[RRE]Where the Action Is

From: Phil Agre (pagreat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 11 2001 - 18:57:21 PDT

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    Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 18:03:15 -0700
    From: Paul Dourish <jpdat_private>
    Where the Action Is: The Foundations of Embodied Interaction
    Paul Dourish
    MIT Press
    October 2001
    ISBN 0-262-04196-0
    6 x 9, 256 pp.
    $35.00/#23.95 (CLOTH)
    For more information: http://www.dourish.com/embodied/
    Table of contents:
    Preface					  vii
    A History of Interaction		    1
    Getting in Touch			   25
    Social Computing			   55
    Being-in-the-world: Embodied Interaction   99
    Foundations				  127
    Moving Toward Desgn			  155
    Conclusions and Directions		  189
    Notes					  211
    References				  217
    Index					  231
    An excerpt from the preface:
    At a workshop that I attended not long ago, my colleague Matthew
    Chalmers made the observation that computer science is based entirely
    on philosophy of the pre-1930s.  Computer science in practice involves
    reducing high level behaviours to low level, mechanical explanations,
    formalising them through pure scientific rationality; in this,
    computer science reveals its history as part of a positivist,
    reductionist tradition.  Similarly, much of contemporary cognitive
    science is based on a rigorous Cartesian separation between mind and
    matter, cognition and action.  These are philosophical positions
    of long standing, dating from the nineteenth century or earlier.
    However, they have been under continual assault since around the
    1930s, when philosophers like Martin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein
    began to articulate radically new positions on cognition, language
    and meaning.  This new approach abandoned the idea of disembodied
    rationality and replaced it with a model of situated agents, at large
    in the world, and acting and interacting within it.  Practical action
    and everyday experience replaced abstract reasoning and objective
    meaning as the foundations of a philosophical psychology.
    Why should any of this matter?  Surely computer science has nothing to
    do with philosophy, anyway?  It is an engineering discipline, and the
    testaments to its success are all around us, including the laptop I am
    using to write this preface.  Arguments between philosophers scarcely
    seem to have held back the course of technological progress, have
    This is all true, of course, but it hides a deeper truth.  The
    development and application of computational technologies is an
    engineering discipline, and one that has been spectacularly successful
    over the past fifty or sixty years.  However, it is most certainly
    also a philosophical enterprise.  It is philosophical in the way it
    represents the world, in the way it creates and manipulates models
    of reality, of people and of action.  Every piece of software reflects
    an uncountable number of philosophical commitments and perspectives
    without which it could never be created.  Software depends inevitably
    on our ideas about representation and reality.  Phil Agre commented,
    "Technology at present is covert philosophy; the point is to make it
    overtly philosophical" (Agre, 1997: 240).  Agre's work was in the area
    of Artificial Intelligence (AI), but the philosophical underpinnings
    of computer science are every bit as significant in the area of
    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) that I will be addressing here.
    While any software system introduces some kind of formalisation of
    the world, HCI (like AI) deals with formalisations of human cognition
    and activity.  These are the issues that have lain at the heart of
    philosophical debate for centuries.  In some ways, it would be hard to
    imagine a more philosophical enterprise.
    Philosophy tends to get short shrift in technical circles.  The word
    itself is often used to denote fuzzy, muddled, and fundamentally
    irrelevant reasoning.  Debates over philosophical foundations seem
    irrelevant.  However, if our technical practice is built on those
    foundations, then the arguments are deeply relevant, because they
    determine the limits of what can be done and the chances for success
    of our efforts to have people and computers work effectively together.
    This argues that we need to uncover the philosophical assumptions that
    run throughout both the theory and practice of computer system design,
    and understand what kind of intellectual commitments are being made.
    My goal here, though, is more modest.  Re-examining the philosophical
    foundations of computer science is a task for another person or
    another time.  Instead, I will focus on one particular way in which
    these philosophical questions have lately arisen in the area of
    HCI.  Recent research activities, focusing on what I call "embodied
    interaction," reflect the situated, embodied perspective of Heidegger,
    Wittgenstein and other post-1930s philosophers.  In the pages that
    follow, I will explore this perspective and show how it applies to
    these new research programs, and how, by looking at the philosophical
    background, we can begin to understand the foundational underpinnings
    of these new approaches.  The goal is to develop an understanding that
    explains the relationship between the various elements of the embodied
    interaction approach, and begins to suggest how, when and why embodied
    interaction works.
    So, this book is about "where the action is" in two ways.  First,
    it is about a perspective that places the action of embodied agents
    center stage.  Rather than taking action to be generated from or
    subservient to abstract reasoning, the perspective I will explore here
    sees embodied practical action in the world as the foundation for our
    conscious experience.  Second, this approach is "where the action is"
    in the sense that it provides a way to understand the contributions
    and opportunities emerging from dynamic new forms of technological
    Table of contents:
    Preface		                            vii
    History of Interaction	                    1
    Getting in Touch	                   25
    Social Computing			   55
    Being-in-the-world: Embodied Interaction   99
    Foundations	                          127
    Moving Toward Desgn                       155
    Conclusions and Directions	          189
    Notes	                                  211
    References                                217
    Index	                                  231
    Chapter 1: A History of Interaction
    It is a truism that computers are becoming faster and more powerful
    all the time.  They play an ever larger role in our lives, giving us
    access to more and more information, being incorporated into more and
    more of our devices, and creating whole new forms of interaction and
    activity that we would never otherwise have imagined.  From desktop
    computers to laptops to personal digital assistants, not to mention
    bank teller machines, microwave ovens, cellular telephones and digital
    music players, we encounter computers in all aspects of everyday
    life.  The ever-expanding province of computation is a commonplace,
    the topic of a million coffee-shop conversations, television reports,
    and newspaper headlines.  We talk about how fast it is changing, but
    we talk much less about the ways in which it is not.  Many things
    about computers are not changing at all.  Our basic ideas about what
    a computer is, what it does and how it does it, for instance, have
    hardly changed for decades.  Nor have the difficulties we encounter
    actually using computers.
    Our experience using computers reflects a trade-off that was made
    fifty years ago or more.  When computers were first being developed
    commercially, they were extremely expensive devices.  Computer time
    was much more expensive than your time or mine.  In that context,
    efficiency dictated that we minimize the amount of computer time
    any job or activity needed, even if that meant burdening the people
    who wanted to submit the job.  If a rigid, formalized input language
    was easier for the system to process, for example, then the cost in
    people's time to format their data in that language was more than
    offset by the savings in processing time that would result.  Because
    most uses of computers were military and commercial rather than
    personal, it was hard to disagree with this sort of economic argument.
    It gave rise to a model that favors performance over convenience, and
    places a premium on the computer's time rather than people's time.
    This model is still with us today.
    However, in light of those commonly observed transformations in
    computer power, we are now in a position to reconsider the trade-off.
    Arguably, we must.  Computers are now so much faster and more
    powerful, giving us access to so much more information that we
    are simply no longer able to manage and assimilate it.  At the same
    time, those powerful computers spend 95 percent of their time doing
    absolutely nothing.  Modern personal computers perform very few tasks
    that use their full capacity for longer than a second or two.  Outside
    these brief bursts of activity, most of the time they do nothing at
    all, generally while we try to figure out what to make of what just
    happened or we want to do next.
    At the same time, we increasingly see computers incorporated
    into devices other than the traditional PC sitting on the desk.
    Computation is part of your cellular telephone, your microwave oven,
    your car, and a host of other technologies.  The rise of so-called
    embedded computing reflects the fact that computation can be usefully
    harnessed for more than just traditional desktop computing.  It
    can also help us as we get up and move about in the world, which we
    generally do more of than sitting at desks (or would, if the computers
    didn't shackle us to them).  However, this new form of computational
    exacerbates the effects of the trade-off between the work that the
    user and the system do.  As I sit at my desktop computer, it occupies
    the whole of my attention; but that would be a terrible idea in a
    computer I'm using while I drive, or cross the street, or try to enjoy
    a conversation with friends.
    These two trends -- the massive increase in computational power,
    and the expanding context in which we put that power to use -- both
    suggest that we need new ways of interacting with computers, ways that
    are better tuned to our needs and abilities.  Over the last few years,
    research into Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has begun to explore
    new ways to control and interact with a new breed of computer systems.
    Prototype systems have been developed; new forms of interaction
    explored; new research groups established; new designs developed and
    This book is a contribution to the emerging literature on this new
    approach to interacting with computers, ones that I call "Embodied
    Interaction".  Embodied Interaction is interaction with computer
    systems that occupy our world, a world of physical and social reality,
    and that exploit this fact in how they interact with us.
    There are two ways in which the material I want to present in this
    book differs from other explorations in HCI.  The first difference
    concerns the set of entities that will appear here.  In particular,
    although computer interfaces are the general topic, computer
    interfaces themselves will not appear too often.  Here, I am more
    concerned with interaction than I am with interfaces, and more
    concerned with computation than I am with computers.  When I say
    that I am more concerned with interaction than with interfaces, I mean
    that I will be dealing with the ways in which interactive systems are
    manifest in our environment and are incorporated into our everyday
    activities, rather than with the specific design of one user interface
    or another.  Similarly, when I say that I am more concerned with
    computation than with computers, I mean that I want to address the
    idea of computation per se -- of active representations embodied
    in hardware and software systems -- rather than the specific
    capabilities of systems available at the start of the new millennium.
    So, megabytes and gigahertz will not be at issue, but representational
    power will be.
    The second difference is in the way that those topics will be
    addressed.  In particular, as you might guess on the basis of my
    concern with interaction and computation, I want to address a set
    of topics that are more foundational than practical.  This is not
    a source book of design solutions, or a how-to manual for interface
    developers -- although these practical matters will certainly arise,
    and I hope that designers will find something useful here.  In fact,
    the very reason for exploring foundations is to support the design
    and evaluation of new systems, tools, and interaction modalities.
    The goal of this foundational exploration is to provide resources to
    designers and system developers, by giving them tools they can use to
    understand and analyze their designs.
    Traditionally, the central component of any account of computation
    has been algorithms or procedures -- step-by-step models that specify
    the sequential behavior of a computer system.  In turn, because they
    are based on an analogy between mental phenomena and computation,
    cognitive science and AI have also predominantly espoused a
    step-by-step model of procedural execution.  In the last few years,
    though, this procedural approach has been challenged by a new
    conceptualization of computational phenomena that places the emphasis
    not on procedures but on interaction (Wegner, 1997).  Interactional
    approaches conceptualize computation as the interplay between
    different components, rather than the fixed and prespecified paths
    that a single, monolithic computational engine might follow.  These
    models of computation have more in common with ecosystems than with
    the vast mechanisms we used to imagine.  They emphasize diversity and
    specialization rather than unity and generality.  Perhaps there is, in
    this, something of the spirit of the times; perhaps, too, the rise of
    new computational paradigms such as parallel systems, object-oriented
    programming, and Internet-style software design is implicated in
    this change.  The change, though, has occurred across a wide range
    of areas of computational investigation.  It has affected how we think
    about computation from a mathematical perspective, leading to new
    theoretical accounts of systems such as Hoare's CSP (Hoare, 1985) or
    Milner's work on CCS and the Pi Calculus (Milner, 1995; 2000); it has
    affected how we think about computational models of mind, as reflected
    by Minsky's "Society of Mind" (Minsky, 1988) Agre's critique of
    computational reasoning (Agre, 1997), or Brooks's approach to robotics
    (Brooks, 1999); and it has led to new accounts of the practice of
    programming (Stein, 1998).
    You might think that studies of how people use computers must always
    have been built around a model of the world that gives pride of place
    to interaction, but in fact HCI has traditionally been built on a
    procedural foundation.  HCI, from its very beginning, took on the
    trappings of the traditional computational model, and set out its
    account of the world in terms of plans, procedures, tasks, and goals.
    In contrast, the model of HCI I set out here is one that places
    interaction at the center of the picture.  By this I mean that it
    considers interaction not only as what is being done, but also as
    how it is being done.  Interaction is the means by which the work is
    accomplished, dynamically and in context.
    Some background will help to clarify what this means, and set the
    stage for the argument this book will develop.  The context is the
    historical evolution of the idea of interaction and the technology of
    A Historical Model of Interaction
    Just as computers have evolved considerably in their short history,
    so have styles of human-computer interaction.  There are many ways to
    conceptualize the history of interaction with computer systems.  The
    purely technological view, for example, would recount the history of
    the input and output devices that have characterized different stages
    of interface development, and would describe their computational
    demands.  A political view would consider the movement of ideas from
    one laboratory to another as researchers respond to the demands and
    interests of funding agencies, and so forth, while an economic view
    how user interface development has influenced, and been influenced
    by, the growth of the high-tech industry and the PC economy.
    Grudin (1990) describes the history of interaction as the story of
    the "computer reaching out", in which interaction moves from being
    directly focused on the physical machine to incorporating more and
    more of the user's world and the social setting in which the user
    is embedded.  Although Grudin's analysis is now a decade old, it is
    interesting to see the ways in which later trends in HCI design --
    including some that are of particular interest in this book -- have
    followed quite closely the directions that he laid out.
    I want to explore a slightly different view here, in order to set
    some context for the discussion that will follow.  In particular,
    I want to present the stages in the historical development of user
    interfaces in terms of the different sets of human skills they are
    designed to exploit.  This is not a different history of HCI, of
    course, but merely a different telling of the history, with the
    emphasis in a slightly different place.  As is perhaps appropriate
    for a discipline that concerns itself as much with human abilities
    as with technological opportunities, it draws attention to the
    human experience of computation.  The are four separate phases of
    development to discuss.  I characterize them as electrical, symbolic,
    textual, graphical forms of interaction.
    Today, when we talk of "computers", we invariably mean digital
    devices.  The computer as we know it is inescapably bound up with
    the ones and zeros of digital logic.  It was not always this way.
    Originally, the word "computers" referred to human beings -- people
    whose daily work was the figuring of calculations, such as for
    producing engineering tables.  However, even when "computers" became
    electronic devices, they were not necessarily digital ones.  Before
    digital computers came analog computers.  Analog computers did
    not rely on the discrete logic that characterizes modern computing
    devices; instead, they relied on the use of standard components such
    as resistors and capacitors to create electronic models of continuous
    natural phenomena (such as wave motion, the interaction of electronic
    forces, or the movements of objects under gravity).  Essentially,
    the analog computer was the apparatus for laboratory simulations that
    took place not in the physical world, but in an analogous electronic
    reality.  To set up a new experiment, the machine would have to be
    reconfigured, possibly quite radically, through the incorporation
    of new circuits.  This task-specificity was shared by the early
    digital computers, too.  Even after we had made the move from analog
    electronics to digital logic, the earliest digital computers were
    special purpose devices, designed as automatic calculators to solve
    specific problems -- often, inevitably, in military domains (such
    as calculating missile trajectories or exploring patterns in coded
    While there is some debate about precisely who was the first to make
    the move -- perhaps Eckert and Mauchley with EDVAC in Philadelphia,
    or Williams and Kilburn building the Small-Scale Experimental Machine,
    known as "Baby", at Manchester, or one of the other contenders --
    what is generally accepted is that the critical development in digital
    computing was that of the stored program computer.  In contrast
    to earlier designs, a stored program computer is a machine whose
    operation is not directly encoded in its circuits, but rather
    is determined by a sequence of instructions held in its memory
    -- instructions that can, clearly, be changed or replaced much
    more easily than the electrical circuits could be reconfigured.
    Nonetheless, the first age of computing, around the time that this
    transition took place, relied heavily on an understanding of the
    electronics that made up any given machine.  Every machine was a
    prototype; every program, uniquely designed for a specific computer
    (and perhaps even a specific version or configuration of that
    computer).  What we currently refer to as "instruction sets" --
    the set of low-level operations that processors such as the Pentium
    or PowerPC can understand -- were, at that stage in the history
    of computation, intimately tied to the individual details of the
    circuitry of any particular computer.  So, even as we made the
    transition from hardware configuration to digitally stored programs,
    the dominant paradigm for interaction with the computer was
    electronic.  Entering a new program, even if that program was to
    be stored digitally in the memory of the computer, could still bear
    a remarkable resemblance to electronic reconfiguration, involving
    plugboards and patch cables.  Indeed, such programming activity was
    often accompanied with the development of new circuits that could
    extend the operation of the system.  The boundary that we now take
    for granted between hardware and software was much fuzzier then;
    interacting with the system, and developing new programs, relied on
    a thorough understanding of the electronic design.
    The next stage of development is characterized by the emergence of
    symbolic forms of interaction.  The movement from one stage to another
    is not a sudden and clear transition; instead, it is a general trend
    that emerges in a number of different ways.  We can see it in the
    basic forms of programming systems, which was the primary form of
    interaction between human and computer at a time when "users" as we
    now know them did not yet exist.
    As the transition from electrical to symbolic approaches gradually
    took hold, programming computers came to require less understanding
    of the detailed construction of each particular machine, and relied
    increasingly on regularized and well-understood capacities that would
    be available across a wide range of machines -- register files, index
    registers, accumulators, and so forth.  At the same time, the primary
    form of programs moved from a numeric form (that is, the "machine
    language" of raw instructions that a machine would understand) to
    other symbolic forms that were more readily understandable to human
    beings.  So-called assembly languages are essentially symbolic forms
    of machine language, using mnemonic codes that stand in one-to-one
    correspondence with the machine level instructions, so that a sequence
    of instruction codes such as "a9 62 82 2c" is rendered as a symbolic
    expression such as "movl (r1+), r2".
    Since assembly languages are simply a different rendering of
    machine languages -- symbolic forms that describe sets of specific
    instructions -- they are just as tied as machine languages to
    particular systems, although, by this stage, computer systems
    were being produced industrially rather than developed as one-off
    prototypes in laboratories.  But they are in no way portable between
    machines of different sorts, even today -- assembly programs for an
    Intel processor yield machine instructions that will run only on Intel
    processors, and not on other processors made by Motorola.  A further
    progression along the symbolic path, though, came with the development
    of the early programming languages such as LISP and FORTRAN.
    Essentially, these lay down two sets of rules.  The first set
    describes what structural properties a set of instructions will have
    to be valid programs -- what rules must be followed when creating
    something that is a FORTRAN program rather than simply gibberish.
    The second describe how programs can be turned into a set of (machine
    language) instructions for the computer to execute.  The important
    point is that, whereas programs would previously be specified with
    relation to a specific machine language (perhaps encoded as assembly
    instructions, but still tied to a particular sort of computer), the
    programmer's activity was now lifted to a more abstract level that was
    simultaneously a more natural form of expression and independent of
    the precise details of any specific computer, its implementation and
    The introduction of programming systems such as assemblers and
    programming languages moved computer interaction, then, from an
    electronic level to a symbolic one.  It introduced a set of symbolic
    representations of computer system operation as the primary modality
    by which interaction was conducted.  Interestingly, this was
    also reflected in the physical interaction with systems.  Punched
    cards, for example, can be regarded as a primitive form of symbolic
    interaction, especially because punched card systems quickly came to
    incorporate both data card (that is, cards that carried information
    for programs to process) and control cards (instructing the system to
    begin and end jobs, etc.) The control cards, then, provide a symbolic
    language for controlling the behavior of the system.
    The reason I want to cast the history of interactive computing in
    terms of these different sorts of interaction modalities is that it
    draws our attention to the fact that they exploit quite different sets
    of skills.  We are all highly skilled at various forms of symbolic
    interaction; language and communication, for us, are largely symbolic
    in nature, whether these symbols take the forms of icons, traffic
    signs, flags, maps, or marks on paper.  Symbolic interaction is a
    much more natural and intuitive form of interaction for us than the
    electronic form that had previously been necessary; and it allows us
    to bring to bear a much more powerful set of intuitions and abilities
    to the interactive task.  So, finding errors in assembly language
    programs is much less error-prone than trying to do the same in
    machine language; and debugging programs written in so-called high
    level languages is easier still (although, as any programmer will
    tell you, is still the most time-consuming and intricate part of the
    process of developing software).  We are generally able to exploit a
    greater range of skills -- visual, cognitive and so on -- as we move
    from electrical to symbolic forms of interaction.
    The best-developed form of symbolic interaction with which we are
    familiar is, of course, written language and textual interaction.
    So it is only natural that symbolic interaction with computers should
    gradually extend into the textual domain.
    Of course, most of the examples I provided above for symbolic
    interaction were textual in nature, one way or another.  For my
    purposes, a distinction can be made between symbolic and textual
    interaction by looking at the actual interaction with the computer.
    So, although programs written in assembly language are clearly
    textual, the form in which they arrive at the computer might not
    be textual at all, but might be encoded on punched cards or other
    symbolic media.  However, the modes of interaction with technology
    are continually shifting as technology develops and new opportunities
    present themselves, and before long the primary form of direct
    interaction with computers was, indeed, textual interaction, at
    teletype machines and video terminals.
    When this transition took place, textual interaction was no longer
    simply a means to describe computer operations, but became the primary
    form of interaction.  Arguably, this is the origin of "interactive"
    computing, since textual interfaces also meant appearance of
    the "interactive loop", in which interaction became an endless
    back-and-forth of instruction and response between user and system.
    Even in these days of graphical and virtual reality interfaces, this
    model is still often the only recourse for some operations.
    One reason that textual interaction remains so powerful is that it
    draws not only on the use of textual characters but on how those
    characters can be combined into words and sets of words.  In other
    words, along with textual interaction came a "grammar" of interaction,
    one that broke input text into commands, parameters, arguments and
    options.  So, just as the move from electrical to symbolic interaction
    meant that interface designers could draw upon a new set of human
    skills and abilities, so too did textual interaction.  Textual
    interaction can draw on our linguistic skills, not by letting us
    simply "talk" (at least, outside of science fiction films), but rather
    by drawing on our abilities to create meaningful sentences by putting
    together a set of elements each of which contributes a part of the
    sense of the whole.
    The compositional character of textual interaction has proven hard
    to replace as interfaces have developed.  The value, as we will see,
    of later interaction modalities such as graphical user interfaces
    is that they make the abstract entities of computation into "real",
    individuable objects supporting direct interaction.  However, because
    our programs are still constructed in terms of abstract entities,
    textual interaction still proves its value by giving us the ability
    to create instructions that operate in terms of generalities -- loops,
    conditions, patterns and more.
    The other significant feature of the textual interface paradigm
    is that it brought the idea of "interaction" to the fore.  Textual
    interaction drew upon language much more explicitly than before, and
    at the same time it was accompanied by a transition to a new model of
    computing, in which a user would actually sit in front of a computer
    terminal, entering commands and reading responses.  With this
    combination of language use and direct interaction, it was natural
    to look on the result as a "conversation" or "dialogue".  These days,
    this idea of dialogue is central to our notion of "interaction" with
    the computer, replacing configuration, programming, or the other ideas
    that had largely characterized the interplay between users and systems
    in the past.  So, although the notion of "interaction" with computers
    had important predecessors before this period -- such as Ivan
    Sutherland's hugely influential work on Sketchpad (Sutherland, 1963)
    -- it was arguably from the paradigm of text-based dialog that people
    drew the idea of "interacting with the machine".  And interacting was
    something that we already knew how to do.
    Probably the most significant transition, in terms of the development
    of the user interface models that are familiar to us today, was
    the transition from textual to graphical interaction.  Graphical
    interaction developed from the work of many people, including
    Sketchpad on the TX-2 (Sutherland, 1963), and the work of Alan Kay and
    his colleagues at PARC, based in turn on the developmental psychology
    of Piaget, Bruner, and others (Kay, 1993).
    Just as the move from symbolic to textual interaction did more than
    simply replace one symbolic language with another, so the move from
    textual to graphical interaction did not simply replace words with
    icons, but instead opened up whole new dimensions for interaction --
    quite literally, in fact, by turning interaction into something that
    happened in a two-dimensional space rather than a one-dimensional
    stream of characters.  Traditional textual interaction took place at
    teletype machines or serial terminals, where information appeared at
    the bottom of the screen and scrolled up to disappear off the top.
    The user's input and the system's output together formed a single
    stream of information, arranged linearly, character by character.  In
    contrast, graphical interaction is characterized by its use of space;
    information is spread out over a larger screen area, so that the locus
    of action and attention can move around the screen from place to place
    or can even be in multiple places simultaneously (e.g. in different
    windows).  The task of managing information becomes one of managing
    Moving from one-dimensional to two-dimensional interaction made it
    possible, again, to exploit further areas of human ability as part of
    the interactive experience.  These included:
    - Peripheral Attention.  Distributing information around a
    two-dimensional space allows us to arrange it so that it can be
    selectively attended to.  For example, many applications divide the
    screen (or window) into two areas -- a large area taking up most of
    the space in which the primary interaction takes place, and a smaller
    area, at one edge or off to the side, in which messages are displayed
    about the current progress of other tasks, or other ancillary
    information.  My word processor uses this approach.  It has a status
    bar at the bottom of the screen that shows when the document is being
    updated, saved, printed and so forth and provides various pieces of
    information that might be helpful in managing my activity but are not
    central to it.  By placing them in the periphery, the application
    exploits my ability to focus on one area while passively attending to
    other activity in the periphery.
    - Pattern Recognition and Spatial Reasoning.  Laying out information
    in two dimensions lets us apply the skills we use managing visual
    information in the everyday environment.  Actions as simple as
    walking across the room or picking up a cup involve spatial reasoning
    skills, and these can be exploited in two-dimensional interfaces.
    In  particular, our ability to recognize patterns in the spatial
    organization of information provides new ways to convey information,
    and provides opportunities to arrange data element so that they
    convey information as a whole.  The same techniques that allow graphs,
    charts, and other visual information designs to provide insight
    into collections of information can also be exploited when we move
    computational information and interaction into a two-dimensional
    - Information Density.  Pattern recognition draws upon the way in
    which certain arrangements of data can draw attention to patterns and
    other items of "meta-information".  In turn, this raises a question
    of "information density".  Some information can be conveyed more
    succinctly in graphical form than in lists of numbers or other textual
    representations.  A picture really can be worth a thousand words; it
    can often be displayed more compactly and apprehended more rapidly
    than can its thousand-word equivalent.  Of course, there are also
    forms of information for which a textual presentation is either
    desirable or required, but graphical interaction has never been
    purely graphical; instead, it extends the vocabulary of interaction
    to incorporate graphical as well as textual presentation forms and
    allows textual information to be presented within a framework that
    incorporates graphical elements and two-dimensional layout.
    - Visual Metaphors.  As well as giving new ways to depict data,
    the graphical approach can also add value by providing new ways
    to represent actions and the context in which actions take place.
    This leads to the development of visual metaphors for information
    management.  The most widespread is the office or desktop metaphor, in
    which information management tasks are based around metaphorical model
    incorporating filing cabinets and trashcans, graphically displayed
    on the screen along with the basic data elements, and so conveying
    a sense of the activities that can be performed over the data.  In
    more recent systems, this has been extended.  General Magic's "Magic
    Cap" interface used a metaphorical depiction of an office featuring a
    desk (along with various desktop tools), a telephone, and a door open
    to a world outside; note-taking applications often feature graphical
    depictions of notebooks or index cards; and so on.
    The development of graphical interaction techniques led to a model of
    interface design known as direct manipulation, in which these elements
    are combined and extended.  The fundamental principle in direct
    manipulation interfaces is to represent explicitly the objects that
    users will deal with and to allow users to operate on these objects
    directly.  Uploading a file to a server by naming it, or even by
    selecting it from an "open file" dialog, is not a direct manipulation
    approach; direct manipulation would advocate selecting the file icon,
    dragging it and dropping it onto a representation of the server.  The
    direct manipulation style of interface extends the idea of the visual
    metaphor to a richer model in which the abstract objects that make up
    the system's conceptual model -- be they records, files, connections,
    servers, transactions, or whatever -- are realized in metaphorical
    world that also defines how they interact with each other.  From
    these separate elements, the designer builds an inhabited world in
    which users act.  Direct manipulation interfaces exploit and extend
    the benefits of graphical interaction.  Because the system can be
    controlled entirely through the manipulation of on-screen objects,
    all opportunities for action are "out in the open".  This eliminates
    (or, at least, reduces) the need for long sequences of action, paths
    that might be difficult to recognize or hard to follow.
    It has been a long transition from interacting with computers using
    a soldering iron to interacting using a mouse.  It has been neither
    smooth nor planned.  Instead, the evolution of interaction models
    has gone hand in hand with the evolution of technologies, models of
    computation, and perceptions of the roles that computers will play in
    our lives.
    Despite the rather chaotic evolution of interaction, it is still
    possible to draw out some general trends.  The trend I have emphasized
    here is the gradual incorporation of a wider range of human skills
    and abilities.  This allows computation to be made ever more widely
    accessible to people without requiring extensive training, and to be
    more easily integrated into our daily lives by reducing the complexity
    of those interactions.  The "skills and abilities" perspective also
    offers a model for what sorts of opportunities new research directions
    might offer.
    New Models for Interactive System Design
    Graphical interaction remains the dominant paradigm for interaction
    with computers.  In 1981, Xerox's Star was the first personal
    computer to ship with the features of a graphical user interface
    as we recognize them today -- windows, menus and a mouse -- and
    the Macintosh, three year later, was the first to ship in volume
    at an affordable price.  Perhaps more significantly, the release
    of Macintosh signaled a sea-change in the way in which we interacted
    with computers.  It simply became clear that this new paradigm was how
    we would interact with computers from then on.  Other manufacturers
    started shipping their machines with mice and with displays capable
    of supporting windowed interfaces, and the graphical user interface
    became the familiar face of computing.
    Twenty years later, this is still true.  As I write this, there are
    four computers here in my office, running three different operating
    systems; but they all display similar graphical user interfaces
    comprising windows, menus and widgets such as buttons and scroll
    bars, controlled by a mouse sitting next to the keyboard.  Although
    the Macintosh is arguably the only one that was designed that way from
    Day 1, the style that it introduced has remains largely unchallenged.
    In fact, the graphical interface predominates even in those areas
    where its application is more questionable, from wall-sized electronic
    whiteboards to small handheld computers.
    However, recent research programs have begun to explore new paradigms
    for interaction and interactive system design.  Some of these will be
    the topics of the next few chapters, but a quick sketch is in order
    Tangible and Social Approaches to Computing
    The chapter opened by discussing how we are increasingly encountering
    computation that moves beyond the traditional confines of the desk and
    attempts to incorporate itself more richly into our daily experience
    of the physical and social world.  Each of these areas -- physical and
    social -- has been the focus of research attention.
    Work on physical interaction has been a particularly active topic in
    the last few years.  A variety of terms have been used to encompass
    the different activities being carried out and concerns being
    addressed -- I use "tangible computing" here as a general umbrella
    Tangible computing encompasses a number of different activities.
    One general trend is to distribute computation across a variety
    of devices, which are spread throughout the physical environment
    and are sensitive to their location and their proximity to other
    devices.  In these sorts of environments, printers and fax machines
    might advertise their presence to handheld computers, which can
    then reconfigure themselves around the set of services available in
    the local environment; or tags identifying individuals might signal
    their presence to each other so that their wearers can find out which
    people in a meeting room share their interests, or even just who the
    people are.  A second trend is to augment the everyday world with
    computational power, so that pieces of paper, cups, pens, ornaments,
    and toys can be made active entities that respond to their environment
    and people's activities.  A toy might know when its picked up, and
    change the computer display to reflect the fact that its owner is
    clearly feeling more playful rather than concentrating on work.  Or
    picking up a piece of paper might cause my computer to show me related
    documents or remind me about other things I was working on when I
    last used it.  A third topic of investigation in tangible computing is
    how these sorts of approaches can be harnessed to create environments
    for computational activity in which we interact directly through
    physical artifacts rather than traditional graphical interfaces and
    interface devices like mice.  Mice provide only simple information
    about movement in two dimensions, while in the everyday world we
    can manipulate many objects at once, using both hands and three
    dimensions to arrange the environment for our purposes and the
    activities at hand.  A child playing with blocks engages with them in
    quite different ways than we could provide in a screen-based virtual
    equivalent; so tangible computing is exploring how to get the computer
    "out of the way" and provide people with a much more direct --
    tangible -- interaction experience.
    Although perhaps less focussed as a research activity than tangible
    computing, the last decade or so has also seen increasing attempts
    to incorporate understandings of the social world into interactive
    systems.  By analogy with tangible computing, I refer to this as
    "social computing".
    Again, it encompasses a range of different activities that are more
    or less aligned.  One set of activities involves incorporating social
    understandings into the design of interaction itself.  That is, it
    attempts to understand how the "dialogue" between users and computers
    can be seen as similar and dissimilar to the way in which we interact
    with each other.  Social science offers models of social action
    and the establishment of social meaning, which provide insight
    into the design of interaction with software systems.  At the same
    time, anthropological and sociological approaches have been applied
    to uncovering the mechanisms through which people organize their
    activity, and the role that social and organizational settings play
    in this process.  These investigations have yielded both prototype
    systems and generalized understandings of the influence that social
    and organizational settings can have on the organization of activities
    around computer systems.  Finally, here, a third set of investigations
    have explored how what we normally consider to be "single-user"
    interaction -- one person sitting in front of one computer -- can be
    enhanced by incorporating information about others and the activity
    of others.  This information can, in turn, assist individuals in
    exploring the electronic world of a computer application in the same
    way that the real world reveals to use signs and indications of the
    activities of others that can help us find our way around and carry
    on our actions -- whether by "following the crowd" to find an event,
    sizing up the clientele when deciding on a restaurant, or knowing that
    a hotel is a good place to catch a taxi.
    These are brief sketches of research areas, to be explored in more
    detail later on.  However, even these overviews show that Human-
    Computer Interaction research is responding to the challenges of
    computation that inhabits our world, rather than forcing us to inhabit
    its own.
     From Tangible and Social Computing to Embodied Interaction
    My reason for viewing the history of interaction as a gradual
    expansion of the range of human skills and abilities that can be
    incorporated into interacting with computers is that I believe is
    that it provides a valuable perspective on activities such as tangible
    and social computing.  In particular, it shows that these two areas
    draw on the same sets of skills and abilities.  Tangible and social
    computing are aspects of one and the same research program.
    This is the hypothesis that this book sets out to explore.  The rest
    of the book will discuss the hypothesis and its implications in more
    detail, but we can set the argument out briefly here.  It has four
    First, I want to argue that social and tangible interaction are based
    on the same underlying principles.  This is not to deny their obvious
    differences, both in the approaches they adopt and the ways in which
    they apply to the design of interactive systems.  Nonetheless, they
    share some important elements in common.  In particular, they both
    exploit our familiarity and facility with the everyday world --
    whether that is a world of social interaction or physical artifacts.
    This role of the everyday world here is more than simply the
    metaphorical approach used in traditional graphical interface design.
    It's not simply a new way of using ideas like desktops, windows,
    and buttons to make computation accessible.  Instead of drawing on
    artifacts in the everyday world, it draws on the way the everyday
    world works or, perhaps more accurately, the ways we experience the
    everyday world.  Both approaches draw on the fact that the ways in
    which we experience the world are through directly interacting with
    it, and that we act in the world by exploring the opportunities
    for action that it provides to us -- whether through its physical
    configuration, or through socially constructed meanings.  In other
    words, they share an understanding that you cannot separate the
    individual from the world in which that individual lives and acts.
    This comes about in contrast to a narrowly cognitive perspective
    which, for some time, dominated the thinking of computer system
    designers and which still persists to a considerable degree.  The
    positivist, Cartesian "naive cognitivism" approach makes a strong
    separation between, on the one hand, the mind as the seat of
    consciousness and rational decision making, with an abstract model
    of the world that can be operated upon to form plans of action;
    and, on the other, the objective, external world as a largely stable
    collection of objects and events to be observed and manipulated
    according to the internal mental states of the individual.  From this
    perspective, a disembodied brain could think about the world just as
    we do, although it might lack the ability to affect it by acting in
    it.  In contrast, the new perspective on which tangible and social
    computing rest argues that a disembodied brain could not experience
    the world in the same ways that we do, because our experience of
    the world is intimately tied to the ways in which we act in it.
    Physically, our experiences cannot be separated from the reality
    of our bodily presence in the world; and socially, too, the same
    relationship holds because our nature as social beings is based on
    the ways in which we act and interact, in real time, all the time.  So,
    just as this perspective argues that we act in the world by exploring
    its physical affordances, it also argues that our social actions are
    ones that we jointly construct as we go along.  A conversation between
    two people is shaped in response to the moment rather than abstractly
    planned, in much the same way as a juggler has to respond dynamically
    to the ways in which each ball falls.
    This leads to the second part of my argument, which is that the
    central element of this alternative perspective is the idea of
    embodiment.  By embodiment, I do not mean simply physical reality,
    although that is often one way in which it appears.  Embodiment,
    instead, denotes a form of participative status.  Embodiment is about
    the fact that things are embedded in the world, and the ways in which
    their reality depends on being embedded.  So it applies to spoken
    conversations just as much as to apples or bookshelves; but it's also
    the dividing line between an apple and the idea of an apple.
    Why is embodiment relevant to these sorts of interactions with
    computers?  It is relevant in at least three ways.
    First, the designers of interactive systems have increasingly come to
    understand that interaction is intimately connected with the settings
    in which it occurs.  In adopting anthropological techniques as ways to
    uncover the details of work and develop requirements for interactive
    systems to support that work, we have begun to realize just how
    important a role is played by the environment in which the work takes
    place.  This is true of both physical environments and social or
    organizational ones.  Physical environments are arranged so as to make
    certain kinds of activities easier (or more difficult), and in turn,
    those activities are tailored to the details of the environment in
    which they take place.  The same thing happens at an organizational
    level; the nature of the organization in which the work takes place
    will affect the work itself and the ways it is done.  The increasing
    sensitivity to settings leads naturally to a concern with how work and
    interaction are embodied within those settings, since that embodiment
    determines how it is that computation and the setting will fit
    Second, this focus on settings reflects a more general turn to
    consider work activities and artifacts in concrete terms rather than
    abstract ones.  Instead of developing abstract accounts of mythical
    users, HCI increasingly employs field studies and observational
    techniques to stage "encounters" with real users, in real settings,
    doing real work.  These encounters are often very revealing, as they
    tend to show that the ways the work gets done are not necessarily
    those that are listed in procedural manuals, or even in the accounts
    that the people themselves would tell you if you asked.  Attention to
    detail, to specifics, and to actual cases, leads in turn to thinking
    about computational in similar terms.  In particular, it leads to a
    concern with how interaction is manifest in the interface.  Tangible
    computing reflects this concern by exploring the opportunities for us
    to manifest computation and interaction in radically new forms, while
    social computing seeks ways for interaction to manifest more than
    simply the programmer's abstract model of the task, but also the
    specifics of how the work comes to be done.  In the real world, where
    the artifacts through which interaction is conducted are directly
    embodied in the everyday environment, these are all manifested
    alongside each other, inseparably.  Tangible and social computing
    are trying to stitch them back together after traditional interactive
    system design approaches ripped them apart.
    Third, there is a recognition that, through their direct embodiment in
    the world we occupy, the artifacts of daily interaction can play many
    different roles.  As an example, consider the revealing studies of the
    role of medical record cards in hospitals (Nygren et al., 1992).  From
    a technical perspective, patient record cards are simply carriers of
    well-defined information concerning the patient's diagnosis and
    treatment, and, as embodied on paper, present various problems: they
    can be lost, they can be hard to read, and they can only be in one
    place at a time.  From this perspective, it seems both straightforward
    and beneficial to replace the paper records with electronic versions.
    However, in practice, such straightforward replacements are rarely
    successful.  Studies of the failure of such systems show that the
    paper records are more than simply carriers of information about the
    patient.  They carry other important information as a result of the
    way that they are used in the work of the hospital.  For example,
    handwriting on the forms reveals who performed different parts of
    the treatment; wear and tear on the form indicates heavy use; and the
    use of pencil marks rather than pen informally indicates tentative
    information.  To trained eyes, a card conveys information not just
    about the patient, but also about the history of activities over
    the card and around the patient.  It can do this because it not only
    represents the world of the patient, but it also participates in
    that world -- it is an embodied artifact, and it participates in the
    embodied activities of those administering medical care.  So, one
    relevance of embodiment for interaction with computational systems
    is that, for many tasks, it is relevant to consider how computational
    participates in the world it represents.  Computation is fundamentally
    a representational medium, but as we attempt to expand the ways in
    which we interact with computation, we need to be consider the duality
    of representation and participation.
    The third element of this book's argument is that the idea of
    embodiment as a common foundation gives us relates it to other schools
    of thought.  Embodiment is not a new phenomenon, or a new area for
    intellectual endeavor.  In fact, it is a common theme running through
    much twentieth century thought.  The notion of embodiment plays
    a special role in one particular school of philosophical thought,
    Phenomenology is primarily concerned with how we perceive, experience
    and act in the world around us.  What differentiates it from other
    approaches is its central emphasis on the actual phenomena of
    experience, where other approaches might be concerned with abstract
    world models.  Traditional approaches would suggest that we each have
    an understanding of the elements of which our world is constructed,
    and an abstract mental model of how these concepts are related.
    We understand that there are entities we can drink from, and that
    cups, glasses, and mugs are examples; we understand that we can sit
    on things like sofas and stools, and that people often keep cats
    and rabbits as house-pets, but rarely elephants or seals.  This
    information, abstractly encoded in our heads, guides our actions in
    the world.  Armed with a model of appropriate concepts and relations
    -- an ontology -- we can look around us and recognize what we see.
    So, the traditional model supposes that when I encounter a glass of
    wine, even though I have never seen this particular one before, I
    can still recognize it as being a glass of wine because of the way in
    which it fits into my model as an instance of the abstract class of
    glasses and other drinking vessels.
    In contrast, the phenomenologists argue that this separation between
    mind and matter, or between what Descartes called the "res cognitans"
    and the "res extensa", has no basis in reality.  Thinking does not
    occur separately from being and acting.  Certainly, there is nothing
    in our experience to support such a separation.  In every case,
    we encounter them together, as aspects of the same existence.
    Consequently, phenomenology has attempted to reconstruct the
    relationship between mind and matter without this separation.
    So, rather than the Cartesians' theory- or model-driven approach
    to perception, the phenomenological approach argues for what we might
    call a preontological apprehension of the world.  Perception begins
    with what is experienced, rather than beginning with what is expected;
    the model is to "see and understand" rather than "understand and see".
    To say that phenomenology is all about perception is to limit it
    unfairly.  In addition to perception, it is also concerned with
    action, with understanding, and with how these are all related to each
    other, as part and parcel of our daily experience as participants in
    the world.  In the hands of some, such as Alfred Schutz, phenomenology
    has also been a tool to understand social action and practice; others
    such as Wittgenstein, while not phenomenologists, have developed
    allied approaches to topics such as language and meaning.  These
    approaches provide an extensive set of investigations of the questions
    of presence, embodiment, and action.
    In turn, the fourth element of the book's argument is that we can
    build on the phenomenological understandings to create a foundational
    approach to embodied interaction.  Such a foundation should do two
    things.  First, it should account for the ways in which social and
    tangible computing -- and, perhaps, further areas to be defined --
    are related to each other, showing how they can draw upon each other's
    work and provide a unified model for Human-Computer Interaction.
    Second, it should inform and support the design, analysis and
    evaluation of interactive systems, providing us with ways of
    understanding how they work, from the perspective of embodiment.
    This, then, is the four-part hypothesis that this book sets out to
    explore: that tangible and social computing have a common basis; that
    embodiment is the core element they have in common; that embodiment
    is not a new idea, but has been a primary topic for phenomenology;
    and that phenomenology and related investigations of embodiment can
    provide material for developing a foundation for embodied interaction.
    This has all been presented so far in very broad strokes.  The
    chapters to come will explore the issues in a more depth and provide
    much more background.  The two chapters that follow describe the
    recent trends in HCI research that are the starting point for this
    work.  Chapter 2 deals with tangible computing, while chapter 3
    explores social computing.  Each presents both the research and the
    context in which it emerged.  However, they present tangible and
    social computing as self-contained; in chapter 4, we begin to examine
    how they might be brought together, and how ideas from phenomenology
    and other philosophies of presence and experience can be brought to
    bear to understand the relationships between them.  Just as chapters
    2 and 3 try to introduce the set of ideas from tangible and social
    computing that will inform the later discussion, so chapter 4 provides
    an introduction to the phenomenological work that we will draw
    upon later.  With this background, chapter 5 explores the notion of
    embodiment in more depth, drawing out a number of constituent elements
    whose relationships can be used to analyze interaction case studies.
    Chapter 6 builds on this and presents a framework that arranges these
    foundational elements to be able to draw on them for design, and
    chapter 7 points to some future directions.

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