[ISN] WIPO-HR2281: Update

From: mea culpa (jerichot_private)
Date: Tue Jul 21 1998 - 08:06:23 PDT

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    Originally From: Cu Digest <TK0JUT2t_private>
    From: jthomast_private(Jim Thomas)
    Subject: File 1--House Comm on Commerce Approves WIPO Copyright (HR 2281)
      House Committee on Commerce
      News Release For Immediate Release Contact: David Fish July 17, 1998
      (202) 225-5735
    House Commerce Committee Overwhelmingly
    Appproves WIPO Bill by vote of 41- 0
    Washington (July 17)--The full House Commerce Committee today
    overwhelmingly approved a bipartisan measure that would implement the
    World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty and the
    Performances and Phonograms Treaty. H.R. 2281, the Digital Millennium
    Copyright Act of 1998, was reported out of the committee as amended, by a
    vote of 41 to 0. 
    Commerce Committee Chairman Tom Bliley (R-VA)made the following opening
    remarks at this morning's WIPO markup: 
    "Today, the Committee completes its consideration of H.R. 2281, the World
    Intellectual Property Organization Treaties Implementation Act. 
    "This is perhaps the most important piece of legislation relating to
    electronic commerce that this Congress will consider. 
    "And let's be clear: while it is true that this legislation implements
    copyright treaties, it is done in such a way that it defines the way in
    which consumers will participate in the future of electronic commerce. 
    "When we began our review, I stated that the Committee on Commerce would
    add value to this important piece of legislation -- and in doing so,
    ensure that the WIPO treaties are implemented in this Congress. 
    "I'm pleased to say that we have done just that. 
    "On a number of important issues, the Committee has worked closely with
    the interested parties, and crafted balanced and reasonable solutions that
    substantially improve this bill. 
    "We have reached a resolution, for example, on the issue of encryption
    research, thanks in large part to the leadership of Chairman Tauzin. 
    "We also have a compromise on the issue of privacy, and I want to thank
    Mr. Markey for all his hard work in getting this important issue resolved.
    This solution protects the interests of consumers without stifling the
    growth electronic commerce. 
    "Finally, we have reached an agreement on the very important issue of
    "fair use." I want to thank Mr. Klug for all his hard work. 
    "Above all other issues, it is this issue of "fair use" that concerned me
    the most. I have faith that the digital revolution holds enormous promise
    for consumers and the economy. 
    "It is changing, and will continue to change, the way in which we learn .
    . . work . . . invest . . . and even heal ourselves. And that change, I
    believe, will be for the greater good. 
    "But I also recognize that, in many ways, the digital environment is the
    great unknown. It is the newest of new paradigms.
    "Digital technology has the potential -- and let me emphasize the word
    'potential' -- to lock up information and works that are otherwise widely
    available to consumers today. 
    "The fact that this problem is only 'speculative' or 'hypothetical' does
    not convince me that we should do nothing. Quite the opposite, it raises
    the possibility that it will inhibit growth in electronic commerce. 
    "The agreement we have today gives consumers a reliable and regular
    process that ensures they will have 'fair use' access to information and
    copyrighted works  without stifling growth in electronic commerce. 
    "I appreciate all of the parties participation in these negotiations, and
    look forward to moving forward on this important piece of legislation." 
    The following amendments were voted on at today's full committee
    * Amendment offered by Mr. Tauzin (R-LA) - encryption research,
    agreed to by voice vote;
    * Amendment offered by Mr. Markey (D-MA) - protection of personally
    identifying information, agreed to by voice vote;
    * Amendment offered by Mr. Dingell (D-MI) - reverse engineering,
    agreed to by voice vote;
    * Amendment offered by Mr. Klug (R-WI) - fair use, agreed to by
    voice vote;
    * Amendment offered by Mr. White (R-WA) - protecting the 1st
    amendment to the Constitution, agreed to by voice vote; and
    * Amendment offered by Mr. White (R-WA) - evaluation of impact of
    copyright law and amendments on electronic commerce and
    technological development, agreed to by voice vote.
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