[ISN] Secure Passwordless Logins with SSH Part 2

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 26 2002 - 05:22:20 PST

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    |  Linux Security: Tips, Tricks, and Hackery                       |
    |  Published by Onsight, Inc.                                      |
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    |  26-December-2002                                                |
    |  http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/20021226.html       |
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    Secure Passwordless Logins with SSH Part 2
    By Brian Hatch
    Summary: How to create passwordless logins to allow remote
    administration tasks securely with SSH - setting up your SSH
    Setting up your accounts to allow identity-based authentication gives
    you several new options to allow passwordless access to those
    accounts. The end goal is to allow passwordless access that can only
    run specific commands, rather than full fettered login ability, but
    we'll start with the more general solution as our first step.
    To enable identity-based authentication, you must first create an SSH
    identity. An SSH identity is simply a private/public key pair, which
    are similar in functionality to to PGP keys, or SSL keys and SSL
    certificates. You place a copy of the identity public key into the
    file $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on any account you wish to enable
    access using this key. You keep the private key on the SSH client
    machine - your laptop, personal workstation, etc. When you connect
    from your client, the ssh program will offer to use identity-based
    authentication for each key it has available. If the server sees the
    public key in $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys, it tells the SSH client to
    prove that it has the private key and if the client can meet the
    challenge, the access is granted.[1]
    For the remainder of these articles, I'll assume you are using a
    recent version of OpenSSH, 3.4p1 or better.[2] So, let's make a test
      $ cd $HOME 
      $ mkdir identity-test
      $ cd identity-test
      $ ssh-keygen -f id_rsa -t rsa
      Generating public/private rsa key pair.
      Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <enter>
      Enter same passphrase again: <enter>
      Your identification has been saved in id_rsa.
      Your public key has been saved in id_rsa.pub.
      The key fingerprint is:
      c3:af:e9:6c:2f:19:4d:b5:1a:a9:40:06:54:e6:60:08 jdoe@localhost
      $ ls
      id_rsa     id_rsa.pub
    There are two major versions of the SSH protocol, SSH1 and SSH2. An
    SSH identity is tied to a specific SSH protocol version, so you need
    to decide on which protocol to use and pick an appropriate identity
    format from that. Most clients default to using the SSH2 protocol,
    however you can explicitly pick which protocol to use by adding a -1
    or -2 option to your ssh command line, which will select SSH1 or SSH2
    An SSH identity comes in three formats:
    | Type | Command line args |      Protocol       |
    | RSA1 | -t rsa1           | SSH 1 protocol only |
    | RSA  | -t rsa            | SSH 2 protocol only |
    | DSA  | -t dsa            | SSH 2 protocol only |
    With the ssh-keygen listing above, we created an RSA key by using the
    -t rsa option, thus this is an SSH2 protocol identity (so we might
    want to add -2 to our command line just to be explicit). The identity
    is stored in two parts. The private key is in id_rsa and the public
    part is in id_rsa.pub.
    For sake of argument, I'll assume we're using the SSH2 protocol, and
    include -2 on the command lines just to be verbose.
    Important Note:
        When you create an SSH identity, you can 'encrypt' your private
        key. If the server allows you to authenticate with this key, your
        SSH client will ask you to decrypt the key so it can use it. This
        is a good idea for identities - otherwise anyone who can read the
        file (for example the root user on your system) can use it to
        authenticate as you. (You can protect your key file with a
        passphrase while making it possible to use it without typing the
        passphrase each time using ssh-agent, but I won't get into that
        here. If you're interested in this, you might want to try using
        Keychain as well, as it makes identities more manageable.)
        Now in our case, we will be putting restrictions on this key such
        that it cannot do anything except the commands we will allow,
        from the hosts we allow. Thus it's easiest to create the key with
        no passphrase, and let paranoid file permissions handle the
        security of the key. I'll show a quick way to easily handle
        passphrase-protected keys at the end of our journey, but for now
        let's stick to passwordless keys.
    So, now it is time to tell the remote account that we trust this test
    key. You need to include the public key (id_rsa.pub) in the file
    $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys on the remote account. You can do this in
    several ways.
        Believe it or not, my standard method. Log into the remote
        account, open up $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys with your favourite
        editor[3] and paste it at the end of the file.
        If you don't have a $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote
        system, you can simply copy the id_rsa.pub to it directly:
          local$ ssh username@server 'mkdir .ssh'
          password: (type password for username@server)
          local$ scp ~/identity-test/id_rsa.pub username@server:.ssh/authorized_keys
          password: (type password for username@server again)
    The SSH server is paranoid, and will refuse to honour your
    authorized_keys settings if they have poor file permissions, so you
    should lock down your files and directories:
      username@server$ cd $HOME
      username@server$ chmod go-w .
      username@server$ cd $HOME/.ssh
      username@server$ chmod 700 .
      username@server$ chmod 600 *
    So, let's test logging in with this key. Since we have put the test
    key in a non-standard place, we will need to reference it explicitly
    on the command line:
      local$ ssh username@server -i $HOME/identity_test/id_rsa
      username@server$ hostname
      username@server$ exit
      local$ ssh username@server -i $HOME/identity_test/id_rsa "echo Success!"
    In the first example we logged into the server interactively, while
    in the second we ran the echo command on the server, never logging in
    for real. Neither time did we need our Linux password, or an identity
    passphrase. Right now we've set up trust that would allow someone
    with this key to log in or run any commands on this server account
    from anywhere.
    If you're having trouble getting this to work, you should check the
    server logs and see if it provides any insight, as well as running
    ssh with the -v flag. It's possible the server does not allow
    identity authentication - check /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the server
    for entries such as the following:
      # Allow Identity Auth for SSH1?
      RSAAuthentication yes
      # Allow Identity Auth for SSH2?
      PubkeyAuthentication yes
    When you're done testing this, you should delete the entry from ~
    /.ssh/authorized_keys on the server. Next week we'll set it up to be
    usable only from your designated machines, and only be able to run
    authorized commands.
    If you're interested in setting up seamless identity authentication
    without the limits we'll be setting up, you may want to check out two
    pieces of software:
        William Sterns maintains a program called ssh-keyinstall,
        available at http://www.stearns.org/ssh-keyinstall that helps you
        create and install your SSH identities on your remote servers.
        Keychain by Daniel Robbins and available at http://www.gentoo.org
        /proj/en/keychain.xml helps you set up per-host ssh-agents
        automatically. By having a single ssh-agent with decrypted copies
        of your identities, you can have passwordless identity
        authentication while leaving your identities encrypted on disk.
        Robbins has a detailed description of how you use Keychain, and
        several extensive series of articles about SSH Identity
        authentication available through IBM DeveloperWorks linked from
        the Keychain page.
    [1] The server and client go through a bit of mathematical rigamarole
    to prove that the client possess the secret key. The specifics aren't
    material to this discussion, If you want more information, check the
    SSH man pages, RFC, or the SSH book by O'Reilly.
    [2] Earlier versions of OpenSSH required you distinguish between SSH1
    and SSH2 protocols (the latter needed to have keys placed in $HOME
    /.ssh/authorized_keys2.) SSH.com's version of the SSH server and
    client have the same functionality as OpenSSH, but implements things
    in a very different way.
    [3] vim, naturally.
    Brian Hatch is Chief Hacker at Onsight, Inc and author of Hacking
    Linux Exposed and Building Linux VPNs. He's been using SSH to secure
    his remote logins since Tatu posted the first version of the code -
    even if the administrators of those machines refused to install it
    for him. Brian can be reached at brianat_private
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    Copyright 2002, Brian Hatch.
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