Communicator 4.04 little bug

From: Kenobi (kenobiat_private)
Date: Sun Dec 07 1997 - 10:34:30 PST

  • Next message: Geoffrey King: "Microsoft, CNET, BUGTRAQ and the 'land' attack"

    i was testing some stuff with Digest Authentication and notice this little
    problem with Communicator 4.04 (Tested on Linux and NT). IE3.02 (the only
    available around here) does not experience this problem.
    Apparently Communicator does not suport Digest Auth but it still accepts
    the challenge. After the user enter his username and password, Communicator
    sends it to the server but obfuscated with Basic.
    Now, if you set up a site protected with Digest, you would expect the
    password not to travel plaintext (basic is plaintext) on the network, but
    that is what happens.
    the correct procedure would be to fail right there when he receives the
    WWW-Authenticate: Digest header, like IE does.
    Kenobi, JAPH BOFH Not-Eng
     -- I dunno, I dream in Perl, sometimes -- LWall

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