RE: [ISN] Our raid on Downing St.

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Tue Sep 03 2002 - 23:49:50 PDT

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    Forwarded from: "Phil Cracknell" <philat_private>
    Cc: <SMoyerat_private>
    I've attached an interview I did with eGov monitor which tells the
    true story. Yes, I regret talking to tabloid filth and YES, I got some
    customers from it but all in all consider awareness raised a little
    more which was the purpose of the exercise. :-)
    Phil Cracknell, CISSP, M.INSTIS
    Information Security Specialist
    Mobile +44 7979 503502 Personal Fax +44 870 1228872
    Email: philat_private     Web:
    SECURITY: A security consultant has strongly refuted a media report in
    which he was said to have demonstrated how to infiltrate government
    computers in Westminster and Whitehall to access highly-sensitive
    A Sunday Mirror investigation reported how, armed with just a laptop
    computer and a scanning device, the consultant concerned, Phil
    Cracknell, was able to track and monitor confidential data 'leaked'
    out on the street from wireless network systems while driving past
    Government buildings in London.
    However speaking to eGov monitor, Mr Cracknell described the article
    as 'riddled with inaccuracies' and stated categorically that he had
    not attempted, or claimed to be able, to hack into Whitehall
    He said that any activity detected was 'extremely unlikely' to have
    originated from government networks,, and any claims that confidential
    emails and documents were travelling across these networks was 'pure
    speculation' on behalf of the journalist. The exercise, he added, was
    not one designed to download sensitive information, but to show how
    popular wireless networks had become and that many organisations do
    not take the time to implement adequate security measures to protect
    their data.
    Ian Cuddy
    Chief Editor
    eGov monitor
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