[ISN] Bush considers cybersecurity board

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Tue May 15 2001 - 11:17:54 PDT

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    BY Diane Frank 
    The White House is leaning toward creating a coordination board to
    supplement the sole National Security Council official overseeing
    federal cybersecurity efforts, a senior administration official said.
    When President Clinton signed Presidential Decision Directive 63 in
    May 1998, requiring agencies to secure the systems that support the
    nations critical infrastructure, the directive also created several
    organizations and established a national coordinator for security,
    infrastructure protection and counterterrorism at the NSC.
    President Bush said last month that he would re-examine the
    organization of and potential overlap among the agencies with critical
    infrastructure protection responsibilities, and the administration
    announced last week that recommendations would be issued shortly.
    However, the discussion is flowing toward having a "coordinating body"
    to oversee not dictate actions, John Tritak, director of the Critical
    Infrastructure Assurance Office, said Monday at the Armed Forces
    Communications and Electronics Association conference on Protecting
    e-Government in the 21st Century.
    According to a source close to the discussions, the coordination board
    would be made up of representatives from each of the agencies involved
    in the initiative. The NSC would still lead the board, with Richard
    Clarke, who served as national coordinator the past three years, most
    likely still filling that role.
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