Re: [ISN] Is SSL safe?

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 24 2003 - 00:38:57 PST

  • Next message: InfoSec News: "Re: [ISN] Leaked Bug Alerts Cause a Stir"

    Forwarded from: Kurt Seifried <kurtat_private>
    None of this really matters because 99% of SSL users have no idea how
    SSL works and consequently can't make informed decisions when faced
    with attacks such as:
    1) Older SSL clients that don't check certificate constraints, i.e.
    CAN-2002-0828, CAN-2002-0862, CAN-2002-0970, CAN-2002-1183,
    CAN-2002-1407 and so on. If you don't understand what this sentance
    means you are potentially vulnerable. I have yet to see a GOOD plain
    english description of this problem that my mother would understand.
    2) Verifying certificates that are out of date or issued to the wrong
    common name (i.e. hostname). This happens a lot, my web based banking
    provider (one of the big 4 banks in Canada) used an out of date SSL
    certificate for about a week last year. Perhaps an insider attack at
    work, perhaps an innocent mistake, I never got an answer out of them.
    3) Verifying that certificates are issued from a trusted provider.
    Most common web based SSL clients (like Netscape, IE) have over 100
    root certificates. Have you ever heard of "Certisign Certificadora
    Digital Ltda." (doesn't expire until 2018) or "IPS SERVIDORES" (good
    until 2009). It seems to me that an intelligent criminal could subvert
    one of these small firms (hostile takeover, get employed there, etc.)
    and then have a grand old time issuing certificates to themselves.
    4) The eternal "who cares about SSL" argument, web servers and back
    end infrastructure is so poorly secured that most times an attacker
    can spend a week breaking in and get a few (tens, hundreds, etc.) of
    thousands of credit cards with all the personal data in one fell
    swoop. This applies less so against "secure" corporate/gov/mil/etc
    infrastructure like SSL encrypted POP email, against which targeted
    SSL attacks are useful (to gain a password to gain further access,
    5) All the old old stuff I covered in:
    Which still largely applies. *SIGH*.
    Kurt Seifried, kurtat_private
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