[ISN] Urgent Action Wanted to Protect Banks from Hacking (New Zealand)

From: cult hero (jerichoat_private)
Date: Thu May 20 1999 - 10:48:05 PDT

  • Next message: cult hero: "[ISN] Chinese hackers raid U.S. computers"

    New Zealand: Urgent Action Wanted To Protect Banks From Hacking. 
    THE Law Commission has acknowledged that it is not against the law for a
    hacker to break into a New Zealand bank's computer system and transfer
    funds into his or her own bank account. 
    In a report on computer crime, the commission says that under section 220
    of the Crimes Act 1961 it is not against the law to steal something
    "There cannot be theft under section 220, Crimes Act 1961, of an
    intangible thing. In (a recent Court of Appeal case) the court held that
    the definition in section 217 is confined to tangible things and does not
    extend to ... a credit in a bank account." 
    The Network of Internet Related Organisations is pushing for urgent
    changes to legislation to protect banks and other organisations from the
    effects of hackers. 
    Spokesman Chris Patterson, a solicitor with Hesketh Henry, said it was an
    understatement to say electronic security in New Zealand was a huge
    Mr Patterson said Niro believed an amendment to the Crimes Act should be
    passed by the Government immediately to stop cyber-criminals. 
    The Law Commission has recommended that there be four new offences dealing
    specifically with computer misuse. They are: unauthorised interception of
    data stored in a computer;  unauthorised accessing of data stored in a
    computer; unauthorised use of data stored in a computer; and unauthorised
    damaging of data stored in a computer. 
    Justice Minister Tony Ryall said he planned to introduce a draft bill
    including the first three offences by the end of next month. But he said
    the offence of hacking raised more complex issues and would need further
    consultation before legislation on that was drafted. 
    THE DOMINION 14/05/1999
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