       and other military computer networks.
        Copyright © 1998 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved.
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