Re: To kill a sun:

From: Darren Reed (avalonat_private)
Date: Sun Dec 14 1997 - 18:26:56 PST

  • Next message: J. Sean Connell: "Re: visible passwd bug in kdm ?"

    [...kerberos comments deleted...]
    For the unitiated, during the Solaris 2.4(?) patch cycle, telnetd and
    rlogind became a "twp part program".  There is a STREAMS module which
    is pushed onto the TCP and TTY STREAMS.  The push is done by the binary
    which is run by inetd.  I imagine the Kerberos bins don't have another
    half which are STREAMS modules.  This split and use of STREAMS modules
    is to increase resposiveness with telnet/rlogin connections for servers
    with large numbers (100s) of users telnet'ting in by removing the need
    for context switches to copy data from tty to TCP connection.
    If anyone has an old Solaris 2.4 or 2.3 system, which doesn't have this
    enhancement present, it might be worthwhile to see if the ^D problem is

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