Re: [ISN] Computer Attack and Defense As Spectator Sport

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Fri Dec 27 2002 - 04:20:28 PST

  • Next message: InfoSec News: "[ISN] Government agencies plug leaks in wireless networks"

    Forwarded from: Times Enemy <teat_private>
    Finally something to make golf an exciting sport.  Perhaps it is just
    that i am so very lacking in the skills department, i guess, or
    perhaps it is that i just am not doing it right, but i have never
    really considered 'hacking' to be so exciting.  It is beyond exciting
    in various ways, but i ... i ... i am just speechless i guess.  This
    is ... well, maybe someone was watching the movie Hackers a little too
    much, or perhaps someone has been wondering what is the matrix a
    little too long.  Yes, that must be it.  Either that, or i truly must
    be missing something here.  Maybe, yes, i must most definitely tune
    into this very athletic and on the edge of one's seat sport (?), so
    that i might learn what it is i have been doing wrong all these years.
    And to think, that i have introduced so much caffiene into my system,
    just to stay awake, when had i been doing it proper like, i could have
    done away with my routine work-outs and pots of coffee, by just
    'hacking' the right way!  This is good.  I should most definitely have
    all of my family watch also!  This will show them what draws me into
    computers, what it is that causes me to disappear for massive amounts
    of times, days even.  Yes, then they too can be drawn into the utterly
    exciting world of text based typing!
    :: blinks ::  Well, on the up side, i hope the music and visuals are neat.
    Merry Christmas all ...
    .times enemy
    > [But does's Domopers play every 20 minutes or so? :)  - WK
    > Posted by timothy on Sunday December 22, @02:12PM
    > from the laser-pointer-wielding-audience dept.
    > zanbar writes "There was a Slashdot story in March about the Alamo
    > Drafthouse in Austin -- using WiFi in a theater. On Jan 11th, an event
    > at the Alamo will combine video with wireless. gives
    > details about a series of computer network attack competitions going  on
    > tour through North America. They bring in a Linux/Apache web
    > server, a bunch of teams bring in their laptops and attack it over a
    > wireless network. Teams take turns onstage defending the server and
    > then answering audience Q&A about their strategies. MCs interview
    > competitors and explain network attacks to the audience. DJs mix and
    > VJs flip live video with network visualization software -- animations
    > like in the movie 'Hackers.' Judges award points for how well
    > competitors perform, both online and onstage, and the top teams win
    > prizes... It's like watching computer attacks as a live sport. There  is
    > also some discussion taking place in #ltg on efnet."
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