[IWAR] POL White House data deletion

From: 7Pillars Partners (partnersat_private)
Date: Fri Apr 10 1998 - 16:18:33 PDT

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    Judge: White House Defies Data-Purge Order
     Wired News Report 
     3:05pm 10.Apr.98.PDT
     The White House has "flagrantly violated" a court
     order prohibiting the erasure of computer files
     without first declaring its intentions to allow time
     for protest, a federal judge said, reaffirming an
     order he issued in October. 
     US District Court Judge Paul L. Friedman's order
     was directed at the National Archives but also
     prevented the White House and the Office of the
     US Trade Representative from spiking data at will. 
     The government contends that forcing agencies to
     save all computer data, including millions of email
     messages, could grind networks to a halt or crash
     computers entirely. 
     "We consider that doomsday hyperbole," said
     Page Putnam Miller, director of the National
     Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of
     History. That was one of the many groups that
     challenged a 1995 directive from National Archivist
     John Carlin that permitted federal agencies to
     destroy computer records without approval of the
     National Archives as long as they made paper
     Judge Friedman on Thursday agreed with the
     data-savers' contention that paper records often do
     not reflect all that a computer record can yield,
     like information about who made changes to a
     document. He directed the National Archives to
     devise a permanent plan for dealing with electronic
     records by 30 September. 
     "Electronic records are rarely identical to their
      paper counterparts," the judge said.

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