Re: "LAND" Attack Update

From: Charles M. Hannum (mycroftat_private)
Date: Sun Nov 23 1997 - 00:34:07 PST

  • Next message: Matthew Dillon: "Re: "LAND" Attack Update"

    [CCing this to bugtraq to prevent further confusion...]
    Don Lewis <Don.Lewisat_private> writes:
    > On Nov 22,  2:19pm, "Charles M. Hannum" wrote:
    > }
    > } The changes we've made in NetBSD to deal with the `land' attack are:
    > }
    > } 1) If a socket in LISTEN state receives a SYN+ACK packet, then send a
    > }    RST and drop the packet.
    I suppose I was being imprecise here.  If we created a TCP control
    block when replying to a SYN-only packet, then it would be in
    SYN-RECEIVED state.  However, we don't.  What we actually find when we
    do the lookup is the LISTEN socket.  If you have a TCP control block
    for embryonic connections, then you should do the `drop with reset'
    for either LISTEN or SYN-RECEIVED state.
    > I've heard reports of rumors of problems caused by sending SYN+ACK
    > packets to LISTENing sockets (and there is supposed to be a note about
    > this in "TCP/IP Illustrated Volume 3", which I don't yet have), but in
    > what way is the following code inadequate?
    > [...]
    >         case TCPS_LISTEN: {
    > [...]
    >                 if (tiflags & TH_ACK)
    >                         goto dropwithreset;
    The original 4.4BSD (and earlier) code finds a different socket at
    this point, which is in SYN-RECEIVED state.  The above code doesn't
    handle that case.

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