[risks] Risks Digest 22.66

From: RISKS List Owner (riskoat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 01 2003 - 00:58:43 PST

  • Next message: RISKS List Owner: "[risks] Risks Digest 22.67"

    RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest  Tuesday 1 April 2003  Volume 22 : Issue 66
       ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator
    ***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, caveats, etc. *****
    This issue is archived at
    and by anonymous ftp at ftp.sri.com, cd risks .
    The Security Flag in the IPv4 Header (Steve Bellovin)
    The Angelic Bit vs the Evil Bit (Drew Dean)
    Alternative electronic recycling (PGN)
    'Reverse production' system recycles all (NewsScan)
    Use a Firewall, Go to Jail (Ed Felten via Monty Solomon)
    Re: Use a Firewall, Go to Jail (Steven M. Bellovin)
    State Super-DMCA too true (William Allen Simpson)
    Voting machine article in *The Washington Post* by Dan Keating (James Paul)
    Internet vs. the recording industry (NewsScan)
    To unlock safe... please endanger your financial future (Jack Burke)
    Re: Friendly fire (Hugo Tyson)
    Aircraft software maintenance (Martyn Thomas)
    Risks in reading RISKS links (Doug Sibley)
    Re: Beware the spelling checker (Bodo Moeller)
    Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)
    Date: 1 April 2003
    From: Peter Neumann <Neumannat_private>
    Subject: The Security Flag in the IPv4 Header
    Steve Bellovin's RFC 3514 (released today) assigns a meaning to the IPv4
    packet header's last currently unused bit, which can be thought of as a
    Security Flag.  Benign packets have this bit set to 0; those that are used
    for an attack will have the bit set to 1.  Correct functioning of security
    mechanisms depends critically on the bit being set properly.  If faulty
    components do not set the bit to 1 when appropriate, firewalls will not be
    able to do their jobs properly.  Similarly, if the bit is set to 1 when it
    shouldn't be, a denial of service condition may occur.
    Following is a summary of the assigned values in the RFC:
       0x0  If the bit is set to 0, the packet has no evil intent.  Hosts,
            network elements, etc., SHOULD assume that the packet is
            harmless, and SHOULD NOT take any defensive measures.  (We note
            that this part of the spec is already implemented by many common
            desktop operating systems.)
       0x1  If the bit is set to 1, the packet has evil intent.  Secure
            systems SHOULD try to defend themselves against such packets.
            Insecure systems MAY chose to crash, be penetrated, etc.
    It is well worth your reading the full RFC, which is now available:
      [See the IETF Web site for the full set of RFCs, for those of you not used
      to reading them.  It is an extraordinary view of the history of the
      ARPAnet and Internet:
    Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 10:00:01 +1000
    From: Drew Dean <ddeanat_private>
    Subject: The Angelic Bit vs the Evil Bit
    Steve Bellovin's proposed RFC 3514 finds a very constructive use for the
    last unused bit in the IPv4 header.  In his proposal, the unused bit is
    sometimes affectionately referred to as the "evil" bit, although that naming
    convention reflects a fundamentally *pessimistic* world view.  We prefer an
    *optimistic* world view, and therefore propose that this last bit should be
    used for the "angelic" bit.  Our proposed semantics for the angelic bit are
    as follows:
      0x1  The angelic bit is set.  All routers, firewalls, switches, and any
           other network devices MUST forward this packet to its indicated
           destination.  This packet MUST NOT have any undesirable effect on any
           network device.  Anyone who improperly sets the angelic bit on any
           packet SHALL be subject to divine retribution.  Civil authorities MAY
           subject the perpetrator to any punishment provided for in applicable
      0x0  The angelic bit is reset.  All routers, firewalls, switches, and other
           network devices MAY filter this packet according to any policy they
           deem fit.  This packet MAY have undesirable effects if forwarded.
           The sender of the packet SHALL NOT be subject to divine retribution
           in case of undesirable effects.  Civil authorities MAY subject the
           perpetrator to punishment provided for in applicable law.
    NB: The angelic bit may have miraculous properties in face of network links
    severed by backhoes; however, this SHALL NOT relieve the router of its
    Yours for a more genteel Internet, Drew Dean
    Date: 1 April 2003
    From: Peter Neumann <Neumannat_private> 
    Subject: Alternative electronic recycling (Re: Reverse production, R-22.66)
    Perhaps inspired by the Georgia Tech 'reverse production' recycling scheme
    for computer hardware [see the FOLLOWING item], computer scientists have
    discovered a way to recycle previously used computer cycles and previously
    generated data.  The trick is first to compress newly written programs using
    an approach similar to Kolomogorov Complexity analysis, and then map the
    results into callable elements of old programs that can directly give the
    desired results in return.  Research is underway that would even enable the
    used cycles of old programs written in archaic languages such as COBOL and
    FORTRAN to be recycled in this way.  Optimizing compilers are already being
    developed to make this practical, incorporating formal methods (e.g.,
    theorem proving and model checking) to ensure that only provably correct
    program elements are allowed.  In addition, some artificial intelligence
    groups reportedly believe that automatic program synthesis techniques could
    be used to avoid writing the new programs altogether, thus surmounting the
    existing limitations of bad software engineering while still obtaining
    highly efficient programs.
    It is estimated that this approach could substantially reduce the burgeoning
    need for more cycles and new storage capacity.  When applied to Windows
    operating systems, initial experiments show that this could result in at
    least a 70% reduction in program size and execution time.  Purveyors of
    electronic voting machines are intrigued by the possibility of reusing the
    results of previous elections, with suitable parametric transformations.
    However, several computer vendors are objecting on the grounds that
    widespread use of this technique could detrimentally result in a
    "compression depression" trickle-down effect of decreased revenue that could
    more than completely negate the beneficial hardware demands that result from
    steadily increasing bloatware and the constant need for upgrades.  In
    addition, programmers' unions are contemplating strikes if this technique
    becomes widely adopted.
    The word 'reverse' also brings to mind some research results on programs
    that can be run backwards (for example, implementing information lossless
    algorithms that work forwards and backwards, and also environments in which
    'undo' operations can be successfully executed).  Use of such programs
    could result in saving a further factor of two.
    A previously proposed alternative approach of creating a very large number
    of randomly generated compressed programs and then finding the one that
    works best for the given application has unfortunately been temporarily
    abandoned as unworkable, pending further research.  That approach had been
    conceived in response to the somewhat obscure but truly classical 1961
    paper, subsequently reprinted as ``The Chaostron: An Important Advance in
    Learning Machines'', J.B. Cadwallader-Cohen, W.W. Zysiczk, and
    R.B. Donnelly, *Communications of the ACM*, April 1984, pages 356--357).
    Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 09:25:28 -0700
    From: "NewsScan" <newsscanat_private>
    Subject: 'Reverse production' system recycles all
    A study underway at Georgia Tech could offer a model for responsible
    recycling of electronic waste.  Researchers have developed a "reverse
    production" system that enables every raw material contained in e-waste --
    metals such as lead, copper, aluminum and gold, as well as plastics, glass
    and wire -- to be recovered and reused.  Scientists say such "closed loop"
    manufacturing offers a win-win situation for manufacturers and consumers,
    and the project is generating buzz abroad, with officials in Taiwan and
    Belgium expressing interest in the system.  Key to the process is chemical
    engineer Matthew Realff's design for a means to separate metals, as well as
    different qualities of plastics from crushed, ground-up components.  From
    this work, new industries could be created to recover value not only from
    e-waste, but also from automobiles and other durable goods, says Realff.
    (*Science Daily*, 4 Mar 2003; NewsScan Daily, 5 March 2003)
    Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 15:36:25 -0500
    From: Monty Solomon <montyat_private>
    Subject: Use a Firewall, Go to Jail
    March 26, 2003
    Ed Felten, Use a Firewall, Go to Jail
    The states of Massachusetts and Texas are preparing to consider bills that
    apparently are intended to extend the national Digital Millennium Copyright
    Act. (TX bill; MA bill) The bills are obviously related to each other
    somehow, since they are textually similar.
    Here is one example of the far-reaching harmful effects of these bills. Both
    bills would flatly ban the possession, sale, or use of technologies that
    "conceal from a communication service provider ...  the existence or place
    of origin or destination of any communication".  Your ISP is a communication
    service provider, so anything that concealed the origin or destination of
    any communication from your ISP would be illegal -- with no exceptions.
    If you send or receive your e-mail via an encrypted connection, you're in
    violation, because the "To" and "From" lines of the e-mails are concealed
    from your ISP by encryption. (The encryption conceals the destinations of
    outgoing messages, and the sources of incoming messages.)
    Worse yet, Network Address Translation (NAT), a technology widely used for
    enterprise security, operates by translating the "from" and "to" fields of
    Internet packets, thereby concealing the source or destination of each
    packet, and hence violating these bills. Most security "firewalls" use NAT,
    so if you use a firewall, you're in violation.
    If you have a home DSL router, or if you use the "Internet Connection
    Sharing" feature of your favorite operating system product, you're in
    violation because these connection sharing technologies use NAT. Most
    operating system products (including every version of Windows introduced in
    the last five years, and virtually all versions of Linux) would also
    apparently be banned, because they support connection sharing via NAT.
    And this is just one example of the problems with these bills. Yikes.
    UPDATE (6:35 PM): It's worse than I thought. Similar bills are on the table
    in South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alaska, Tennessee, and Colorado.
    UPDATE (March 28, 9:00 AM): Clarified the paragraph above about encrypted
    e-mail, to eliminate an ambiguity.
    Posted by Edward W. Felten  
      [Moderator's note:  This item is NO JOKE, despite the date of this issue.
      Check out the thread that is occurring subsequent to Ed Felten's message:
      as well as the next two messages in this issue, from Steve Bellovin and
      William Allen Simpson.  PGN]
    Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 19:08:42 -0500
    From: "Steven M. Bellovin" <smbat_private>
    Subject: Re: Use a Firewall, Go to Jail
    After reading the full text of the Texas bill 
    I think it may be even worse than Felten portrays it.
    First, a number of people have claimed that the bill isn't a problem, 
    since it only applies if you intend to harm or defraud an ISP.  I don't 
    think that that's the case.
    Section 2 of the billl, which does contain the phrase "with the intent to
    harm or defraud a communication service", bars theft of service.  (I'm 
    speaking loosely here; read it for yourself.)
    Section 4 also contains that phrase; it bars possession of devices for
    defrauding providers.  (The language is very broad, and seems to bar
    possession even a computer or modem if you have evil intent.)
    The ban on concealing origin or destination is in Section 6.
    That section does *not* have the "intent to harm" phrase.  Given that 
    the bill is amending three consecutive sections of the state penal code 
    (31.12, 31.13, and 31.14), and given that the first two sections have 
    that language but the third doesn't, it's hard for me to conclude that evil 
    intent is required by the proposed statute.
    But it's worse than that:  the bill bars concealment of "existence or 
    place of origin or destination of any communication" from "any lawful 
    authority".  In other words, it would appear to outlaw many forms of 
    cryptography or steganography, or anonymous remailers.  (As an aside, I 
    would note that the constitutional justification for easy law 
    enforcement access to source and destination address information via the
    pen register statute is flimsy at best -- see my analysis at 
    Even Web proxy servers and the Ethernet connectivity from many hotels
    would be covered by this bill -- they obscure the origin, too.
    What's unclear to me is who is behind this.  Felten implies it's content
    providers trying for a state-level DMCA; I think it's broadband ISPs who are
    afraid of 802.11 hotspots.  In fact, if the "intent to cause harm" phrase
    were added to that section, it would clearly criminalize behavior that some
    ISPs are trying to ban today via their terms of service.
    Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb http://www.wilyhacker.com
    Date: Sat, 29 Mar 2003 15:53:32 -0500
    From: William Allen Simpson <wsimpsonat_private>
    Subject: State Super-DMCA too true (from NANOG)
      [Courtesy of Steve Bellovin.  PGN]
    Declan McCullagh sent out an e-mail this morning, 
    referencing his full report at:
    I was shocked to see that Michigan has *already* passed such a law! 
    (Also Virginia, Delaware, and Illinois.)
    I've found the new law(s), and they basically outlaw my living in 
    Michigan starting March 31st (this Monday, two days from now):
    The Bill analysis basically quotes the MPAA website!
    It outlaws all encryption, and all remailers.  
    It outlaws connecting any device "without the express authority of the
    telecommunications service provider".  No NATs.  No wireless.
    (Some DSL/cable companies try to charge per machine, and record the machine
    address of the devices connected.)
    It outlaws configuring your ISDN to be a voice device, and then sending data
    over the device.
    (Most folks around here are willing to settle for 56Kbps + 56Kbps -- fixed
    fee -- instead of 64Kbps + 64Kbps -- per minute.)
    It outlaws configuring a wire pair purchased as a burglar alarm circuit, and
    then using it as DSL.
    It outlaws using Linux/*BSD for reading DVDs and a host of other things.
    Also, "reprogramming" a device (and software and computer chips are
    explicitly included) "that is capable of facilitating the interception,
    transmission, retransmission, decryption, acquisition, or reception of any
    telecommunications, transmissions, signals, or services" would seem to
    prohibit mod'ing of M$ Xboxen.
    Heck, it is possible to read this Act to prohibit changing your 
    operating system from M$ to Linux. 
    This was passed in a lame duck session (December 11, 2002) as part of a big
    omnibus crime act that covered everything from "adulteration of butter and
    cream", to "trick or acrobatic flying" to "false weights and measures",
    mostly increasing fines and/or jail for existing offenses.  Michigan is a
    leader in overcrowding its prisons.
    There was other lame duck legislation passed, before a new Governor took
    office, almost all of it bad for civil liberties!
    William Allen Simpson
    Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 01:27:21 -0500 (EST)
    From: james.paulat_private
    Subject: Voting machine article in *The Washington Post* by Dan Keating
    As election officials rush to spend billions to update the country's voting
    machines with electronic systems, computer scientists are mounting a
    challenge to the new devices, saying they are less reliable and less secure
    from fraud than the equipment they are replacing.  Prompted by the demands
    of state and federal election reforms, officials in Maryland, Georgia,
    Florida and Texas installed the high-tech voting systems last
    fall. Officials in those states, and other proponents of electronic voting,
    said the computer scientists' concerns are far-fetched.   [...]
    David Dill, the Stanford University professor of computer science who
    launched the petition drive, said, "What people have learned repeatedly, the
    hard way, is that the prudent practice -- if you want to escape with your
    data intact -- is what other people would perceive as paranoia."  Other
    computer scientists, including Rebecca Mercuri of Bryn Mawr College, say
    that problems are so likely that they are virtually guaranteed to occur --
    and already have.
      [Source: Dan Keating: New Voting Systems Assailed, *The Washington Post*,
      27 Mar 2003; PGN-ed]
      See David Dill's petition at
    Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 10:47:35 -0700
    From: "NewsScan" <newsscanat_private>
    Subject: Internet vs. the recording industry
    Media analyst Eric Garland of Big Champagne has told California lawmakers
    that the growth of music file-sharing on the Internet is "fundamentally
    unstoppable," because 61 million Americans and millions more worldwide are
    already downloading music and only 9% of them think they're doing something
    wrong. "We see only one trend. More people are downloading more copyrighted
    material." Garland's advice for the recording industry is to embrace digital
    distribution rather than institute lawsuits or education campaigns, but such
    advice is not well-received by industry executives, who are routinely urged
    by Internet enthusiasts to accommodate to technological realities. Phil
    Corwin, a lobbyist for Internet music service Kazaa, told the same group of
    state legislators: "The record business, in the digital revolution, has been
    a day late and a dollar short." [A dollar may not be the final figure.] The
    fight goes on.  [AP/*San Jose Mercury News*, 28 Mar 2003; NewsScan Daily, 28
    March 2003]
    Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:41:25 -0500
    From: Jack Burke <jfb3at_private>
    Subject: To unlock safe... please endanger your financial future
    A local (Atlanta, Georgia) radio station is running a contest (what else is 
    new?) for callers to enter.  (I won't mention B98.5's call letters to save 
    them the embarrassment.)  It's the same standard formula:  when you hear a 
    particular song, be the 42,828,210,193 listener to call in for "your chance 
    to win."  The grand prize is $2 million.
    The "gimmick" in this one is that the money is in a safe.  To unlock the 
    safe, a potential vict^H^H^H^Hwinner must give the DJ the 5 one-digit 
    numbers in the combination--but not just _any_ 5 numbers will do.  Callers 
    are asked for the last 5 digits of their social security 
    number.  (Presumably the station will require verification before actually 
    paying out the "winnings.")
    Did I mention that this was all done on the air?  Can anyone guess how many 
    people I've heard willingly gush out five-ninths of their SS number and 
    first and last name on the air?
    In 3 seconds or less, how many different things can you think of for which 
    all or part of a social security number is used?
    - Social security "benefits"
    - credit applications
    - credit reports
    - PINs for telephone access to account information (banks, etc.)
    Can anyone say: "shortcut to identity theft"?  (Not as far-fetched as you
    might think.  The first three digits are based on the state in which you
    apply for the number in the first place, which stands a reasonable chance of
    being where you were born.  That's an easy topic for a conversation with
    someone who you "accidentally" meet.)
    Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 18:31:08 GMT
    From: Hugo Tyson <hmtat_private>
    Subject: Re: Friendly fire (was: Patriot software again a concern?)
    In Risks Digest 22.65 PGN wrote:
    >     [Incidentally, NBC on 24 Mar 2003 had an item on self-inflicted
    >     damage, noting that in the Vietnam War, 24% of U.S. fatalities were
    >     due to friendly fire.  I have heard reports that it was even higher
    >     in the first Gulf War.  That is truly astounding!  PGN]
    Not sure whether it's a computer risk, but this is a social risk in terms of
    expectations about such things, due to the high-tech weapons now available
    to *some* armed forces: when one side has far better offensive weapons and
    far better defensive weapons than the other, a consequence is that
    friendly-fire incidents will dominate the casualty list for the better-armed
    side, simply because the less-well-armed side won't be able to harm the
    better as much as FF can.  The same applies to night-vision gear,
    intelligence, surveillance and all that.
    For example:
    Offensively, if only one side can see clearly at night, only that side will
    be able to hit things *at all** - even if they're not sure whose things.
    Defensively, the flip-side: if only an Abrams round can kill an Abrams
    tank, then 100% of Abrams destroyed will be FF.
    Not suggesting this is so across all encounters in the current war by any
    means, but in tank vs. tank, aircraft vs. ground vehicle, and aircraft
    vs. anti-aircraft/anti-missile I think it has the ring of truth.
    Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 18:18:24 -0000
    From: "Martyn Thomas" <martyn@thomas-associates.co.uk>
    Subject: Aircraft software maintenance (Re: Ladkin, RISKS-22.65)
    In a recent posting on an A320 Airbus software fault that contributed to a
    loss of braking, Peter Ladkin wrote: "BCSU software Release 7 was on board;
    Release 8 provides a fix for the sensing discrepancy condition involved in
    this incident; Release 9 was released after in-service experience with
    Release 8."
    Does this mean that a fault was introduced in Release 8 that was not found
    in testing/recertification but that showed up fairly quickly in operational
    use? If so, does this suggest that the process for introducing maintenance
    changes needs improvement?
    I have never understood how changes to safety-related software can be
    introduced rapidly without the formal specifications and formally defined
    languages that might allow the maintenance group to be completely confident
    about the scope of the necessary reverification/revalidation. Can anyone
    explain? Or is there a process weakness here that will one day contribute to
    an accident?
    Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 16:14:26 -0500 (EST)
    From: Doug Sibley <sibleyat_private>
    Subject: Risks in reading RISKS links
    With a referral from RISKS, an article by Dan Farmer, and the MIT name, I 
    expected the link in RISKS 22.65 
    to be viewable without any significant risks (sorry for saying the word
    "risk" so many times).
    Unfortunately, there were many. It requires registration (so I need to link
    my e-mail address to the viewing of this article -- privacy invasion but
    whatever (it gives me the idea for a server where people could create
    temporary/throwaway receive-only e-mail accounts where messages would only
    be stored for a few hours for the only purpose of signing up at places like
    this -- although I can imagine it would violate the DMCA in some way).
    Getting back to the risks: the form has one starred field for passwords
    instead of the usual two. I entered a username and then entered a password
    twice (as is normally required) and clicked submit. So I entered my password
    as my first name. Since the form required a postal code, etc.  I had to
    re-fill-out the form. Given that they starred the password, one would expect
    that (a) the password would not be stored, and (b) that it would not be
    displayed. When you submit though, your password is e-mailed to you.
    I would expect large institutions like MIT to have figured out passwords by
    now but my cellular provider also does not. Bell Mobility stores passwords
    online and there are two account preferences-type views, one has the
    password starred and the other unstarred (of course the password is kept in
    all-caps to make password guessing easier). In fact, when I was having
    problems a Bell Mobility representative e-mailed asking for my password
    (which I reported but never got back from). American Express limits
    passwords to 8 character alpha-numeric.
    How long will it take for companies with reputation and value at stake to
    properly manage risks? Why is password security so poorly done in practice
    when it is such a well-studied problem?
    Date: Mon, 31 Mar 2003 18:02:37 +0200 (MEST)
    From: Bodo Moeller <moellerat_private-darmstadt.de>
    Subject: Re: Beware the spelling checker (Cowan, RISKS-22.65)
    The interesting aspect about spilling chicken software is that it helps you
    make sure you keep only those errors that actually distort the meaning.
    Automatic correction is even more interesting in this respect.
    True story: a German collection of law texts (from by a private publisher)
    consistently uses the word "Regenschutz" when it should say "Regelsatz".
    The latter roughly translates to "standard rate" (this is in regulations
    concerning public-welfare aid); the former means "rain protection".
    It was not problem to figure out what the text should have said.  The
    problem was just that you are not supposed to laugh loudly in public
    TU Darmstadt, Theoretische Informatik, Alexanderstr. 10, D-64283 Darmstadt
    Tel. +49-6151-16-6628, Fax +49-6151-16-6036
      [Better known perhaps is the word "Regenschirm" -- an umbrella, or
      literally, a screen against the rain -- which of course was what was
      needed for protection during the Reagan administration.  Danke!  PGN]
    Date: 29 Mar 2002 (LAST-MODIFIED)
    From: RISKS-requestat_private
    Subject: Abridged info on RISKS (comp.risks)
     The RISKS Forum is a MODERATED digest.  Its Usenet equivalent is comp.risks.
    => SUBSCRIPTIONS: PLEASE read RISKS as a newsgroup (comp.risks or equivalent)
     if possible and convenient for you.  Alternatively, via majordomo,
     send e-mail requests to <risks-requestat_private> with one-line body
       subscribe [OR unsubscribe]
     which requires your ANSWERing confirmation to majordomoat_private .
     If Majordomo balks when you send your accept, please forward to risks.
     [If E-mail address differs from FROM:  subscribe "other-address <x@y>" ;
     this requires PGN's intervention -- but hinders spamming subscriptions, etc.]
     Lower-case only in address may get around a confirmation match glitch.
       INFO     [for unabridged version of RISKS information]
     There seems to be an occasional glitch in the confirmation process, in which
     case send mail to RISKS with a suitable SUBJECT and we'll do it manually.
       .UK users should contact <Lindsay.Marshallat_private>.
    => The INFO file (submissions, default disclaimers, archive sites,
     copyright policy, PRIVACY digests, etc.) is also obtainable from
     http://www.CSL.sri.com/risksinfo.html  ftp://www.CSL.sri.com/pub/risks.info
     The full info file will appear now and then in future issues.  *** All
     contributors are assumed to have read the full info file for guidelines. ***
    => SUBMISSIONS: to risksat_private with meaningful SUBJECT: line.
    => ARCHIVES are available: ftp://ftp.sri.com/risks or
     ftp ftp.sri.com<CR>login anonymous<CR>[YourNetAddress]<CR>cd risks
       [volume-summary issues are in risks-*.00]
       [back volumes have their own subdirectories, e.g., "cd 21" for volume 21]
     http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/Risks/VL.IS.html      [i.e., VoLume, ISsue].
       Lindsay Marshall has also added to the Newcastle catless site a
       palmtop version of the most recent RISKS issue and a WAP version that
       works for many but not all telephones: http://catless.ncl.ac.uk/w/r
     http://the.wiretapped.net/security/info/textfiles/risks-digest/ .
     http://www.planetmirror.com/pub/risks/ ftp://ftp.planetmirror.com/pub/risks/
    ==> PGN's comprehensive historical Illustrative Risks summary of one liners:
        http://www.csl.sri.com/illustrative.html for browsing,
        http://www.csl.sri.com/illustrative.pdf or .ps for printing
    End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 22.66

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