Re: ld confusion

From: Cristian Gafton (gaftonat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 11 1998 - 07:53:51 PST

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    On Tue, 10 Feb 1998, Aleph One wrote:
    > The GNU dynamic linker in a similar move ignored LD_PRELOAD for
    > setuid/guid binaries. Ulrich Drepper changed it to allow loading
    > "securely" libraries from LD_PRELOAD for setuid/gid programs on Jan 20,
    > 1997 (version???).
    ... Move that was debated to death on glibc mailing lists. At Red Hat we
    have patched out that "feature". The updated glibc we provide on our
    updates dir ignores LD_PRELOAD for setuid/giod programs unless they are
    run by root.
    > The correct solution is to ignore
    > LD_PRELOAD for setuid/gid program
    Cristian Gafton   --   gaftonat_private   --   Red Hat Software, Inc.
     UNIX is user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.

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