Re: Quake 2 Linux 3.13 (and lower) allow users to read arbitrary

From: William T Wilson (fluffyat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 25 1998 - 11:52:15 PST

  • Next message: Dave: "Q2-wrapper make Quake2 behave"

    On Wed, 25 Feb 1998 kevingeoat_private wrote:
    > Vulnerable:
    > Everyone who followed the installation instructions and made Quake2 setuid
    > root.
    To the best of my knowledge, Quake2 suffers from the same bug that squake
    suffers from.  You can use the -gamedir option (or its quake 2 equivalent)
    to make squake cough up a root shell using a standard buffer overflow
    exploit.  I don't believe Zoid altered this for quake 2.  I don't think he
    cares about security at all.
    I wouldn't install anything of Zoid's setuid root without making it
    group-owned by a trusted group and mode 4750.
    This new exploit of yours even allows you to do evil things with Zoidware
    even if it is installed with a wrapper.  :\  (Unless you want to make your
    wrapper check all the file permissions too)

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