Re: debian pppd chatscript

From: Wichert Akkerman (wichertat_private)
Date: Tue Dec 16 1997 - 09:01:12 PST

  • Next message: Cristian Gafton: "Re: Buffer Overruns in RedHat 5.0"

    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    Previously Stephen Hardman wrote:
    > I should probably send it off to a debian bug/security
    > list as well... but it's quite relavent here.
    We received it.
    > This didn't happen until I recently reinstalled Debian.
    There was a bug in one of the Debian packages with the example
    chatscript. The error was that there was a line like the following:
    assword:                \qPaSsWoRd\q
    Since \q is a toggle, the second \q toggles the do-no-display flag
    and the password is faithfully echoed to the syslog.
    Please check if you did not make the same error in your script.
    We cannot check anything without some more information.
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