Wingate abuse problems continue.

From: Alan Brown admin access (Alanat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 05 1998 - 07:49:00 PST

  • Next message: Micha³ Zalewski: "vixie-cron 3.0.1 & quota overriding (fixed)"

    A heads up for the list's readers.
    We saw the response to complaints about Wingate's default settings
    from Wingate's authors several months ago.
    As a reminder, Wingate is a product to allow IP masquerading
    through a windows 95 platform. Unfortunately  by default it binds
    to ALL network ports, including the WAN port.
    Wingate is being used extensively by IRC abusers and is starting to
    be used heavily by SMTP abusers (ie, Spammers) via the open Socks
    port on dialup modem connections.
    As far as I can see, from the point of view of abuse control,
    wingate is currently a disaster for anyone trying to track abusers.
    It doesn't log connects by default, so the only way the abusers
    can be traced is via the netstat command on the victim win95
    machine - and most win95 users being relayed through don't have
    enough of a clue to be able to do this, let alone know that they're
    being used as pawns in attacks.
    IRC abuse via Wingates appears to be increasing exponentially as
    more and more abuse scripts appear which use them. Several seen
    recently will connect to 50 or more machines in order to effect
    denial of service attacks on IRC users and services. Presumably the
    same rapid increase will soon be seen in SMTP relaying attacks.

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