Re: GCC 2.7.? /tmp files

From: Perry E. Metzger (perryat_private)
Date: Sun Jan 18 1998 - 18:18:44 PST

  • Next message: Micha³ Zalewski: "MC shell scripts"

    Theo de Raadt writes:
    > In OpenBSD we have fixed hundreds of these /tmp races.  I do not
    > believe there is a simple answer.
    I believe there is.
    General publically writable /tmp directories are bad. Systems should
    move towards using /tmp/${USER}/ directories on a per-user basis, with
    these directories being only touchable by the user. These would cut,
    in a gordion knot fashion, literally hundreds of exploits that have
    shown up in dozens of places.
    I believe, btw, that a similar general fix might help out the
    spate of /var/mail security problems.

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