Re: Another problem

From: carsonat_private
Date: Sat Feb 07 1998 - 17:02:31 PST

  • Next message: Aleph One: "Re: Another problem"

    >>>>> "Solar" == Solar Designer <solarat_private> writes:
    Solar> Is there a reason for this limited LD_PRELOAD support for setuid binaries,
    Solar> does something depend on it? It looks like this was done intentionally...
    Yes. SOCKSifying stupid protocols that require binding ports <1024, for
    example. Assuming you install in /usr/lib, you can do:
    $ (export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/; rsh machine.outside.firewall
    and have it work. This is basically what the runsocks script does.
    Carson Gaspar -- carsonat_private carsonat_private carsonat_private
    Queen Trapped in a Butch Body

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