Security problem in Slackware.

From: Suman_Saraf (ssarafat_private)
Date: Wed Mar 11 1998 - 01:42:38 PST

  • Next message: Alan Cox: "Re: the purpose of dynamic memory allocation"

    I just found out that the setup program in slackware creates a file called
    hdtest in /tmp  without checking for its existence.
    So a malicious user could just create a symlink to any root owned file and
    it will get fucked up when the administrator runs setup.
    In my case I just created a symlink to /etc/passwd and when I exit the
    setup the file contains only "EXIT" :-)
    Lemme know if something has been done about it already.
             Suman Saraf                  Software Engineer
                   Mobile Satellites Project
                    Hughes Software Systems
               Plot 31,Sector 18,Electronic City,Gurgaon.
                   Tel:011-91-343703 Ext: 2423
           PGP Keys on Request.

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