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    Date: Thu, 3 Jan 2002 11:56:22 -0000 
    From: "Loader, Brian" <B.D.Loaderat_private>
    Community Informatics:
    Shaping Computer-Mediated Social Relations
    Edited by Leigh Keeble & Brian D. Loader
    Routledge, 2001
    ISBN 0415231116 (hardcover), 0415231124 (paperback)
    Will the Internet destroy community life or be the catalyst for its
    Community groups, social support networks, voluntary agencies and
    government organisations are all actively exploring the potential of
    the new information and communications technologies (ICTs) to bring
    about democratic development and renewal.  A rich variety of social
    experiments in what has become known as Community Informatics is now
    beginning to provide useful research findings and exciting examples
    of innovative applications.  This book sets down some of the defining
    features of a Community Informatics approach and some of the common
    themes which are emerging.  In particular it considers the following
      * Sustainability
      * Employment
      * Community management
      * Public service provision
      * Partnerships of stakeholders
      * Local learning
      * Social support and networks
    This edited collection brings together leading exponents of Community
    Informatics from around the world and critically evaluates their
    Notes on Contributors
    Preface by Howard Rheingold
    1.	Community Informatics: themes & issues
    	Leigh Keeble & Brian Loader
    2.	Staten Island Stories - handing over the tools of video
    	Perry Bard
    Part 1 -- Communaity Informatics as Place and Space
    3.	Physical Place & Cyberplace: The Rise of Networked Individualism
    	Barry Wellman
    4.	Creating Community in Conspiracy with the Enemy
    	Erik Stolterman
    5.	The Technological Story of a Woman's Centre: A Feminist Model
              of User Centred Design
    	Eileen Green & Leigh Keeble
    6.	The Safety Net? Some reflections on the emergence of computer
              mediated self-help and social support.
    	Nicholas Pleace, Roger Burrows, Brian D Loader, Sarah
              Nettleton & Steve Muncer
    Part 2 -- The Experience of Community Informatics
    7.	Community Networks and Access for all in the Era of the 'Free'
              Internet: "Discovering the Treasure" of community.
    	Fiorella De Cindio, L Ripamonti & G Casapulla.
    8.	On Crafting a Study of Digital Community Networks: theoretical
              and methodological considerations.
    	Nicholas Jankowski, Martine Van Selm & Ed Hollander.
    9.	Community Networking in Russia: identifying the research agenda.
    	Sergei Stafeev 
    10.	Some Lessons of Social Experiments with Technology
    	Birgit Jaeger
    11.	Change Agency and Women's Learning: new practices in Community
    	Anne Scott & Margaret Page
    Part 3 -- Electronic Empowerment and Surveillance
    12.	Social Capital and Cyberpower in the African American Community:
              A case study of a community technology centre in the dual city.
    	Abdul Alkalimat & Kate Williams
    13.	Online Forums as a Tool for People-Centred Governance:
              experiences from local government in Sweden.
    	Agneta Ranerup
    14.	Surveillance in the Community: Community development through
              the use of Closed Circuit Television.
    	C William, R Webster & John Hood
    15.	The Techno-Flaneur: Tele-Erotic Re-Presentations of Women's
              Life spaces
    	Tamara Seabrook & Louise Wattis
    Part 4 -- Policy Implications of Community Informatics
    16.	Community Informatics: Setting out the Research Agenda
    	Mike Gurstein
    17.	Cultivating Society's Civic Intelligence: patterns for a new
              "world brain".
    	Doug Schuler
    18.	Participating in the Information Society: Community
              Development and Social Inclusion
    	Peter Day
    19.	Communities and Community E-Gateways: Networking for Social
    	Sonia Liff & Fred Steward
    Chapter One
    A human being has roots by virtue of his (sic) real, active and
    natural participation in the life of a community which preserves
    in living shape certain particular treasures of the past and certain
    particular expectations for the future.
    (Weil, 1952:41)
    Throughout the world in recent years there has been a dramatic surge
    of activity by hundreds of community groups, social support networks,
    voluntary agencies and government organisations dedicated to exploring
    the transforming qualities of the new information and communications
    technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet for the development, economic
    regeneration, and democratic stimulation of communities.  A rich
    variety of social experiments in what we term Community Informatics
    (CI) are giving community activists, policy-makers and citizens a
    new set of possibilities for fostering social cohesion, strengthening
    neighbourhood ties, overcoming cultural isolation and combating
    social exclusion and deprivation.  For some commentators the new
    media offer us the prospect of resuscitating community life from its
    torpid condition in the modern world (Rheingold 1994; Schuler 1996).
    Computer-mediated social relations are depicted as the conduit through
    which new forms of community structures and culture can evolve through
    spontaneous electronic interaction.
    The rapid convergence of new media such as the Internet, digital TV,
    cell phones and other ICTs is providing a powerful set of tools with
    which to challenge many aspects of our social and economic behaviour.
    In the home, at work and in our public spaces these technologies
    are beginning to facilitate new patterns of social interaction and
    exchange.  By enabling communication between people to be conducted
    across the world at any time they begin to challenge traditional
    distinctions of time and place.  News of human rights violations,
    environmental catastrophes or military aggression can no longer
    be easily suppressed by nation states (Hick et al 2000).  Medical
    advice and social support can be shared across national boundaries
    (Burrows et al 2000).  Remote locations can offer the ideal prospect
    of employment opportunities for tele-working and local economic
    sustainability.  In addition, e-commerce provides the potential for
    producers to access wider markets to sell their goods and services and
    also for greater price responsiveness to customer demands.
    For many commentators the transforming capabilities of the new
    digital media are providing the conditions for an economic and social
    revolution leading to the collapse of the Industrial Society and its
    replacement by the Information Age (Castells, 1996).  At the heart of
    this transition is the creation of a 'global knowledge economy' where
    the communication of information, knowledge and other symbolic goods
    rather than material goods becomes the primary motor for economic
    development.  As a consequence governments and policy makers around
    the world are urgently extolling the need to put their populations
    online by sponsoring awareness raising programmes, computer literacy
    courses, and connecting schools, libraries and other public amenities
    to the Internet (Cabinet Office 2000, HM Treasury 2000, NTIA 2000).
    To be without access to the Web in the Information Age it seems is to
    run the risk of losing competitive advantage in the race for economic
    Yet information, knowledge and its communication are not simply
    economic variables, they are also cultural assets.  They enable us to
    create our identities, develop a shared sense of community, and gain
    an understanding of communities which are different from ourselves.
    The transforming force of the information revolution is not therefore
    primarily technical but rather social and cultural in nature (Loader
    et.  al. 2002).  New forms of computer-mediated-communication (CMC)
    are challenging our self-perceptions and the communities within
    which we interact.  But they are also in turn being shaped by social
    and cultural forces.  The technologies are not inert.  They are not
    independent of the social and cultural conditions from which they
    have emerged.  Rather they are the product of imaginations which are
    themselves formed within complex and dynamic cultural, economic and
    political relations.  The social crucible of technological development
    is therefore both a highly contested space as well as a creative
    one. Competing desires and unequal access to human resources ensures
    that the factors shaping the development and diffusion of community
    informatics are highly unpredictable and not easily determined by
    those who deign to prophesise them.
    Few can now doubt the enormous potential of new information
    and communications technologies (ICTs) such as the Internet for
    facilitating social and economic change.  But are the impressive
    transforming capabilities of this new media likely to regenerate
    community social relations during the next century or are they
    the harbinger of the breakdown of locally based social interaction?
    Can the Internet, for example, strengthen bonds between neighbours,
    provide job opportunities, improve local access to public and
    commercial services, stimulate cultural activities and facilitate
    the creation and communication of information between local residents?
    Or conversely, does online connectivity lead to the replacement of
    face-to-face interaction by an incorporeal communication network?
    (Kraut et al., 1998).  Does remote computer-mediated communication
    (CMC) lead to remoteness between individuals who share the same
    geographical community space? (Haywood, 1998)
    These questions are the primary focus of this book.  Whilst somewhat
    exaggerated in their starkness, they represent significant concerns
    which human societies are currently grappling with as a consequence
    of an uneasy alliance with the new ICTs.  This ambivalence is played
    out through a number of dichotomies which arise from the catalytic
    qualities of the new technologies.  For example, its capacity
    to facilitate the development of a 'global informational economy'
    (Castells 1996) provides great opportunities for opening up world-wide
    economic markets but also for placing many regions into economic
    insecurity as a result of global competition.  A global network
    facilitating contact between millions of people across many nations
    may not only stimulate greater co-operation and understanding but also
    a weakening of national and local cultural differences as we witness
    an increasing cultural homogenisation.  The development of online
    public information services may provide the prospect of improved
    democratic accountability between local citizens and their elected
    representatives but it could also provide the tools for more
    sophisticated management of the population.  Surveillance technologies
    such as CCTV may enable community members to feel safer in their
    streets and homes but the information such technologies procure may
    also threaten people's privacy and freedom from commercial or state
    abuse.  Such competing scenarios are woven throughout the chapters
    contained in this book.
    What is Community Informatics?
    Community Informatics is a multidisciplinary field for the
    investigation and development of the social and cultural factors
    shaping the development and diffusion of new ICTs and its effects upon
    community development, regeneration and sustainability.  It thereby
    combines an interest in the potentially transforming qualities of
    the new media with an analysis of the importance of community social
    relations for human interaction.  Community Informatics is therefore
    concerned to foreground through its analyses the complex dynamic
    relationship between technological innovation and changing social
    relationships.  It pursues this objective by bringing together
    and drawing upon the work of community activists, webmasters
    and Internet enthusiasts, policy makers, digital artists, science
    fiction writers, media commentators and a wide variety of academics
    including sociologists, computer scientists, communications theorists,
    information systems analysts, political scientists, psychologists and
    many more.
    Community informatics is also a broad approach which offers on the
    one hand, the opportunity to investigate the rich diversity of Virtual
    Communities which are forming between normally disparate individuals
    as a consequence of CMC (Smith et al 1999).  Typically these are
    communities of shared interest rather than spatially or geographically
    constructed.  Through a variety of Internet and Web-based technologies
    millions of people are able to interact socially, economically and
    politically around the world in what is popularly known as cyberspace.
    On the other hand, community informatics, as we have noted elsewhere,
    also enables us
      to connect cyber-space to community-place: to investigate how ICTs
      can be geographically embedded and developed by community groups
      to support networks of people who already know and care about each
      other. It thereby recognises both the transforming qualities of ICTs
      as well as the continuing importance of community as an intermediate
      level of social life between the personal (individual/family) and
      the impersonal (insqtitutional/global).  The numerous community
      enthusiasts ... who are building interactive Web sites, virtual chat
      rooms and electronic-lists as tools to support local communication
      between their members, are a striking testament to the value of a CI
      perspective.  (Loader et al. 2000:81)
    Such initiatives however are not uniform in their spread across the
    globe or indeed throughout national populations (Holderness 1998,
    Loader 1998).  At a time when the value of being 'connected to the
    Net' for individual life opportunities is being recognised, there is
    also a growing concern among policy-makers that many countries are
    witnessing a 'digital divide' between those members of society who
    have access to networked computers and the skills to use them and
    a large section of citizens who are excluded from such advantages.
    Given the perceived increasing importance of communications and
    information exchange for job opportunities, educational achievement,
    access to good quality public services, improved independent living
    and economic advantage these divisions between the information rich
    and the information deprived may become reinforced by the manner in
    which the new technologies are designed and dispersed.  Consequently
    many community informatics initiatives often arise as a means to raise
    awareness of the importance of computer literacy to people living
    in deprived areas as well as providing them with communal access and
    training opportunities.
    Yet to be effective in bridging the digital divide CI perspectives
    need to avoid approaches which assume that communities are 'densely-
    knit and tightly bound' (Wellman et al., 1999).  The reality for many
    individuals is that their 'personal communities' are 'sparsely knit
    and loosely bound' (ibid.).  Within these fluid community networks
    the new media provides the opportunities of enabling people to span
    across geographical, social and cultural boundaries and constraints.
    The new media thus offers the potential of being used as a liberating
    and empowering tool by many people and particularly more relevant
    here, for the disadvanted and excluded, to 'challenge entrenched
    positions and structures' (Loader et. al., 2000:87).  The Internet
    and World Wide Web allow individuals access to global information
    and potentially provide a space for participation without preconceived
    socially constructed identities based on gender, age, sexuality,
    ethnicity, disability and the like constraining meaningful
    interaction.  Many of the community informatics initatives mentioned
    in this book demonstrate potential of ICTs to support, strengthen and
    extend individuals 'personal communities'.
    Structure of the book
    The first contribution in the book is from Perry Bard, a video artist
    based in New York.  A key component of the conference, which we held
    in April 2000, was digital arts.  We ran two different digital arts
    projects over the duration of the conference.  Firstly, Perry worked
    with a group of young people aged 16-25 from a local young people's
    project, M@RC.  The young people and Perry spent a couple of days
    with a mini-disc recorder and a digital camera.  The young people and
    Perry then cut together a PowerPoint presentation with words, sounds
    and images which presented the issues which faced young people in
    Middlesbrough.  The piece was presented to the conference participants
    on the final day of the conference.
    The second digital arts project was an artslab in which young
    people aged 11-13 worked with Jen Southern and other artists from
    the IDEA (Innovation in Digital and Electronic Art) project based
    in Manchester, UK.  Jen worked with the young people teaching them
    HTML and scanning in parts of their body and working with the digital
    camera.  Each of the young people participating in the project
    produced their own web page and learnt to use photo-editing software,
    the scanner and the digital camera.  The picture on the cover of this
    book originates from this artslab and we are grateful for opportunity
    to reproduce it.
    Our motive for including the digital arts work in the conference was
    our recognition that arts are potentially a powerful way of engaging
    people with the new technologies.  In particular, we are keen to
    explore how young people might make use of different software and how
    they might use it to give themselves a voice.  Our colleague, Rupert
    Francis, was fundamental in the organising and running of the digital
    arts section of the conference.
    The benefits of working creatively with technology are many.
    Over the course of our work on various projects, our colleagues
    have demonstrated how this work has the potential to boost confidence,
    expand social skills and enhance literacy and numeracy.  Rupert
    Francis and Steve Thompson of CIRA work to promote the idea that
    there is a sense of empowerment in creation, in creating and in being
    creative.  Effective examples of such work can be seen on the Tees
    Valley Communities Online web site at: www.tvco.org.uk.
    The contribution by Perry Bard which follows this chapter describes a
    project in which she worked with a small community to install a piece
    of video art into the Staten Island Ferry Terminal building.  Perry
    describes the processes involved in realising the project and some of
    the problems encountered.  However, despite the difficulties, the end
    result is a piece of work which has given the individuals involved a
    great deal of pleasure and which has undoubtedly taught them some new
    The remainder of the collection has been divided into four parts.
    The first section we have called 'Community Informatics as Place and
    Space' as the essays which form this section explore the relationship
    of physical place to the engagement of individuals within cyberspace.
    In first chapter in this section (chapter three), Barry Wellman
    explores how networks of community exist in physical places and
    how they might be moving to exist in cyberspace.  The relationship
    of cyber-space to cyber-place is important to Wellman.  He argues
    that online relationships and online communities have developed
    their own strength and dynamics.  Wellman identifies that participants
    in online groups have strong interpersonal feelings of belonging,
    being wanted, obtaining important resources, and having a shared
    identity.  For Wellman, these communities are truly in cyber-place,
    and not just cyber-spaces.  Wellman also examines the development of
    computer supported community networks and how this affects access to
    resources.  Wellman focuses on the opportunities and transformations
    for communities afforded by computerised communication networks.
    Chapter four is about the design of the technology by the public.
    Erik Stolterman argues that in a democratic society, a public sphere
    in cyberspace must be defined and designed by the people using that
    sphere.  Stolterman suggests that technology can be deliberately and
    consciously designed by community groups, and in fact, this happens
    every day.  The overall message of this chapter is that technology
    cannot be regarded as a ready-made tool that can be used to create
    The issue of the design of technology is picked up in chapter five.
    Eileen Green and Leigh Keeble use case studies of two women's centres
    from the North East of England and describe how the women themselves
    are taking the new technologies and integrating them into their
    'everyday'.  The chapter addresses the issue of the everyday design
    of technological systems and asks questions about the potential of
    the women in the community groups to become involved in a user-centred
    process of community based design.
    Chapter six looks at the impact of computer mediated social support
    (CMSS).  Nicholas Pleace, Roger Burrows, Brian Loader, Sarah Nettleton
    and Steve Muncer examine the benefits of CMSS and acknowledge its
    potential to enhance the lives of some individuals by offering access
    to communities of interest.  Such communities are potentially of
    particular benefit to individuals who are housebound.  However, the
    authors do express some words of caution and remain critical of the
    ability of CMSS to replace 'real life' social networks or to be the
    only source of information.
    Part two of the collection moves on to explore some real experiences
    of community informatics.  The first chapter in section two by
    Fiorella de Cindio et al. (chapter seven) begins by discussing access
    to the new technologies and the impact of such access on the Milan
    community network.  The chapter then explores how access has been
    facilitated and extended through the design and implementation of a
    game, 'Cyberhunts'.  The chapter describes how 'Cyberhunts' began by
    engaging schools but then moved on to involve other members of the
    wider community as word of its success spread.  The game and process
    described by de Cindio et al.  demonstrates how innovative software
    can be used in an effective way to teach people how to use the
    Internet in an informal and fun way.
    Chapter eight by Nicholas Jankowski, Martine Van Selm and Ed Hollander
    discusses the development of a research project around two digital
    community networks in the Netherlands.  Jankowski et al. do present
    some findings of a preliminary study conducted on one of the community
    networks but the focus of this chapter is on considering theoretical
    perspectives and methodological issues in relation to researching
    community informatics projects.
    The next chapter in this section is a contribution by Sergei Stafeev.
    Stafeev explores the issues around developing a research programme
    which would support the funding of Internet connections for
    non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Russia.  Stafeev's main theme
    is that the Internet potentially offers NGOs in Russia not just access
    to a wide range of information, but more importantly, a networking
    tool which could support Russian NGOs in their work.
    Birgit Jaeger explores in chapter ten the impact of ICT projects
    in Europe and more specifically, Denmark.  Jaeger describes the
    development of 'social experiments' in Denmark and discusses how such
    projects have been evaluated, what lessons have been learned and how
    these lessons have been disseminated to other projects.
    The final chapter in this section examines how to sustain community
    informatics projects in women's centres.  Anne Scott and Margaret
    Page focus on the experience of the 'Women Connect' project and argue
    that online communities need to be built in such a way as to utilize
    face-to-face interaction and political will.
    Section three of the collection brings together chapters which
    tackle the issues of empowerment and surveillance.  Whilst some of
    the chapters in this section do present case study material, their
    main focus is on how technologies can be used to empower individuals
    or communities or how the introduction of CCTV has impacted on a local
    The first chapter in this section, chapter 13, is the contribution
    by Abdul Alkalimat and Kate Williams.  This chapter focuses on the
    experiences of a community technology centre based in Toledo, Ohio.
    The main objective of the chapter is to establish how public computer
    centres can play a role in sustaining the African American freedom
    struggle.  The chapter concludes by drawing out the implications
    of this research both as guidelines for future research but also
    for the public sphere.  Alkalimat and Williams argue that building
    a sustainable democratic equality in the Information Age means
    working and supporting people with information technology in those
    organisations which are already active.
    Agneta Ranerup continues with the theme of democracy in chapter 14.
    Ranerup focuses on whether local government initiatives in Sweden
    established to provide a virtual public space have functioned as
    a tool for people centred governance.  From her survey of local
    government provision in Sweden, Ranerup found that simply establishing
    a space on a local government web site will not suddenly result in
    citizens starting to debate.  Ranerup concludes, like Alkalimat and
    Williams, that without support, these spaces are not sustainable.
    The next two chapters in this section examine the impact of closed
    circuit television (CCTV) in different local communities.  William
    Webster and John Hood argue (chapter 15) that the introduction of CCTV
    into an area is a community informatics initiative as it represents
    the provision of an electronic service to meet local demand.
    Drawing on evidence from a case study based on the Greater Easterhouse
    CCTV system, Webster and Hood suggest that whilst CCTV can be in
    the community, for the community and demanded by the community, it
    inevitably leads to increased surveillance of communities which has
    significant ramifications for democracy and individual privacy.
    The issue of surveillance is further explored by Tamara Seabrook
    and Louise Wattis in chapter 16.  Seabrook and Wattis focus on
    the perceptions of young women to the introduction of CCTV in their
    local community.  They argue that although the young women in their
    sample viewed the cameras as providing them with greater interpersonal
    safety, the reality is that when the nature of public crime is
    deconstructed in relation to gender, this sense of protection that
    CCTV offers is unfounded.  Accordingly, Seabrook and Wattis suggest
    that CCTV represents a 'heightened manifestation of the male gaze'
    which legitimises men watching women.
    The final section in the collection examines the potential research
    and policy agenda of community informatics both in the Europe
    and North America.  Mike Gurstein opens this section (chapter 17)
    by exploring the history of 'citizen technology' and discussing
    strategies for local development by using the new technologies.
    Gurstein addresses some of the outstanding research issues identified
    through his work and concludes by examining some of the future
    implications for research and sustaining community informatics
    Doug Schuler's chapter (chapter 18) is designed to challenge the
    pessimistic and defeatist views of our capabilities to confront
    and overcome many of the social and environmental problems facing
    us.  Through an evocation of earlier utopian visions of human
    society using scientific knowledge and technologies as a means of
    amelioration, Schuler presents us with a new formulation which he
    describes as a 'world brain'.  Whilst such futuristic theorising is
    highly unfashionable the author attempts to ground his idea in the
    work and practices of the social network movement.  In particular,
    Schuler suggests that many of the problems confronting society
    can be understood and challenged by mobilising what he calls 'civic
    intelligence': that is collective knowledge and its communication
    used as a means for collective problem solving.  Such an approach is
    clearly ambitious and Schuler makes no claims for it being a panacea
    for all our ills but for the author, it does represent a positive,
    evidence-based proposal for civic engagement.
    The contribution by Peter Day (chapter 19) draws on a longitudinal
    study of Scandinavian and UK community ICT initiatives to examine
    tensions between policy and some of the attempts to address social
    exclusion through ICT initiatives.  Day describes the UK policy
    environment in relation to ICTs and reflects on these policies.
    Day concludes that despite the rhetoric of UK government policy
    in relation to access and involving citizens in the decision-making
    process, policies remain fundamentally techno-economic,
    i.e. policy-makers regard people in terms of their market potential
    rather than as citizens.  Whilst such an approach is identifiable
    in government policies, Day argues that community efforts to shape
    information society policy will be limited.  He concludes that we must
    establish a framework of methodological tools that informs policy.
    The closing chapter in the collection by Sonia Liff and Fred Steward
    (chapter 20) stresses the importance of social networks to the
    successful operation of what they call 'e-gateways'.  By discussing
    the practitioner literature on community e-gateways and studies of
    actual practice, the authors argue that whilst the importance of
    networking is implicit in much policy advice, its full implications
    are not always drawn out and are actually contradicted by some
    funding regimes.  By using a network mapping approach to provide a
    visual representation of the relationships an organisation, Project
    Cosmic, has with its resource providers and its users, mapped their
    organisation's assets.  However, this mapping is done in a way that
    is informed by the social scientific understanding of different types
    of networks and forms of learning. Liff and Steward argue that such
    analysis might prove useful to centres themselves in identifying areas
    for future development.
    It is hoped that the contributions to this book go some way towards
    demonstrating the rich range of community informatics projects which
    are happening around the world.  We also hope that as the implications
    of living in a global information age become more apparent, the
    research which informs these contributions may help the future
    development and sustainability of community informatics projects.

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