Important Comments re: Intrusion Detection

From: tqbfat_private
Date: Fri Feb 13 1998 - 09:58:46 PST

  • Next message: Paul Leach: "Fix for SMB DOS attack posted"

    After some disturbing conversations with IDS software vendors, we've come
    to the conclusion that there is quite a good deal of misunderstanding
    surrounding our paper and it's relevance to intrusion detection. We
    understand and appreciate the fact that the information we're providing is
    wrapped up in a long and detailed technical report, and feel that it'd be
    best to clarify the issues publically.
    The first and most important point that we feel a need to convey is that
    we REALLY ARE saying that sniffer-driven intrusion detection systems
    are fundementally flawed, and (from what we can tell at this point) cannot
    work in the manner they are advertised to.
    The next important statement we're making is that ALL the systems we
    reviewed have bugs that will currently allow an attacker to silently slip
    past them. The bugs we conclusively identified and tested in our paper
    are not due to fundemental flaws in protocol analysis, but rather to an
    apparently remarkable lack of software testing applied to these products.
    Some of the problems we identified can be fixed. For instance, one way to
    evade all of the ID systems we tested was to send traffic in IP-fragmented
    packets. This is due to the fact that (with the exception of Network
    Flight Recorder), none of the vendors we tested thought to implement IP
    fragmentation reassembly in their products. We expect that, in light of
    the seriousness of these issues, most IDS vendors will have working
    fragmentation reassembly implemented soon.
    However, we do not see a way in which sniffer-driven ID systems can
    accurately detect SPECIFIC TYPES of attacks in IP traffic. We are not
    contesting the fact that it is possible to detect traffic that is likely
    "malicious", and we are not saying that it is impossible to detect the
    fact that a network is being attacked. The issue is that sniffers cannot
    isolate (most types of) specific attacks from any other type of attack.
    The reasoning behind this (clearly bold) statement is that there are
    ambiguities stemming from the meaning of individual packets that can only
    be resolved with secondary sources of information. For instance, there are
    situations in which you can only determine conclusively what a packet
    means if you know what operating system is running on the destination
    The technical basis for this (particular) problem is that different
    operating systems have different, slightly nonstandard TCP/IP
    implementations. The inconsistancies between different operating system
    TCP/IP implementations and the implementation of the IDS can be exploited.
    This is one of the fundemental technical points of our paper.
    Another misconception being propagated by one of the vendors mentioned in
    our paper is that the paper is either a "commercial review" of ID systems
    (with rankings, point scores, and purchasing recommendations), or a
    "comprehensive assessment" of the tested ID systems. Neither of these
    statements are accurate, and both are immensely damaging to the security
    The reason we mentioned specific ID systems in the paper was because we
    felt our points would be driven home best by providing empirical evidence
    of the types of bugs we demonstrated. Because the paper is a technical
    report, meant to provide information to the community about intrusion
    detection technology, we provided some comparitive analysis between
    different systems (ie, "it is interesting that system X implemented this
    function in this manner, as opposed to function Y").
    However, one thing we specifically did NOT do was recommend any one system
    over another. The only technically credible statement that can be made
    about the results of our (cursory) comparitive analysis is that we
    recommend Network Flight Recorder as a result of their (excellent) policy
    of providing free source code to the public. In terms of actual
    performance and reliability, no system did "better" or "worse" than any
    other. All had basic, devastating bugs, and all systems (when used as
    network intrusion detection systems) have fundemental problems that we
    don't expect to see fixed any time soon.
    Another thing we did NOT do was provide a comprehensive security analysis
    of different ID systems. This is always an important point to make when
    discussing the publication of security flaws in software, because it is
    easy to think that the release of security vulnerability information means
    that there are no other problems that we could have identified in the
    product other than those we explained.
    This was a technical paper, not an audit report. There are likely numerous
    other problems with all the systems we tested, just as it is likely that
    there are numerous problems in any piece of network software. What the
    industry needs to see happen is comprehensive testing of products; when
    this happens, some claims about the overall reliability and security of
    these intrusion detection systems will be credible. Until then, we can
    only continue to point out the specific problems.
    Thanks for listening to this. The feedback we've received has been
    encouraging and appreciated, and we welcome as much input as you can
    possibly provide us with. One thing the security community certainly
    cannot be harmed by is public discussion, scrutiny, and peer review. Just
    as (we feel) the community has benefited from our contributions to the
    review of security products, it will benefit from your contributions to
    the review of the validity of our results.
    Have a great weekend.
    Thomas H. Ptacek                                        Secure Networks, Inc.
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