Land and Cisco Routers.

From: Eric Thacker (ericat_private)
Date: Thu Nov 20 1997 - 22:38:10 PST

  • Next message: Stefan Stefanov: "land protection for cisco"

    I just tested land.c on a cisco 753 router running version 4.0 of the os.
    It DID freeze the router when I hit it on port 23.  The router wasn't able
    to reach the internal lan or the wan and some lights on the front of the
    router were frozen also.  I couldn't ping or telnet to the router, the
    only way to restart it is a hard reboot.
    If anyone knows if this also affects larger cisco routers (1000 series
    through 7500) let me know or post it back here on bugtraq.  As you can
    see, there is a great potential of damage using this bug seeing as many of
    the internet backbones are made up of cisco routers.
    Eric Thacker              |   -= Stupid unix command #47 =-
    System Administrator      |     $ drink < bottle; opener
    Caffrey/Digilink Networks |     bottle: cannot open
    ericat_private          |     opener: not found

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