Re: [IWAR] NSA infowar demonstration

From: jerichoat_private
Date: Tue Apr 21 1998 - 00:56:13 PDT

  • Next message: 7Pillars Partners: "[IWAR] UK Royal image makers"

    > addresses, thereby 'covering tracks' (Navy in the case we tracked probing
    > us... no big deal). NSA was nice enough not to turn off the power or take
    > over U.S. Pacific Command in this demonstration... I wonder who else can do
    > this kind of thing. -hedges-
    Before I wonder who else can do it, I wonder about the accuracy of said
    > >    Computer hackers could disable military; System compromised in secret
    > >    exercise
    > >    Using software obtained easily from hacker sites on the Internet, a
    > >    group of National Security Agency officials could have shut down the
    > >    U.S. electric-power grid within days and rendered impotent the
    > >    command-and-control elements of the U.S. Pacific Command, said
    > >    officials familiar with the war game, known as Eligible Receiver.
    Is there a single system that controls every power grid in the nation? Or
    can they attack every single independent grid in a matter of days? If so,
    what did they base their potential success rate on?
    > >    They broke into computer networks and gained access to the systems
    > >    that control the electrical power grid for the entire country. If they
    > >    had wanted to, the hackers could have disabled the grid, leaving the
    > >    United States in the dark.
    Once again, is there some goverment agency that has full access to a
    "national power grid"? If so, why?
    > >    Groups of NSA hackers based in Hawaii and other parts of the United
    > >    States floated effortlessly through global cyberspace, breaking into
    > >    unclassified military computer networks in Hawaii, the headquarters of
    And how can they shut down vital military function from unclassified
    > >    "The most telling thing for the Department of Defense, when all was
    > >    said and done, is that basically for a two-week period the
    > >    command-and-control capability in the Pacific theater would have been
    > >    denied by the 'infowar' attacks, and that was the period of the
    > >    exercise," the official said.
    How can they accurately judge the response time to an attack like that?
    Why "two weeks"?

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