Breaking SMB signing and other holes

From: Paul Ashton (paulat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 06 1998 - 09:50:59 PST

  • Next message: M S Anam: "Re: vixie cron 3.0.1 continued"

    In implementing NT domain control for Samba, the requirement to
    authenticate users connecting to a share that isn't on a DC
    just came up.
    The protocol works something like this:-
    Client accesses SMB file server requesting access to a particular
    share. The file server responds with an 8 byte challenge and
    the client replies with a 24 byte challenge response. Obviously
    these are transmitted in the clear.
    The file server not being a domain controller, forwards the
    challenge and response and the user name to the DC. The DC
    possesses the users password hash and therefore can determine
    whether the response is an authentic computation of
    the challenge.
    Now comes the interesting bit. If the DC authenticates the
    challenge response, it replies with an NT session key and
    an LM session key. You can read all about these session
    keys in:-
    These session keys are encrypted with the RC4 session key
    between the file server and the DC.
    Some of you will now be thinking "hang on a minute,
    the server has just authenticated someone based on a
    chosen challenge and response...". Obviously if you
    sniff the net you can gather as many challenge/response
    pairs as you wish and replay them. We'll come back to this.
    The interesting thing is that the DC sends the two
    session keys based purely on the knowledge of a
    challenge/response pair. What are these two session
    One is MD4(MD4(Unicode(password)), i.e. MD4(nthash),
    the other is the first half of your lmhash. i.e.
    if your password is 7 characters or less, this is
    your password equivalent. Let me just emphasise
    this. If I sniff the network and learn a challenge
    response pair I can ask the domain controller to
    send me the two session keys. If the password is
    7 characters or less I can impersonate them at will.
    I posted a patch to Samba that does this on the
    ntbugtraq list a few months ago.
    Where does SMB signing come in? SMB message
    authentication is based on producing a MAC with
    MD5(K,text), where K is formed from the appropriate
    session key and the response to the challenge. All
    of this information is either visible on the wire
    or you can ask the DC to send it to you.
    The only thing you need for these attacks is to
    be able to communicate over a secure channel with
    the DC. You will be able to do this if you have
    administrative access to your own machine and
    grab the workstation trust account password. You
    can get admin access to your own machine by using
    the proxy method I mentioned previously, or any
    method of your choosing.
    I'm sure people will be able to come up with all
    sorts of other horrible implications of this.
    Note: I don't have any code to exploit any of this,
    but it would be quite easy to put into Samba, so
    if anyone from Microsoft would like to refute any
    of this, please go ahead.

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