updatedb stuff

From: Cain (cainat_private)
Date: Mon Mar 02 1998 - 16:55:27 PST

  • Next message: Dean Gaudet: "Re: strcpy versus strncpy"

    >I should point out that it's actually /bin/sort that creates these
    >files.  The Solaris /bin/sort does the same, last I checked, which
    >probably means most Unix implementations of sort do the same.
    >Whether other implementations of sort are smarter than GNU sort with
    >symlinks, etc., I don't know.
    I can verify that it works on FreeBSD 2.2.2.  I'm not sure if GNU's sort
    is used here, but it will overwrite a file. A possible fix for this is
    simple to not run updatedb as root, unfortunatly RedHat has it run as root
    in the crontab :
    02 1 * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.daily
    This is the directory where updatedb is called from.

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