Xconfigurator tmp files

From: Wojciech Bojdol (wojboj@TAB-TRONIK.COM.PL)
Date: Thu Feb 05 1998 - 22:59:46 PST

  • Next message: Trevor Fiatal: "Re: Wingate abuse problems continue."

    When I run Xconfigurator yesterday I checked /tmp...
    I saw, that it is making 2 type of tmp files
    XF86Config.tmp and dumbconfig.1 (.2 or sometimes .3)
    I maked link to another file:
    ln -s somefileicreated XF6Config.tmp
    ln -s anotherfile dumbconfig.1
    and when I run Xconfigurator I saw that it overwrites this files
    (somefileicreated and anotherfile).
    I saw that it creates it only when it runs X -probe
    So running Xconfigurator on multi-user system is dangerous...
    |                                                                       |
    |               life's brutal and full of zasadzkas                     |
    |                       wojboj@tab-tronik.com.pl                        |

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