UNIX SECURITY --- August 30, 2001 Published by ITworld.com -- changing the way you view IT http://www.itworld.com/newsletters ________________________________________________________________________________ HIGHLIGHTS * Code Red once again showcased the dangers of failing to apply security patches. Or did it? Carole digs a little deeper to uncover the real problem that was being exploited. SERVICES * Webcast: Create robust, efficient e-business applications on the fly ________________________________________________________________________________ SPONSORED LINK LEVERAGE YOUR LDAP DIRECTORY FOR WEB ACCESS CONTROL Need to protect your portal from access violation? Users tired of multiple password log-ons to your portal? Fed up with cookies and system agents? Learn how to deploy Web access control, while leveraging your current applications. FREE white paper and personalized online demo at: http://ad.doubleclick.net/clk;3245551;5953479;s ______________________________________________________________________________ Worm Droppings By Carole Fennelly "While the angels, all pallid and wan, Uprising, unveiling, affirm That the play is the tragedy, 'Man,' And its hero the Conqueror Worm." -- Edgar Allan Poe, "The Conqueror Worm," Graham's Magazine, January 1843. Every time I go on vacation, I come back to a mailbox full of dire warnings about an exploit that will "bring the Internet to its knees." Like tired remakes of a classic movie, the Code Red Worm events were boringly predictable. Without even opening my mail, I knew the script that would be followed by the usual suspects: Vendors, the Media, and various Security Pundits. The Media played the part of "Chicken Little Crying Wolf" perfectly, hyping the threat in order to sell more advertisements. The frantic search for updated information and patch downloads (necessary or not) probably contributed to slowing down Net traffic more than the Worm. Next, of course, were the Security Vendors issuing press releases and updating their sales presentations to assure prospective clients that their product or service would have provided protection. "Don't wait for the next Code Red!" many warned. I sat through one presentation where the vendor intimated that they had "inside information" before the CERT announcement. My pointing out that everyone had "inside information" since the company that discovered the vulnerability, eEye Digital Security, made this same information publicly available wasn't too popular. Security Pundits seized the opportunity to jump on their ever-ready soap boxes and point fingers at their favourite targets. Ironically, eEye Digital Security was a popular target for making the vulnerability public knowledge. The Full Disclosure can of worms flared into debate on many security lists with proponents arguing that Full Disclosure is the only way to compel vendor action and opponents countering that Full Disclosure provides too much information to would-be attackers. The upshot of all this bickering was that no one changed position. What a surprise. Incidentally, many legitimate firms contacted eEye looking for a copy of the exploit so they could test their systems. Somehow, they lacked faith in the patch process. I suppose this makes them Full Disclosure advocates. Well, we can finally get back to business as usual now that the Code Red fiasco appears to be ebbing. Battle-scarred but wiser, we have seen the importance of applying security patches as soon as they are available. Damn lazy administrators should keep up with this stuff. When are we going to wake up and realise that patching systems is a *lousy* security mechanism? Sure, software bugs happen and must be fixed, but we have turned a last-ditch mechanism into a standard security practice. Patching a production system is risky and requires regression testing. One company, St. Bernard software, (taking advantage of the Code Red hype) offers an automatic patching mechanism. Sounds great, but patching systems isn't always so straightforward. The interdependencies of many modules can cause a patch for one application to break something else and, quite often, the patch cannot be backed out. Anyone remember trying to back out of a Windows 95 upgrade? Unless a particular bug had a serious impact on production, patching systems used to be a scheduled event. We've come to rely on patching as an emergency security response. That's like rushing into brain surgery to cure a headache -- sure, it could be a tumor but let's do some tests first. When are we going to stop reacting to symptoms and start looking at the root cause of security problems? Put simply, software is not properly tested before being released. The solution, of course, is not so simple. How can software vendors be compelled to employ better quality control methods? Manufacturers of consumer products, such as cars, are held accountable for their products' performance and safety. Can you imagine going to your car dealer for a patch kit that repairs a faulty fuel regulator affecting several models? Of course, as the owner of the vehicle, you should know how to repair it. Automobile consumers would never tolerate such an attitude and neither should consumers of software products who are forced to accept one-sided license agreements because they have no choice. Yes, there will always be bugs that need to be patched, but they shouldn't be the *same* bugs over and over and over again. We would not tolerate a builder using materials that are known to be sub-standard and there are requirements that new materials be proven to meet basic safety requirements. No such requirements exist for software. But, we will wait for the next "Code Red" or "Melissa" or "Pope Fathers Child!" event and re-use the same old tired plot with just a few changes in the script. When will we stop settling for tired re-makes? AUTHOR'S END NOTE: Unfortunately, I have to announce that I am taking a sabbatical from the ITworld.com newsletter for the next couple of months. I will be working on a book project and I also need to devote some time to migrating my archives onto my site (http://www.wkeys.com). If anyone would updates on my future work or just want to say "hi", I'd love to hear from you. Email me at cfat_private ________________________________________________________________________________ SPONSORED LINK METAgroup.com -- CLICK DAILY WITH THE TOP MINDS IN IT Visit METAgroup.com for free access to daily IT and E-business news analysis, analyst insights, research reports and much more. http://itw.itworld.com/GoNow/a14724a41090a75976238a0 ________________________________________________________________________________ About the author(s) ------------------- Carole Fennelly is a partner in Wizard's Keys Corp., a company specializing in computer security consulting. She has been a Unix system administrator for almost 20 years on various platforms, and provides security consultation to several financial institutions in the New York City area. Visit her site at http://www.wkeys.com. ________________________________________________________________________________ ADDITIONAL RESOURCES St. Bernard Software's UpdateEXPERT http://www.stbernard.com/products/updateexpert/products_updateexpert.asp I could have saved myself the effort and recycled an article I wrote last year about another security scare. Things haven't changed much: http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/06/27/security.frenzy.idg/ A certain poetic justice here. "iDefense Files for Bankruptcy": http://www.washtech.com/news/netarch/12107-1.html Attorney General asks Qwest to credit users for virus outages: http://www.siliconvalley.com/docs/news/tech/037615.htm FTC proposes new laws "Thou Shalt Patch" http://www.wired.com/news/politics/0,1283,45692,00.html LCLint Home Page http://lclint.cs.virginia.edu/ New Visual C++.NET Option Tightens Buffer Security (lots of good resources here for secure programming practices): http://security.devx.com/bestdefense/2001/mh0301/mh0301-1.asp Good article by Richard Forno "Code Red is Not the Problem" http://www.infowarrior.org/articles/2001-07.html ________________________________________________________________________________ ITWORLD.COM SERVICES CREATE ROBUST, EFFICIENT E-BUSINESS APPLICATIONS ON THE FLY Software developers looking to create robust, efficient and flexible E-business applications look no further. Tune into this free educational webcast series on the WebSphere Software Platform sponsored by IBM today. http://www.itworld.com/jwc/nla/overview ________________________________________________________________________________ CUSTOMER SERVICE SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE: - Go to: http://www.itworld.com/newsletters - Click on "View my newsletters" to log in and manage your account - To subscribe, check the box next to the newsletter - To unsubscribe, uncheck the box next to the newsletter - When finished, click submit Questions? 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