Re: Vulnerabilities in ICQ

From: Solar Designer (solarat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 16 1997 - 15:20:41 PST

  • Next message: Andreas Jaeger: "Re: Buffer Overruns in RedHat 5.0"

    > The Client-To-Client Protocol used by ICQ is even worse.  It does no
    > authentication of any kind and places all trust in the client.  Spoofing
    > messages  from arbitrary ICQ users is easy, as is sending file and chat
    > requests.  Even worse, if the client gets anything it doesn't expect it
    > crashes(!) sometimes taking Windows with it.
    Spoofing chat requests? Crashes?
    00422D4D                 lea     ecx, [ebp-118h]
    00422D53                 push    dword ptr [esi+18h]
    00422D56                 push    offset aTheFollowingRe
    00422D5B                 push    ecx
    00422D5C                 call    ds:sprintf
    004B58F8 aTheFollowingRe db 0Dh,0Ah              ; DATA XREF: _text:00422D56o
    004B58F8                 db 'The following reason for a chat request was given: ',0Dh,0Ah
    004B58F8                 db ' %s',0Dh,0Ah,0
    Unless there's bound checking done before we get here, this overflow is
    exploitable -- the buffer is on the stack. I'm too lazy to boot Windows
    to check now.
    Anyway, there're 100+ references to sprintf() and strcpy() in ICQ, at least
    some of these have to be exploitable. IDA (the disassembler) is even able to
    detect standard MSVC functions, so you get symbolic names for them right
    after the disassembly, and can open a window with the cross references list.
    Solar Designer

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