[ISN] IT terrorism threat grows

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 24 2003 - 02:27:57 PST

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    Forwarded from: ERRI-SIX <sysopat_private>
    Thursday 23rd January 2003
    [PC Pro] 12:35
    Paul Trotter
    The government believes the Internet will soon be used by terrorist
    organisations to sabotage UK businesses and is concerned that global
    e-crime fighting capabilities are weak. The UK's National Hi-Tech
    Crime Unit (NHTCU) was established in April 2001, and the organisation
    claims to have made good progress in setting up the infrastructure to
    deal with the growing threat of cyber-crime. However, it's concerned
    that police forces in other countries aren't doing enough to protect
    the Web.
    Concerns over the digital defences of Britain's economy spiralled
    after the 11 September terrorist attacks, and a government
    spokesperson has admitted that online attacks are inevitable.
    'There's no evidence of terrorist groups [using the Internet] so far,
    but it will follow,' Bob Ainsworth MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary
    of State told PC Pro.
    'We need to work on co-operations abroad - international structures
    are needed. But each country has different national laws and
    The issue was brought to the fore at the NHTCU's E-Crime Congress in
    December 2002, when industry spokespersons said governments had
    previously left the Internet to its own devices in a bid to promote
    'In the mid-1990s, governments saw the IT infrastructure as a great
    thing, but they've been reluctant to regulate it because it grows so
    fast and they didn't want to stifle innovation and growth,' said Scott
    Charney, chief strategist at Microsoft.
    'But by letting the industry protect it, we've delegated public
    interest to markets. The IT industry is maintaining these
    infrastructures to protect the national interest.'
    The NHTCU is trying to promote better partnerships between the
    government and businesses and announced a confidentiality charter to
    encourage companies to have confidence in new e-crime fighting
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