Announcement: Phrack 52

From: routeat_private
Date: Mon Jan 26 1998 - 11:08:47 PST

  • Next message: Rahul Sahadevan: "Re: Xserver stack smashed"

     ------------------------------[ PHRACK MAGAZINE ]----------------------------
        Janurary 26, 1998
        Phrack Magazine is absolutely giddy to announce the release of our lastest
        offering, issue 52.  In this spectacular issue you will find a wide
        assortment of articles on several fascinating topics, including:
        steganography thumbprinting, kernel level security, kernel level
        insecurity, O/S development, and yes, Virginia, we have some phone stuff.
        Phrack Magazine can be harvested from the following sites:
        You may contact the Phrack Staff at the following email addresses:
        Submissions: phrackeditat_private
        Commentary: loopbackat_private
        Publicist: dangergrlat_private
        Phrack World News: disorderat_private
        Editor in Chief: routeat_private
    " ...The anti-Christ, if you get me in a vendetta kinda mood... You can tell
     the angels in Heaven you never saw evil so singularly personified as you
     did in the face of the man who killed you... "

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