Bug in IMail's pop3d32.exe

From: RHS Linux User (jamesat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 29 1998 - 10:21:33 PST

  • Next message: Theo de Raadt: "Re: GZEXE - the big problem"

    The platform: Windows NT 4.00 with service pack 3
    Imail popd version:
    +OK X1 NT-POP3 Server abraham.integrityonline10.com (IMail 4.02 38-3)
    The problem:
      There appears to be a problem with IMail's pop3 server for Windows NT. If
    you connect to the pop3 port (110 for those kiddies out there) and send a
    very long USER string such as: USER NNNNNNNNNNNNNN<a few thousand more>, the
    pop3 daemon will jump to 99% CPU usage and stay. I am at work and I don't
    have the time to investigate it more fully. The pop3 daemon will still
    accept connections, however the computer is slowed down greatly. I have not
    tested other daemons in Imail's package such as IMAP or SMTP.

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