[ISN] DDos attack knocks out Alldas.de - for good?

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 01:05:33 PDT

  • Next message: InfoSec News: "Re: [ISN] DDos attack knocks out Alldas.de - for good?"

    By John Leyden
    Posted: 17/09/2001 at 15:28 GMT
    Alldas.de, the well known defacement archive, is once again looking
    for a home after a deal to move from its ISP fell through in the wake
    of a debilitating hack attack.
    Three weeks ago, Alldas was subjected to a week-long distributed
    denial of service attack which knocked the site - and its ISP Kvalito
    - offline.
    Kvalito introduced filtering and the DNS record of Alldas.de was
    updated so that prospective hackers would be throwing attacks at the
    site against their local host instead.
    Alldas.de's contract with Kvalito already on the point of expiry and
    worse followed when the ISP to which it planned to move dropped the
    hosting deal. This has left Alldas.de unavailable at a time of
    heightened interest in hacking activity.
    Fredrik Ostergren, a spokesman for Alldas.de, told us the site was
    looking looking for a new hosting service, but he was far from
    optimistic. "I hope we will be back up soon but it looks dark," he
    In June this year, Alldas.de weathered a Syn-flood attack that had a
    knock-on effect on Kvalito's other customers, throwing some of them
    online. Alldas.de received its notice to quit.
    At the time, Alldas.de made clear its requirements from a prospective
    future landlord.
    The ISP should be able to handle a growing volume of traffic that has
    reached 300GB/month, deal with 10 flames per month about port scanning
    - though Alldas.de has offered to answer those on its own - and
    tolerate the occasional DDoS attack.
    After Attrition.org decided to get out of the defacement archiving
    business this summer (when it decided it was too much hassle to
    continue as a hobby), Alldas.de became the main game in town.
    Interrorem.com and Safemode.org do record defacements but their
    service is not as comprehensive as that of Alldas.de.
    Any ISPs out there keen to save Alldas.de's service can email them
    directly. Press <pressat_private>
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