[ISN] Who's listening on that port?

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Fri May 16 2003 - 00:27:17 PDT

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    |  Linux Security: Tips, Tricks, and Hackery                       |
    |  Published by Onsight, Inc.                                      |
    |                                                                  |
    |  15-May-2003                                                     |
    |  http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/20030515.html       |
    This issue sponsored by Nmap - The ultimate network port mapping
    Nmap was featured in a cracking session by Trinity in the new Matrix:
    Reloaded movie. In recognition to Fyodor's contribution to the real
    and virtual world, I think we should all lobby for Fyodor to get the
    recognition he deserves: a photo of him with Carrie-Anne Moss.
    Who's listening on that port?
    By Brian Hatch
    Summary: Tracking down your network daemons is extremely easy if you
    use the right tools.
    Last week a reader asked the following question:
    "I'm having trouble tracking down a process that's running on my
    machine. When I run netstat -a, I see lots of things that should be
    there, but also the following:
      $ netstat -a
      Active Internet connections (servers and established)
      Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address    Foreign Address   State
      tcp        0      0 localhost:imaps  *:*               LISTEN
      tcp        0      0 *:smtp           *:*               LISTEN
      tcp        0      0 *:8577           *:*               LISTEN
    I can't figure out what that is on port 8577. Any ideas?"
    My first reaction is almost universally to connect and see if it says
    anything useful. So I had him pull out netcat[1] to check the header:
      $ nc localhost 8577
      RFB 003.003
    The server process responded with the RFB line. That's what you get
    when you connect to a VNC server, just like you'd expect
    "SSH-1.99-OpenSSH...." for an SSH server that supports v1 and v2.
    Most network daemons will say something when you connect. You can
    usually match the output (aka the banner) to a protocol or process.
    However there are two other ways that are even more direct, that can
    tie the network port to the actual process that is listening. For
    example on the machine running the VNC server on port 8577, there was
    no process called "vncserver" running on the machine.
    So, we turn to two tools: netstat, and our old friend lsof.
    Netstat has a '-p' option that will show you the name and pid
    (process id) of the local process that is associated with a
    connection. If you're running as root, you can see the processes for
    all users. If you're a normal user, you can only see the processes
    that are running as you.
    So, re-running the netstat above with '-p' would have yielded
      # netstat -ap
      Active Internet connections (servers and established)
      Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address    Foreign Address   State
      tcp        0      0 localhost:imaps  *:*               LISTEN  277/stunnel
      tcp        0      0 *:smtp           *:*               LISTEN  394/master
      tcp        0      0 *:8577           *:*               LISTEN  57283/bash
      # ps -fc 57283
      doug 57283     1    -  29 10:30   ?  S     0:00 /home/doug/bin/bash
    So here we can see that /home/doug/bin/bash (a copy of vncserver
    under a different name to avoid detection) is the process listening
    on port 8577, and it can be killed and doug scolded as appropriate.
    Alternatively, you can use lsof to do the same thing
      # lsof -i tcp:8577
      ssh     57283 doug    3u  IPv4   31740       TCP *8577 (LISTEN)
    If you're interested in what the process is doing, you can use 'lsof
    -p' to see it's open files, 'strace -p' to watch it's system calls,
    or 'ltrace -p' to watch library calls. If you're comfortable with
    full blown debugging, gdb can attach to it and give you all the
    control you could want.[2]
    [1] You could use telnet too, but why?
    [2] All of these actions require that you're root unless you own the
    Brian Hatch is Chief Hacker at Onsight, Inc and author of Hacking
    Linux Exposed and Building Linux VPNs. He likes to keep the number of
    open ports on his machines to a minimum. All his machines really need
    is XOR-Telnet for ultimate session security. Brian can be reached at
    This newsletter is distributed by Onsight, Inc.
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    Copyright 2003, Brian Hatch.
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