More telnet Daemon Fun

From: Aaron Campbell (aaronat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 18:29:21 PST

  • Next message: Elliot Lee: "Re: More telnet Daemon Fun"

    Regarding user-supplied terminfo files...
    |autopsy!user52810at_private| suggested this feature, as found
    in the terminfo man page, might be malaciously used in a custom
    terminfo file:
              -np          Number of pages of memory            c100-4p
    Possibile to crash a machine using this? Anyone?
    Thanks to Jason Parsons <rootat_private> for pointing this one out:
    [fx@somehost fx]$ export DISPLAY=""
    [fx@somehost fx]$ telnet .
    Connected to ..
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Red Hat Linux release 4.2 (Biltmore)
    Kernel 2.0.30 on an i586
    telnet> send esc
    telnet> quit
    Connection closed.
    [fx@somehost fx]$ export DISPLAY="1234567890123456789012345678901234567890123
    [fx@somehost fx]$ telnet .
    Connected to ..
    Escape character is '^]'.
    Segmentation fault (core dumped)
    [fx@somehost fx]$ ls -l core
    -rw-------   1 fx       nnh        315392 Dec  1 21:51 core
    [fx@somehost fx]$
    That's 256 characters up there, BTW. Also, note we're setting the DISPLAY
    variable this time, not TERM.
    Lastly, while doing some testing, I discovered that setting my TERM
    variable to a 256-character string under Solaris 2.5.1 caused my bash
    shell session to crash, dump core and log me out. This may or may not have
    been mentioned on Bugtraq before, and may or may not be due to missing
    Pardon my vagueness, but I've been swamped lately and really don't have
    much time to explore these problems in more detail.
      .  _  _  _ _ . .   _ _ .  . _  _  _ . .
     :  |-||-||<|_||\|  |_|-||\/||-'|->|_-|_|_  Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS
      `--------------------------------------------- [fx!aaronat_private] ----

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