Re: CERT Advisory CA-97.27 - FTP_bounce

From: Kev (klmitchat_private)
Date: Thu Dec 11 1997 - 12:34:08 PST

  • Next message: Barry Irwin: "Re: CERT Advisory CA-97.27 - FTP_bounce"

    > The problem is that this is all after authenticating the user, so
    > anyone could have anyones data, even if it needs one time passwords,
    > and so on.
    > The only hope to avoid this is just hoping that's a too small chance to
    > get to the server before the attacker, since there is a time window,
    > and the port number is also a secret.  (Un)fortunately, there are only
    > 65536 ports, and many servers schedule port numbers sequentially.  Now,
    > one only needs to be so lucky to race someone with a passive
    > connection.
    There's another way, set forth in RFC-2228.  Versions of the client and
    server for UNIX exist and are shipped with the Kerberos source tree.
    Additionally, I am working on putting the appropriate support (for GSSAPI)
    into wu-ftpd.  Using these extensions, the data can be transfered encrypted;
    the attack is then reduced to a denial of service attack, as the receiver
    can't do anything with the data he obtained.
    Kevin L. Mitchell                                            klmitchat_private
    -------------------------  -. .---- --.. ..- -..-  -------------------------
    MIT Kerberos Development Team                           Work: (617) 253-9483              PGP keys available upon request

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