Re: Windows 95 Serv-U FTP bug

From: Alan Thew (Alan.Thewat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 06 1998 - 10:30:55 PST

  • Next message: Mudgenski Von Splat: "SMB signing NT chall / response"

    The author (I'm just a customer, no financial stake etc. sent with
    permission) says:
    "I've run the program, and it does indeed kill Serv-U on Win95 on a fast
    link. From the looks of it sofar it seems the Win95 socket stack is to
    blame. It never even goes into actual Serv-U code when it crashes, but
    stays in system drivers."
    Alan Thew                                       alan.thewat_private
    Computing Services,University of Liverpool      Fax: +44 151 794-4442
    On Thu, 5 Feb 1998, tl wrote:
    > This program doesn't do anything to my Serv-U program.  I can see the
    > garbage flooding, however when I break out of serv-who.c, serv-u continues
    > to run normally without any crash or system slowdown.  I'm running win95
    > osr2 on a PPro 150, and ServU version 2.0c 32bit.  This is an older version
    > so perhaps that's the reason ..
    > -----Original Message-----
    > >Hello,
    > >After reading an earlier message, Windows 95/NT War FTPD 1.65 Buffer
    > >Overflow, I thought I might play around with some other Windows ftp
    > >servers.  One problem I found was in Serv-U FTP by Cat-Soft
    > ><>.  After you connect instead of sending the normal
    > >USER then PASS, you can send garbage.  And if you send alot of garbage at a
    > >high speed Serv-U will stop responding to mouse clicks and after a short
    > >amount of time will crash and give you this:
    > >
    > >SERV-U32 caused a stack fault in module KERNEL32.DLL at 014f:bff9a08c.
    > >Registers:
    > >EAX=005e2084 CS=014f EIP=bff9a08c EFLGS=00000246
    > >EBX=17bf0514 SS=0157 ESP=005e2080 EBP=005e20d4
    > >ECX=005e2098 DS=0157 ESI=81628c70 FS=2347
    > >EDX=ffffffff ES=0157 EDI=0000ffff GS=0000
    > >Bytes at CS:EIP:
    > >5e 8b e5 5d c2 10 00 64 a1 00 00 00 00 55 8b ec
    > >Stack dump:
    > >00000001 c00000fd 00000000 00000000 bff9a08c 00000000 01570157 01870028
    > >17bf0b6a c10fabe8 16c70001 80dc0014 16e73a45 00040000 02000000 bff97fdc
    > >
    > >Why it does this I have no idea.  It only acts this way in the windows 95
    > >version.  Under NT the cpu usage goes up to 100%, but no crash.  Alot of
    > >times even after the crashed Serv-U has closed, Windows is still slow to
    > >non responsive.
    > >
    > >And here is the program I used, not pretty but it works:
    > >

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