[RRE]Telecom Act Nixed -- Feds Hand Bells the Net

From: Phil Agre (pagreat_private)
Date: Fri May 11 2001 - 09:45:22 PDT

  • Next message: Phil Agre: "[RRE]pointers"

    [Anything that only the regional phone companies want must be bad.
    Reformatted to 70 columns.]
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    Date: Friday, May 11, 2001 6:43 AM
    From: "Debra Sweezey" <dsweezeyat_private>
    To: <usispa-actionat_private>; <usispa-newsat_private>
    Subject: Telecom Act Nixed -- Feds Hand Bells the Net
    Telecom Act Nixed -- Feds Hand Bells the Net
    This is very likely to be a headline you'll read in next week's paper.
    When it happens -- and it is happening -- ISPs and CLECs are history,
    and monopolies rule again.  You have just a few weeks to change
    tomorrow's history, and you have the world's greatest tool for change
    right at your fingertips.
    Post notices on news groups, use your mailing list, chat, whatever,
    as long as you CALL FOR ACTION NOW!  There is federal legislation
    that threatens to hand the Bells the Net.  It is called H.R. 1542,
    misleadingly named the Broadband Relief Act of 2001.  It is authored
    by two very powerful Congressmen, House Commerce Chairman W.J. "Billy"
    Tauzin (R-LA) and Ranking Minority Member John Dingell (D-MI), and
    supported - surprise, surprise, by only four companies.  Perhaps
    you've heard of them: SBC, Verizon, Bell South and Qwest.
    In essence, the bill allows the RBOCs to immediately begin offering
    long-distance data service, and eliminates the Telecom Act's
    requirement that they lease parts of their networks -- including
    equipment used for high-speed Internet service -- to competitors.
    Out goes the competition, up go the prices.
    Share this information with your friends, family, customers,
    colleagues today!  Beg them to make their voices heard.  Do
    they really want the local phone monopoly running the Internet?
    Do they want higher prices, lousy service, and no new technology?
    USISPA, the US Internet Service Providers Alliance, is comprised of
    ISPs and ISP state association across the country, and we are working
    in the trenches trying to protect consumers and the Internet from the
    Bell monopolies.  We need your help in letting Congress know that what
    they're trying to do, on the Bells' dime, is not okay with America.
    We willing and ready to help you any way we can.  Please call or email
    Debra Sweezey of the US Internet Service Providers Alliance, and we'll
    give you all the information you need.  We will give you the contact
    information for your local representative in addition to sample
    statements or letters, or we're happy to contact your representative
    on your behalf.  Whatever's easiest for you.
    We hope you will join the fight for a free and open Internet.  We need
    This message comes to you through the United States Internet Service
    Providers Alliance (USISPA), an alliance of state ISP associations
    and ISP across the country working to ensure a fair and competitive
    open telecommunications environment nationwide.  For more info
    or to find how you can help USISPA help you, email Debra Sweezey,
    Project Director for USISPA, at sweezeyat_private or call her at
    Debra Sweezey
    Project Director, USISPA

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri May 11 2001 - 09:56:02 PDT