[ISN] Arizona governor vetoes cyber-security bill

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Tue May 15 2001 - 11:23:49 PDT

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    By Robert MacMillan and David McGuire
    May 14, 2001
    Arizona Gov. Jane Hull, R, vetoed legislation approved by the state
    legislature that would have established a critical infrastructure
    protection plan for the state.
    Although the legislature approved the bill, a veto appeared all but
    certain once state Chief Information Officer Rick Zelznak signaled his
    opposition last week.
    Despite its good intentions, the legislation "sets up a command and
    control structure," that could cause more problems than it solves,
    Zelznak said in a recent interview.
    Drafted by Arizona State Rep. Wes Marsh, R, the legislation authorizes
    the creation of a Statewide Infrastructure Protection Center (SIPC)
    that would be charged with safeguarding Arizona's electronic and
    physical infrastructure (everything from dams to secure computer
    networks) in "emergency situations."
    Marsh, who called his legislation the first in the country to marry
    electronic and physical infrastructure protection measures, said that
    the bill and others like it are vital to protecting citizens and their
    "One little laptop can cause more trouble than a nuclear bomb," Marsh
    said last week.
    But while Zelznak echoed Marsh's general concerns about infrastructure
    security, he questioned the approach of the legislation, which would
    ensconce the Arizona National Guard as the lead agency in protecting
    Arizona's critical infrastructure.
    "What this bill does is over-emphasize the role of the Department of
    Defense," Zelznak said.
    Zelznak also expressed concern that the legislation calls for an
    extensive infrastructure protection apparatus without providing a
    means to pay for it.
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