Re: another /tmp race: `perl -e' opens temp file not safely

From: stanislav shalunov (shalunovat_private)
Date: Sun Mar 08 1998 - 00:38:20 PST

  • Next message: Theo de Raadt: "Re: another /tmp race: `perl -e' opens temp file not safely"

    This is starting to get off topic, I am afraid, but still...
    >>>>> "deraadt" == Theo de Raadt <deraadtat_private> writes:
     >> All this complexity of trivial things (just open a temp file) is
     >> one of the reasons I think the whole idea of /tmp is a fundamental
     >> misdesign and eventually one should be able to chmod it to 755
     >> (while programs should use per-user TMPDIRs).
     deraadt> Which, as I've said before, works REALLY well for setuid
     deraadt> programs.
     deraadt> Imagine:
     deraadt> TMPDIR=/
     deraadt> Or how would you solve that problem?
    You probably mean rather something like
            TMPDIR=$HOME/tmp privileged & symlink_exploit
    or I did not understand your argument.
    In fact what I had in mind was _not_ honoring TMPDIR environment
    variable but rather some fixed-dir mechanism (or at least TMPDIR does
    not to be set by default but supported for flexibility--/home almost
    full or want to use a local drive rather than something NFS mounted).
    The good old 1777 /tmp is still necessary in Unix environments (to get
    rid of the beast completely one will have to change a lot of stuff).
    The pseudocode to decide where to store temp files might look like
    (its place is in the function that all mktemp style functions call):
            home = euid's home dir from /etc/passwd
            homeok = ((home is writable for euid) and
                      (home/tmp doesn't exist or is a dir writable for euid))
            groupok = (egid == gid) or (euid != uid)
            noprivs = (egid == gid) and (euid == uid)
            if noprivs and environment TMPDIR is set then
              tmpdir = $TMPDIR
              if tmpdir and everything above is writable only by their owners then
                safe = true
                safe = false
            else if homeok and groupok then
              tmpdir = home/.tmp
              safe = true
              tmpdir = /tmp
              safe = false
            if tmpdir doesn't exist then
              /* They could spot a race here, but what for?  Or are there
                 any OSes that will follow symlinks creating dirs? */
              success = mkdir tmpdir with perms 0700
              assert success
            if not safe then
              make all calls not considered secure log something
              /* logging without openlog() first */
            generate unique filename in tmpdir
    Well, something like this.  It should make most /tmp problems go away.
    The only programs that will still be vulnerable with this approach--if
    they do not use (a call using) O_EXCL--will be those that are setgid
    or those that are setuid to a user with a wierd home (like bin or
    httpd or ftp).  So, in practice, only setgid programs (because of the
    fact groups do not have homes) and third party stuff with hardcoded
    /tmp will be suspect.  There is only a very limited number of setgid
    programs.  And they all are in the OS so they can be audited.  Many
    problems with third-party software are solved (if some third party
    program has /tmp hardcoded and insists on insecure running you'll at
    least get log notices).
    With this approach you win some robustness and lose nothing (except
    inodes for ~/.tmp--like 500K of disk space on a machine with 1000
    users and a reasonable filesystem as ~/.tmp will normally be empty
    [clean them on boot and delete files with [ca]time a few days old via
    a cron job]).

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