Re: bonk.c

From: Jord Sonneveld (jsonneveat_private)
Date: Sat Jan 10 1998 - 19:19:09 PST

  • Next message: Kosmas Skiadopoulos: "Re: Addendum to FrontPage password issue"

    Using boink.c (a modified bonk, available from,
    I noticed that not all Win95/NT boxes come to a screeching halt.
    Sometimes, 95 and NT time out for a while, mouse moves slow, etc. I have
    only tested this on machines with ALL the latest patches applied. The
    machines were pretty much identical and I do not know why some timed out
    and some crashed with regular boink.
    However, when I specified as the source address for the packet,
    I got a very pretty blue screen in every case (which for me is five 95
    boxes and four NT boxes).
    My options for boink scanned between ports 1 and 27000, sending 1 packet.

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