Forwarded from: ACSAC announce-admin <announce-admin@private> Dear Colleague, We are soliciting submissions to the Works In Progress (WIP) session at the 20th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC). The conference is taking place Dec. 6-10, 2004 in Tucson, AZ. Submissions are due October 1, 2004. Author notification October 15, 2004. Abstracts should be at most 2 type-written pages in length and should briefly describe the objectives of the current work, any accomplishments to date, and future plans. Abstracts should be sent as ASCII text or pdf files to program_chair@private Special consideration will be given to WIP abstracts that discuss system implementation, deployment, and lessons learned in the following areas: * Access control * Applied cryptography * Audit and audit reduction * Biometrics * Certification and accreditation * Database Security * Denial of service protection * Defensive information warfare * Electronic commerce security * Enterprise Security * Firewalls and other boundary control devices * Forensics * Identification and Authentication * Information Survivability * Insider threat protection * Integrity * Intellectual property rights protection * Incident response planning * Intrusion detection and event correlation * Middleware and distributed systems security * Mobile Security * Modeling and simulation related to security * Operating systems security * Privacy * Product evaluation criteria and compliance * Risk/vulnerability assessment * Security engineering * Security management * Software safety and program correctness * Wireless Security Accepted abstracts will be presented in the WIP session on Wed. Dec. 8, 2004 5:45-7pm in 5-minute slots. For more information see or contact the Program Chair at program_chair@private Sincerely, Christoph Schuba 20th ACSAC Program Vice-Chair, WIP chair christoph.schuba@private Daniel Thomsen 20th ACSAC Program Chair dthomsen@private Pierangela Samarati 20th ACSAC Program European Chair samarati@private _________________________________________ Open Source Vulnerability Database (OSVDB) Everything is Vulnerable -
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