[ISN] RSI.0005.05-14-98.SUN.LIBNSL

From: mea culpa (jerichot_private)
Date: Wed Jul 01 1998 - 20:51:33 PDT

  • Next message: mea culpa: "Re: [ISN] 'Back door' doesn't get very far"

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                       Repent Security Incorporated, RSI
                           [ http://www.repsec.com ]
    		       *** RSI ALERT ADVISORY ***
    --- [CREDIT] --------------------------------------------------------------
    Matt Conover: Discovered the vulnerabilities
    Mark Zielinski: Author of advisory
    --- [SUMMARY] -------------------------------------------------------------
    Announced:     May 14, 1998
    Report code:   RSI.0005.05-14-98.SUN.LIBNSL
    Report title:  Sun Microsystem's libnsl
    Vulnerability: Insufficient bounds checking
    Vendor status: Contacted, patch under development
    Patch status:  No patch available
    Platforms:     Solaris 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1
    Vulnerable:    Several library functions in libnsl have buffer overflows
    Reference:     http://www.repsec.com/advisories.html
    Impact:	       If exploited, an attacker could potentially compromise
                   both local and remote root access on your server
    --- [DETAILS] -------------------------------------------------------------
    Problem:       Several buffer overflows exist in Sun Microsystem's libnsl
                   networking library.
                   While overwriting the buffer, the attacker can manipulate
                   the stack and execute their own commands, possibly gaining
                   root access on your server.
    	       Functions we have found vulnerable:
    	       Vulnerable key functions:	  
    	       extract_secret ()       : Buffer overflows while copying
    					 data into a local buffer
    	       getkeys_nis () 	       : Buffer overflows if key value
                                             is larger then the buffer	
    	       getpublickey ()	       : Calls getkeys_nis ()
    	       getsecretkey ()         : Calls getkeys_nis ()
    	       Vulnerable RPC functions:
                   authdes_seccreate ()    : Calls getpublickey ()
                   rpc_broadcast_exp ()    : Buffer overflow if allowed to
    				         specify network protocol type
    	       rpc_broadcast ()        : Calls rpc_broadcast_exp ()
    	       clnt_create_timed ()    : Buffer overflow if allowed to
    				         specify network protocol type
    	       host2netname ()	       : Buffer overflow while specifying
    	       getnetname ()	       : Calls host2netname ()
    	       clnt_create ()	       : Calls clnt_create_timed ()
                   rpc_call ()	       : Buffer overflow if allowed to
    				         specify network protocol type
    	       authdes_pk_seccreate () : Calls getnetname ()
                   Vulnerable NIS functions:
                   __nis_init_callback ()  : Calls getpublickey ()
                   __nis_core_lookup ()    : Buffer overflow while copying
    					 paramaters into a local buffer
                   nis_make_rpchandle ()   : Calls host2netname ()
                   nis_dump_r ()           : Calls nis_make_rpchandle ()
                   nis_dump ()             : Calls nis_dump_r ()
                   __nis_auth2princ ()     : Buffer overflow while specifying
    					 machine name
                   __nis_host2nis_server (): Buffer overflow while specifying
                   nis_name_of_r ()        : Buffer overflow while copying
    					 paramaters into a local buffer
    	       nis_old_data_r ()       : Buffer overflow while copying 
    				         paramaters into a local buffer
                   nis_list ()	       : Calls __nis_core_lookup ()
                   nis_add ()	       : Calls nis_nameops ()
                   nis_remove ()           : Calls nis_nameops ()
                   nis_modify ()	       : Calls nis_nameops ()
                   nis_mkdir ()	       : Calls nis_make_rpchandle ()
                   nis_rmdir ()	       : Calls nis_make_rpchandle ()
                   Potentially vulnerable programs:
                   Calls vulnerable RPC functions:
    	         1. nfs mount
    	         2. nfs share
                     3. rpc.rexd
                     4. autofs
                   Calls vulnerable key functions:
                     1. chkey
                     2. keylogin
                     3. setkey
                     4. newkey
                     5. keyserv
                     6. libscheme
                   Calls vulnerable NIS functions:
                     1. rpc.nisd
                     2. rpc.nisdpasswdd
                     3. nisping
                     4. nisaddent
                     5. nisupdkeys
                     6. nisaddcred
                     7. sendmail
                     8. volcheck
                     9. vold
                   Calls vulnerable YP functions:
                     1. vacation
                     2. ypwhich
                     3. yppush
    	       These vulnerabilities are present in Sun Microsystem's 
                   Solaris 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, and 2.5.1. 
    	       For more information on this type of attack, point your
    	       web browsers to http://www.repsec.com/bofs.html.
    --- [FIX] -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Solution:      No fix available.
    --- [PATCH] ---------------------------------------------------------------
    Solution:      Sun Microsystem's has not released an official patch.
    Repent Security Incorporated (RSI)
    13610 N. Scottsdale Rd.
    Suite #10-326
    Scottsdale, AZ
    [ http://www.repsec.com ]
    Version: 2.6.2
    Copyright May 1998  RepSec, Inc.
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    Reference herein to any specific commercial products, process, or
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    This alert advisory may be reproduced and distributed, without
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