[ISN] Hacker Generations

From: InfoSec News (isnat_private)
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 01:19:04 PDT

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    Forwarded from: Richard Thieme <rthiemeat_private>
    Hacker Generations
    by Richard Thieme 
    Richard Thieme (rthiemeat_private) speaks writes and consults
    about life on the edge, creativity and innovation, and the human
    dimensions of technology.
    First, the meaning of hacker.
    The word originally meant an inventive type, someone creative and
    unconventional, usually involved in a technical feat of legerdemain, a
    person who saw doors where others saw walls or built bridges that
    others thought were planks on which to walk into shark-filled seas.  
    Hackers were alive with the spirit of Loki or Coyote or the Trickster,
    moving with stealth across boundaries, often spurning conventional
    ways of thinking and behaving. Hackers see deeply into the
    arbitrariness of structures, how form and content are assembled in
    subjective and often random ways and therefore how they can be
    defeated or subverted. They see atoms where others see a seeming
    solid, and they know that atoms are approximations of energies,
    abstractions, mathematical constructions. At the top level, they see
    the skull behind the grin, the unspoken or unacknowledged but shared
    assumptions of a fallible humanity. That's why, as in Zen monasteries,
    where mountains are mountains and then they are not mountains and then
    they are mountains again, hacker lofts are filled with bursts of loud
    spontaneous laughter.
    Then the playful creative things they did in the protected space of
    their mainframe heaven, a playfulness fueled by the passion to know,
    to solve puzzles, outwit adversaries, never be bested or excluded by
    arbitrary fences, never be rendered powerless, those actions began to
    be designated acts of criminal intent.. That happened when the space
    inside the mainframes was extended through distributed networks and
    ported to the rest of the world where things are assumed to be what
    they seem. A psychic space designed to be open, more or less, for
    trusted communities to inhabit, became a general platform of
    communication and commerce and security became a concern and an
    add-on. Legal distinctions which seemed to have been obliterated by
    new technologies and a romantic fanciful view of cyberspace a la Perry
    Barlow were reformulated for the new not-so-much cyberspace as
    cyborgspace where everyone was coming to live. Technologies are first
    astonishing, then grafted onto prior technologies, then integrated so
    deeply they are constitutive of new ways of seeing and acting, which
    is when they become invisible.
    A small group, a subset of real hackers, mobile crews who merely
    entered and looked around or pilfered unsecured information, became
    the definition the media and then everybody else used for the word
    "hacker." A hacker became a criminal, usually defined as a burglar or
    vandal, and the marks of hacking were the same as breaking and
    entering, spray painting graffiti on web site walls rather than brick,
    stealing passwords or credit card numbers.
    At first real hackers tried to take back the word but once a word is
    lost, the war is lost.  "Hacker" now means for most people a garden
    variety of online miscreant and words suggested as substitutes like
    technophile just don't have the same juice.
    So let's use the word hacker here to mean what we know we mean because
    no one has invented a better word. We don't mean script kiddies,
    vandals, or petty thieves. We mean men and women who do original
    creative work and play at the tip of the bell curve, not in the hump,
    we mean the best and brightest who cobble together new images of
    possibility and announce them to the world. Original thinkers. Meme
    makers. Artists of pixels and empty spaces.
    Second, the meaning of "hacker generations."
    In a speech at the end of his two terms as president, Dwight
    Eisenhower coined the phrase "military-industrial complex" to warn of
    the consequences of a growing seamless collusion between the state and
    the private sector. He warned of a changing approach to scientific
    research which in effect meant that military and government contracts
    were let to universities and corporations, redefining not only the
    direction of research but what was thinkable or respectable in the
    scientific world. At the same time, a "closed world" as Paul N.  
    Edwards phrased it in his book of the same name, was evolving, an
    enclosed psychic landscape formed by our increasingly symbiotic
    interaction with the symbol-manipulating and identity-altering space
    of distributed computing, a space that emerged after World War II and
    came to dominate military and then societal thinking.
    Eisenhower and Edwards were in a way describing the same event, the
    emergence of a massive state-centric collaboration that redefined our
    psychic landscape. After half a century Eisenhower is more obviously
    speaking of the military-industrial-educational-entertainment-and-media 
    establishment that is the water in which we swim, a tangled
    inescapable mesh of collusion and self-interest that defines our
    global economic and political landscape.
    The movie calls it The Matrix. The Matrix issues from the fusion of
    cyborg space and the economic and political engines that drive it, a
    simulated world in which the management of perception is the
    cornerstone of war-and-peace (in the Matrix, war is peace and peace is
    war, as Orwell foretold). The battlespace is as perhaps it always has
    been the mind of society but the digital world has raised the game to
    a higher level. The game is multidimensional, multi-valent, played in
    string space. The manipulation of symbols through electronic means, a
    process which began with speech and writing and was then engineered
    through tools of literacy and printing is the currency of the closed
    world of our CyborgSpace and the military-industrial engines that
    power it.
    This Matrix then was created through the forties, fifties, sixties,
    and seventies, often invisible to the hackers who lived in and
    breathed it. The "hackers" noticed by the panoptic eye of the media
    and elevated to niche celebrity status were and always have been
    creatures of the Matrix. The generations before them were military,
    government, corporate and think-tank people who built the machinery
    and its webbed spaces.
    So I mean by the First Generation of Hackers, this much later
    generation of hackers that emerged in the eighties and nineties when
    the internet became an event and they were designated the First Hacker
    Generation, the ones who invented Def Con and all its spin-offs, who
    identified with garage-level hacking instead of the work of prior
    generations that made it possible.
    Marshall McLuhan saw clearly the nature and consequences of electronic
    media but it was not television, his favorite example, so much as the
    internet that provided illustrations for his text. Only when the
    Internet had evolved in the military-industrial complex and moved
    through incarnations like Arpanet and Milnet into the public spaces of
    our society did people began to understand what he was saying.
    Young people who became conscious as the Internet became public
    discovered a Big Toy of extraordinary proportions. The growing
    availability of cheap ubiquitous home computers became their platform
    and when they were plugged into one another, the machines and their
    cyborg riders fused. They co-created the dot com boom and the public
    net, and made necessary the "security space" perceived as essential
    today to a functional society. All day and all night like Bedouin they
    roamed the network where they would, hidden by sand dunes that changed
    shape and size overnight in the desert winds. That generation of
    hackers inhabited Def Con in the "good old days," the early nineties,
    and the other cons. They shaped the perception as well as the reality
    of the public Internet as their many antecedents at MIT, NSA, DOD and
    all the other three-letter agencies co-created the Matrix.
    So I mean by the First Generation of Hackers that extended or
    distributed network of passionate obsessive and daring young coders
    who gave as much as they got, invented new ways of sending text,
    images, sounds, and looked for wormholes that let them cross through
    the non-space of the network and bypass conventional routes. They
    constituted an online meritocracy in which they bootstrapped
    themselves into surrogate families and learned together by trial and
    error, becoming a model of self-directed corporate networked learning.  
    They created a large-scale interactive system, self-regulating and
    self-organizing, flexible, adaptive, and unpredictable, the very
    essence of a cybernetic system.
    Then the Second Generation came along.  They had not co-created the
    network so much as found it around them as they became conscious.  
    Just a few years younger, they inherited the network created by their
    "elders." The network was assumed and socialized them to how they
    should think and act. Video games were there when they learned how to
    play. Web sites instead of bulletin boards with everything they needed
    to know were everywhere. The way a prior generation was surrounded by
    books or television and became readers and somnambulistic watchers ,
    the Second Generation was immersed in the network and became surfers.  
    But unlike the First Generation which knew their own edges more
    keenly, the net made them cyborgs without anyone noticing. They were
    assimilated. They were the first children of the Matrix.
    In a reversal of the way children learned from parents, the Second
    Generation taught their parents to come online which they did but with
    a different agenda. Their elders came to the net as a platform for
    business, a means of making profits, creating economies of scale, and
    expanding into a global market. Both inhabited a simulated world
    characterized by porous or disappearing boundaries and if they still
    spoke of a "digital frontier," evoking the romantic myths of the EFF
    and the like, that frontier was much more myth than fact, as much a
    creation of the dream weavers at CFP as "the old west" was a creation
    of paintings, dime novels and movies.
    They were not only fish in the water of the Matrix, however, they were
    goldfish in a bowl. That environment to which I have alluded, the
    military-industrial complex in which the internet evolved in the first
    place, had long since built concentric circles of observation or
    surveillance that enclosed them around. Anonymizers promising
    anonymity were created by the ones who wanted to know their names.  
    Hacker handles and multiple nyms hid not only hackers but those who
    tracked them. The extent of this panoptic world was hidden by denial
    and design. Most on it and in it didn't know it. Most believed the
    symbols they manipulated as if they were the things they represented,
    as if their tracks really vanished when they erased traces in logs or
    blurred the means of documentation. They thought they were watchers
    but in fact were also watched. The Eye that figures so prominently in
    Blade Runner was always open, a panoptic eye. The system could not be
    self-regulating if it were not aware of itself, after all. The net is
    not a dumb machine, it is sentient and aware because it is fused
    bone-on-steel with its cyborg riders and their sensory and cognitive
    Cognitive dissonance grew as the Second Generation spawned the Third.  
    The ambiguities of living in simulated worlds, the morphing of
    multiple personas or identities, meant that no one was ever sure who
    was who. Dissolving boundaries around individuals and organizational
    structures alike ("The internet? C'est moi!") meant that identity
    based on loyalty, glue born of belonging to a larger community and the
    basis of mutual trust, could not be presumed.
    It's all about knowing where the nexus is, what transpires there at
    the connections. The inner circles may be impossible to penetrate but
    in order to recruit people into them, there must be a conversation and
    that conversation is the nexus, the distorted space into which one is
    unknowingly invited and often subsequently disappears. Colleges,
    universities, businesses, associations are discovered to be Potemkin
    villages behind which the real whispered dialogue takes place. The
    closed and so-called open worlds interpenetrate one another to such a
    degree that the nexus is difficult to discern. History ends and
    numerous histories take their place, each formed of an arbitrary
    association and integration of data classified or secret at multiple
    levels and turned into truths, half-truths, and outright lies.
    Diffie-Hellman's public key cryptography, for example, was a triumph
    of ingenious thinking, putting together bits of data, figuring it out,
    all outside the system, but Whit Diffie was abashed when he learned
    that years earlier (1969) James Ellis inside the "closed world" of
    British intelligence had already been there and done that. The public
    world of hackers often reinvents what has been discovered years
    earlier inside the closed world of compartmentalized research behind
    walls they can not so easily penetrate. (People really can keep
    secrets and do.)  PGP was - well, do you really think that PGP was
    news to the closed world?
    In other words, the Second Generation of Hackers, socialized to a
    networked world, also began to discover another world or many other
    worlds that included and transcended what was publicly known. There
    have always been secrets but there have not always been huge whole
    secret WORLDS whose citizens live with a different history entirely
    but that's what we have built since the Second World War. That's the
    metaphor at the heart of the Matrix and that's why it resonates with
    the Third Generation. A surprising discovery for the Second Generation
    as it matured is the basis for high-level hacking for the Third.
    The Third Generation of Hackers knows it was socialized to a world
    co-created by its legendary brethren as well as numerous nameless men
    and women. They know that we inhabit multiple thought-worlds with
    different histories, histories dependent on which particular bits of
    data can be bought on the black market for truth and integrated into
    Bigger Pictures. The Third Generation knows there is NO one Big
    Picture, there are only bigger or smaller pictures depending on the
    pieces one assembles. Assembling those pieces, finding them,
    connecting them, then standing back to see what they say - that is the
    essence of Third Generation hacking. That is the task demanded by the
    Matrix which is otherwise our prison, where inmates and guards are
    indistinguishable from each other because we are so proud of what we
    have built that we refuse to let one another escape.
    That challenge demands that real Third Generation hackers be expert at
    every level of the fractal that connects all the levels of the
    network. It includes the most granular examination of how electrons
    are turned into bits and bytes, how percepts as well as concepts are
    framed and transported in network-centric warfare/peacefare, how all
    the layers link to one another, which distinctions between them matter
    and which don't. How the seemingly topmost application layer is not
    the end but the beginning of the real challenge, where the
    significance and symbolic meaning of the manufactured images and ideas
    that constitute the cyborg network create a trans-planetary hive mind.  
    That's where the game is played today by the masters of the unseen,
    where those ideas and images become the means of moving the herd,
    percept turned into concept, people thinking they actually think when
    what has in fact already been thought for them has moved on all those
    layers into their unconscious constructions of reality.
    Hacking means knowing how to find data in the Black Market for truth,
    knowing what to do with it once it is found, knowing how to cobble
    things together to build a Big Picture. The puzzle to be solved is
    reality itself, the nature of the Matrix, how it all relates. So
    unless you're hacking the Mind of God, unless you're hacking the mind
    of society itself, you aren't really hacking at all. Rather than
    designing arteries through which the oil or blood of a cyborg society
    flows, you are the dye in those arteries, all unknowing that you
    function like a marker or a bug or a beeper or a gleam of revealing
    light. You become a means of control, a symptom rather than a cure.
    The Third Generation of Hackers grew up in a simulated world, a
    designer society of electronic communication, but sees through the
    fictions and the myths. Real hackers discover in their fear and
    trembling the courage and the means to move through zones of
    annihilation in which everything we believe to be true is called into
    question in order to reconstitute both what is known and our knowing
    Self on the higher side of self-transformation. Real hackers know that
    the higher calling is to hack the Truth in a society built on designer
    lies and then - the most subtle, most difficult part - manage their
    egos and that bigger picture with stealth and finesse in the endless
    ambiguity and complexity of their lives.
    The brave new world of the past is now everyday life. Everybody knows
    that identities can be stolen which means if they think that they know
    they can be invented. What was given to spies by the state as a
    sanction for breaking laws is now given to real hackers by
    technologies that make spies of us all.
    Psychological operations and information warfare are controls in the
    management of perception taking place at all levels of society, from
    the obvious distortions in the world of politics to the obvious
    distortions of balance sheets and earnings reports in the world of
    economics. Entertainment, too, the best vehicle for propaganda
    according to Joseph Goebbels, includes not only obvious propaganda but
    movies like the Matrix that serve as sophisticated controls, creating
    a subset of people who think they know and thereby become more docile.  
    Thanks for that one, SN.
    The only free speech tolerated is that which does not genuinely
    threaten the self-interest of the oligarchic powers that be.  The only
    insight acceptable to those powers is insight framed as entertainment
    or an opposition that can be managed and manipulated.
    Hackers know they don't know what's real and know they can only build
    provisional models as they move in stealthy trusted groups of a few.  
    They must assume that if they matter, they are known which takes the
    game immediately to another level.
    So the Matrix like any good cybernetic system is self-regulating,
    builds controls, has multiple levels of complexity masking partial
    truth as Truth. Of what else could life consist in a cyborg world? All
    over the world, in low-earth orbit, soon on the moon and the asteroid
    belt, this game is played with real money. It is no joke. The
    surrender of so many former rights - habeas corpus, the right to a
    trial, the freedom from torture during interrogation, freedom of
    movement without "papers" in one's own country - has changed the
    playing field forever, changed the game.
    Third Generation Hacking means accepting nothing at face value,
    learning to counter counter-threats with counter-counter-counter-moves. 
    It means all means and ends are provisional and likely to transform 
    themselves like alliances on the fly.
    Third Generation Hacking is the ability to free the mind, to live
    vibrantly in a world without walls.
    Do not be deceived by uniforms, theirs or ours, or language that
    serves as uniforms, or behaviors. There is no theirs or ours, no us or
    them. There are only moments of awareness at the nexus where fiction
    myth and fact touch, there are only moments of convergence. But if it
    is all on behalf of the Truth it is Hacking. Then it can not fail
    because the effort defines what it means to be human in a cyborg
    world. Hackers are aware of the paradox, the irony and the
    impossibility of the mission as well as the necessity nevertheless of
    pursuing it, despite everything. That is, after all, why they're
    Thanks to Simple Nomad, David Aitel, Sol Tzvi, Fred Cohen, Jaya Baloo,
    and many others for the ongoing conversations that helped me frame
    this article.
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