Re: [ISN] Cybercrime Follows Money Trail

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Fri Mar 14 2003 - 00:30:21 PST

  • Next message: InfoSec News: "Re: [ISN] China next to get access to Microsoft source code"

    Forwarded from: Harlan Carvey <keydet89at_private>
    I agree that online banking is an attractive target...but even with
    some financial institutions being hit by Slammer, banks, et al., are
    still much harder and better protected targets than the home user.
    I teach an IR course for Win2K.  During one of the sessions, a lady in
    the back of the room asked why anyone would want to access her system.  
    Well, this is the time of the year that thousands of us register
    TurboTax and Tax Cut software...copying those files off of the system
    can lead to identity theft, etc.  How about installing a keylogger?  
    Online banking transactions can be monitored...unencrypted passwords
    collected...etc.  And given that Windows rootkits are becoming more
    stealthy via API hooking methods, such things will be much, much
    harder to detect on professionally protected systems, let alone home
    > By Joanna Glasner 
    > Mar. 05, 2003 
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